Vanuatu: PM announces free primary and secondary education – again

Vanuatu/July 25, 17/Source:

Happy Vanuatu Children’s Day. Children are appropriately singled out today with the announcement that the entire government is behind the Free Secondary Education Scheme. This will start from next year. The Governments of Australia and New Zealand have looked after the entirety of the first years of education for, really, far too long: Vanuatu should have found a solution. It now has and will shoulder the full burden of primary education henceforth. Today’s story in Daily Post raises many questions and it is to be hoped these will be answered after today’s celebrations are over. Their subhead is “Prime Minister declares free early childhood and secondary education.” This promise was made exactly a year ago. Our present PM is not one to simply take an advantage of a public holiday to tout a rehashed policy. But we want all the details. Government is extremely concerned at the number of late primary dropouts. This policy action is intended to stop it worsening.

Another Children’s Day venture: Government support for a Telecom Vanuatu–Wan Smolbag initiative to combat street crime. The two organisations have the best interests of youth at heart, as has Government. An annual street dance battle would seem to be just what it can use from the stack of amazing talents of the organisations who are sponsoring!


PM announces free primary and secondary education – again

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Vanuatu: Union, Commission and Ministry agree to action teachers claims

Vanuatu: Union, Commission and Ministry agree to action teachers claims

Vanuatu/ Abril de 2016/ Vanuatu Daily post

Resumen: El Sindicato de Maestros de Vanuatu (VTU), la Comisión de Enseñanza y el Ministerio de Educación han firmado un memorando de acuerdo para empezar a abordar el registro de larga data de las reclamaciones de los profesores que son miembros de la VTU. El acuerdo fue firmado el martes entre el Presidente de la VTU, Ansen Firiam, y el Presidente del TSC, Derek Alexander

By Jonas Cullwick | 0 comments
The Vanuatu Teachers Union (VTU), the Teaching Service Commission and the Ministry of Education have signed an a Memorandum of Agreement to start tackling the longstanding log of claims from teachers who are members of the VTU.
The agreement was signed Tuesday between the Chairman of the VTU, Ansen Firiam, and the Chairman of the TSC, Derek Alexander, and witnessed by the Director General of the Ministry of Education, Jessie Dick.
DG Jessie Dick explained to 96 BuzzFM’s Kizzy Kalsakau that the Ministry submitted another formal request to sit down with the VTU to sort out the 8-point log of claims. He added that unfortunately they couldn’t make it happen because of Cyclone Pam when most of government efforts, especially the Ministry’s efforts, were directed toward Cyclone Pam relief and reconstruction.
“Early this year, we started discussing the log of claims at the Ministry level. We saw the letters from the VTU and then we started discussing and we started contacting the Chairman of the Teaching Service Commission to make arrangements to discuss the log of claims with the Vanuatu Teachers Union.
“We had a series of meetings – one was on December 11, 2015 when all the members of the VTU came over and discussed how their log of claims could be sorted out. So, early this year, we organized another meeting which the VTU attended and we actually went through the log of claims with them.
“Following those three meetings we went through those claims and for us to really progress, we mandated the TSC to sit down and take note of what was discussed and try and frame these into an action matrix where the log of claims could be actioned,” he said.
Dick was pleased that the signing of the agreement Tuesday showed how to progress each log of claims that ranged from registration and licensing of teachers, transfer of teachers to outstanding severance payments, all of which are now being agreed to and addressed.
He added that reaching the agreement was a big milestone to arrive at the collective bargaining agreement.
“The last one signed was in 1999 when the Government had to pay off about Vt400 million towards outstanding teachers entitlements.
“I’m very glad it’s been signed today.
“The government hopes to settle all outstanding of Vt2.1 billion for all civil servants including teachers, nurses and police officers by September this year.”
VTU Chairman Firiam also agreed the signing was a milestone for VTU, especially teachers in general because all of them, not only VTU members, will benefit from the signing and the working relationship between the TSC, the Ministry of Education and VTU. He added that the agreement signed covered the log of claims that have been tabled by branches of the VTU in 2013 during their meeting held at Malapoa College.
“The claims for death in service, housing allowance for teachers living in school quarters, severance payment for retired teachers, recruitment of Fijian retired teachers, and registration and licensing of teachers,” Firiam said adding, “the signing will be good news for teachers especially those who have not yet received their severance payments.”
Chairman of the TSC Derek Alexander said VTU and TSC should be working as one team to do things because all the teachers of the TSC are members of the VTU.
“Having said that I think we have a stake in the VTU and we want to know what they are doing with the deduction of the salaries going to the VTU.
“And when it comes to the log of claims, there are a lot of claims there that we try to address together.
“This is where the agreement comes in and we’ve signed it today to address the log of claims, one of which is the transfer allowance, another is the registration and licensing the teachers, death benefit of teachers, retirements of teachers, Fiji volunteers, plus others.
“The agreement will allow address of the claims to start and to ensure that children have teachers in the classrooms,” Alexander said.
The Teaching Service Commission has altogether 3,800 teachers, making it the biggest employer in the Government


