Nepali teachers develop united front in the face of growing privatisation

Asia/República Federal Democrática de Nepal/PrensaIE

Resumen: Frente a la falta de voluntad política para reforzar el derecho del niño a la educación, líderes de la educación de Nepal se están uniendo a la campaña de Respuesta Global de Educación Internacional a la acción colectiva para cambiar el rumbo de la privatización. Los líderes de la Asociación (NNTA), los maestros de la Asociación Nacional de Maestros de Nepal (NTA) y el Sansthagat Vidyalaya Schickshak Unión Nepal (ISTU) se están centrando en hacer un frente común ante la falta de fondos suficientes asignados a la educación pública, y el hecho de no cotar con los proveedores del estado para cumplir con las regulaciones existentes, tales como la Ley de Educación.

Confronted by a lack of political will to reinforce children’s right to education, Nepal’s education leaders are joining Education International’s Global Response campaign to take collective action to turn the tide of privatisation.

Leaders of the Nepal National Teachers’ Association (NNTA), the Nepal Teachers’ Association (NTA) and the Sansthagat Vidyalaya Schickshak Union Nepal (ISTU) are focusing on addressing  the lack of adequate funding allocated to public education, and the failure of non-state providers to comply with existing regulations, such as the Education Act.

The decision to pool together efforts and resources came during a recent Global Response planning meeting with Education International (EI)on the 4-5 March in Kathmandu.

The thee EI affiliates committed themselves to jointly lead a national campaign to strengthen the public education system and challenge the privatisation of education, putting pressure on the government to fulfil its obligation to provide free quality public education for all, and guarantee that all education providers of education follow minimum standards.Their joint action strategy also plans for them to advocate for a legislative framework needed to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goal 4.

Fuente: file:///home/mfigueroa/Escritorio/Education%20International%20-%20Nepali%20teachers%20develop%20united%20front%20in%20the%20face%20of%20growing%20privatisation.html

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