Vietnam’s new education policy to take inspiration from Finland, Denmark

Vietnan/Septiembre de 2017/Fuente: SI News

Resumen:  Mientras que el clima, el sistema de gobierno y la cultura son mundos aparte, el sistema educativo de Vietnam comunista está dibujando la influencia y la inspiración de los países democráticos liberales de Finlandia, Suecia y Dinamarca. El ministro de educación de la nación del sudeste asiático, Phung Xuan Nha, completó esta semana un viaje de estudio a las naciones nórdicas, donde aprendió más acerca de su enfoque de los programas de educación desde el nivel primario hasta el terciario. Funcionarios del Ministerio de Educación y Capacitación de Vietnam dijeron que una variedad de valores en la educación general en los tres países eran compartidos por la «filosofía de educación» mejorada de Vietnam, informó Tuoi Tre News. Los estudiantes finlandeses se han desempeñado consistentemente entre los mejores del mundo en el ranking del Programa de Evaluación Internacional de Estudiantes (PISA) de la OCDE en los últimos años.

While the weather, system of government and culture are worlds apart, the education system of Communist Vietnam is drawing influence and inspiration from the liberal democratic countries of Finland, Sweden and Denmark.

The Southeast Asian nation’s education minister Phung Xuan Nha this week completed a study trip to the Nordic nations, where he learnt more about their approach to education programmes from the primary to tertiary level.

Officials from Vietnam’s Ministry of Education and Training said that a range of values in mainstream education in the three countries were shared by Vietnam’s upgraded “philosophy of education”, reported Tuoi Tre News.

Finnish students have consistently performed among the world’s best in the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) rankings in recent years.

Vietnam’s performance in PISA has improved immensely, already outperforming many western countries, with the government investing a huge portion of government expenditure into its education system.

In 2015, Vietnamese students were ranked 12th in the world for maths and science, compared with Finland at number 6.



Students in their classroom in Helsinki, Finland. Source: Shutterstock

Some 18 memoranda of understanding were signed between Vietnamese and Finnish schools during the course of the ministerial visit regarding teacher training and online education, while in Denmark 17 were signed on medical and geological teaching and research.

Tuoi Tre reports that Vietnam’s 2019 education reforms will “empower teachers and students with more freedom and autonomy, while emphasising experimental and creative activities at school.”

Minister Phung is reportedly in talks with his counterparts around acquiring rights to publish Finnish educational materials for a variety of subjects.

According to VN Express, Finnish high schools will be opening for students in the major urban centres of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in the near future.

Earlier this year, the Vietnamese ministry made English a compulsory subject from grade three onwards, starting in 2018.


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