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Vanuatu: Vt250 million Fee Exemption Paid

Vanuatu: Vt250 million Fee Exemption Paid
Vanuatu/abril de 2016/Vanuatu Daily Post

Resumen: Un total de VT250 millones ha sido transferido y compartido con las cuentas bancarias de todas las escuelas secundarias Algunas escuelas en Shefa, como Malapoa Colegio, Escuela de Epi y el Instituto de Tecnología de Vanuatu (VIT) confirmaron que recibieron su parte la semana pasada.
Este fondo restante cubre todo 2015 pendientes; 60% de plazo II, el 100% del término III y el 100% de 2016.

By Anita Roberts

A total of Vt250 million has been transferred and shared to the bank accounts of all secondary schools that were granted fee exemption.
Some schools in Shefa Province, like Malapoa College, Epi High School and the Vanuatu Institute of Technology (VIT) confirmed they received their share last week.
This remaining fund covers all 2015 outstanding; 60% of term II, 100% of term III and 100% of 2016 term one.
The fee exemption applies to schools badly affected on the islands of Merelave, Maewo, Pentecost, Paama, Ambrym, south and south east Malekula and every islands in the provinces of Tafea and Shefa.
It covers tuition fees and examination fees in all secondary schools and government institutions as the Vanuatu Institute of Technology, Vanuatu Institute of Teacher’s College and USP.
Following the declaration last year, the government was able to meet only 40% of the school’s tuition fees. The leftover 60% is now paid off.
With that, the Acting Principal Education Officer (PEO) at the Shefa Education Office, Jonathan Yona, is urging all schools to ensure that the funds are smoothly transferred to each students’ accounts.
He referred to students who enrolled in 2015 but are now transferred or selected to another school, for example, final year students.
This means that the school principals must work closely with the bursar to sort this out and must make sure that the money, in case of this year’s term one fees, reaches students in their new schools, said PEO Yonah.
Parents are also advised to approach the school authorities and ask if their children’s names are exempted from paying school fees or not.
The fee exemption initiative only targets children whose parents are farmers and do not have a means of regular income excluding those whose parents are working in the government or private sector.
The Ministry of Education and Training has clarified earlier this year that parents who have already paid fees will be reimbursed.
The Director of Education Services, Roy Obed, said schools are encouraged to work closely with parents to sort this out.
The Council of Ministers endorsed for the Department of Finance to release some money from the Tropical Cyclone Pam Recovery Fund towards the fee exemption.


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Education joins forestry against climate change in Vanuatu

Oceanía/Vanuatu/Abril 2016/Autor: Anita Roberts/ Fuente:

Resumen: La Oficina de Educación Shefa pronto estará lanzando su programa forestal a las escuelas primarias y secundarias en Vanuatu. Este programa tiene como objetivo luchar contra el cambio climático y educar a los niños sobre la importancia de crecer y proteger los bosques.

The Shefa Education Office will soon be rolling out its newly launched forestry programme to primary and secondary schools in Vanuatu.

This programme aims to fight against climate change and educate children on the importance of growing and protecting forests.

It was initiated between the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Bio-Security (MALFFB) and the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) following the International Day of Forests marked recently in Port Vila.

The programme has three components which will be observed annually.

The Tree Planting Week will be observed from August 21-27, the Tree Planting will be held on June 21 and the Decade of Reforestation started this year and will run until 2025.

The Acting Principal Education Officer (PEO) at the Shefa Education Office, Jonathan Yonah, declared that his office plans to introduce tree planting to schools as part of its forestry programme.

The International Day of Forests noted that a lot of the youth today have no interest in forestry or agriculture sector but are more interested in fields such as law or IT.

Loving the sector
It was emphasised that teaching children earlier will allow them to grow up loving the sector.

The initiative of the Shefa Education Office was launched by the Minister of Education, Jean-Pierre Nirua, when he visited the office last week.

Planting trees will not only help to fight climate change or beautify the environment, it is also a revenue earner, said the minister.

He named the first sandalwood tree he planted “the 10 million tree”.

