Young people could destabilise Africa

Africa/Abril de 2017/Fuente: News 24

RESUMEN: La falta de puestos de trabajo y la desilusión con los líderes políticos pueden formar una «cerveza tóxica», que empuja a más jóvenes africanos a emigrar oa unirse a grupos extremistas violentos, dijo el viernes la fundación del multimillonario filántropo Mo Ibrahim. La creciente población joven de África podría desestabilizar a los países de todo el continente y desafiar el crecimiento económico si los jóvenes no tienen educación y oportunidades de empleo, dijo el informe publicado esta semana. La población joven del continente casi duplicará a 452 millones en 2050, de 230 millones en 2015, y uno de cada dos africanos tendrá menos de 25 años, según el informe. Muchos jóvenes podrían ser atraídos hacia la escalada de la violencia militante en África y el aumento de la migración a Europa a través del Mediterráneo, dijo Richard Murray de la fundación.

A lack of jobs and disillusion with political leaders may form a “toxic brew”, driving more young Africans to migrate or join violent extremist groups, billionaire philanthropist Mo Ibrahim’s foundation said on Friday.

Africa’s booming young population could destabilise countries throughout the continent and challenge economic growth if young people are not provided with education and job opportunities, said the report published this week.

The continent’s young population will almost double to 452 million by 2050, from 230 million in 2015, and one in two Africans will be under the age of 25, according to the report.

Many young people could be drawn towards escalating militant violence in Africa and rising migration to Europe via the Mediterranean, said Richard Murray of the foundation.

“The most striking aspect of this research is the importance of the choice facing African young people on a continent where terrorist attacks have grown by 1 000% over the past decade,” said Murray, acting head of research at the foundation.

“Engaging young people will determine the future of the more than 2.4 billion people who will live on the continent in 2050.”

Observers from investment bankers to management consultants say Africa will reap a “demographic dividend” in the future as its bulging youth population drives innovation and consumer markets, as happened in Asia in decades past.

Yet, while Africa’s commodity boom over the past decade has seen the continent’s real gross domestic product grow at an annual average of 4.5%, few jobs have been created and youth unemployment levels have remained high, the report said.

Frustration is also growing among young people when it comes to politics, with youth voter turnout declining and scepticism about politicians growing, despite an increase in free and fair elections throughout Africa, according to the foundation. “Africa stands at a tipping point.”


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