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En Vanuatu: Ministerio busca soluciones a los Problemas de las Becas, las Licencias de los Maestros y la exención de tasas

En Vanuatu: Ministerio Buscar Soluciones A Los Problemas De La Beca, la Licencia de los Maestros y La Exención De Tasas

Vanuatu/ marzo de 2016/ Anita Roberts: Vanuatu Daily Post

El Ministro de Educación y Formación (MOET), Jean Pierre Nirua, se ha reunido con otros altos funcionarios de educación para discutir algunas problemáticas académicas que se han planteado de forma continua por el público, estos incluyen becas, asuntos relativas a la concesión de licencias de los profesores y quejas de los padres y las escuelas de la exención de tasas impuesta tras el ciclón Pam de 2016.

En reunión con el Director General Jesse Dick, director Roy Obed así como de funcionarios de educación Principal, agentes de la Comisión de Enseñanza, la oficina de finanzas y la unidad de becas; informaron al nuevo ministro, Jean Pierre Nirua, en todos los asuntos pertinentes al cargo.

Satisfecho con las sesiones de información y después de la presentación del informe de las finanzas, el ministro Nirua dio su aprobación para un plan de acción que se fijará de inmediato para responder a las problemática de las becas, tal como, temas relacionados con la selección de las becas, retrasos de las becas , en las asignaciones de becas, entre otros, dijo el ministro que no son nuevos estos problemas, ya que esto ocurren cada año.

En cuanto a la actualización del ministro sobre las licencias de los maestros, el secretario general de la Comisión de Enseñanza George Berry dijo TSC dijo que el asunto se resolverá en su próxima reunión con el Sindicato de Maestros de Vanuatu y OMTE.

El ministro dijo que la iniciativa de la exención de tasas del gobierno que fue declarado tras el ciclón Pam el año pasado también ha planteado un montón de preocupaciones. Tras las conversaciones para resolver este tema, el ministro dijo que ahora será cuando se reúna el Consejo de Ministros para tomar una decisión final y será dado a conocer al público una vez aprobado.
Socializador: José Eduardo Hermoso



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Comunidades de Vanuatú toman el camino de la Alfabetización

Comunidades de Vanuatu toman el camino de la Alfabetización

Vanuatu/febrero 2016/VanuatuDayliPost

El Ministerio de educación de Vanuatu se viene preparando para realizar cambios importantes en el aprendizaje de idiomas y de la propia estructura de la enseñanza, sin embargo, a la par, hay una nueva organización en la comunidad tratando de hacer un impacto positivo en la alfabetización de adultos en ese país. Se trata de un pequeño grupo de mujeres del pueblo Eratap, que están impulsando cambios en el papel de las mujeres y las familias en el aprendizaje de la alfabetización con las clases del Inglés Vanuatu Mama (VMEC) que es un programa de alfabetización de adultos de tres meses. La mujer ni-Vanuatu, en colaboración con voluntarios del cuerpo de paz  y otros organismos, están formando a otras mujeres de Ni-Vanuatu » para convertirlas en la primera maestra de casa», así lo informó el diario Daily Post Vanuatu este miércoles 24 de febrero.

Las integrantes de VMEC recientemente conmemoraron su primer año de trabajo junto a las mujeres de Vanuatu, quienes en un homenaje se reunieron para celebrar el trabajo, la determinación y el logro de su primer año, entre los asistentes estuvieron las representaciones de los Cuerpos de Paz de Vanuatu, la Unidad de Desarrollo Curricular, Vanuatu Visión Mundial, el Consejo Nacional de la Mujer de Vanuatu, Vanuatu organización de la Viuda, USP y otros miembros de la comunidad. Igualmente asistieron representantes del Gobierno de Vanuatu como el ex ministro, Robert Bohn, quien estuvo presente para animar el importante trabajo de las mujeres.

En cuanto al programa, desde el inicio de VMEC en septiembre de 2014, la organización ha completado dos cohortes de trabajo con 17 graduados., además el 76% de los mismos son todavía activos en el programa después de la graduación, los cuales siguen siendo una inspiración para sus familias y otras personas mediante la lectura a sus hijos y de juegos que han aprendido en clase. Por otra parte VMEC ha ampliado el programa mediante la preparación de 26 mujeres en Maewo y Ambae para enseñar el modelo de alfabetización, mientras que 26 profesoras de las islas exteriores están preparándose para las clases del próximo año como futuras docentes de VMEC lo que les permitirá completar una solicitud de subvención que cubrirá los costos operativos durante dos años. Dentro de esos dos años VMEC ha previsto capacitar a más maestros en Efate y Epi y trabajar con el Ministerio de Educación para guiar la expansión del programa a las áreas que se beneficiarían más, teniendo como meta la formación de 90 maestras y 1000 mujeres en 30 comunidades diferentes.


Socializador de la noticia: José Eduardo Hermoso

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