South Africa’s apartheid schools

By Inside_Education/23-05-2018

Francois Cleophas

South Africa’s history of segregation has left its footprints in many places. Take the case of semi-rural Franschoek in the country’s Western Cape province. In one part of the town, which draws tourists from around the world to enjoy award winning wine and food, is a private school that boasts excellent sports facilities.

There’s an indoor sports gymnasium where tennis, hockey, netball and soccer are played. There are two swimming pools – one for beginners who are just learning and one for water polo and senior swimming. Elsewhere on the school campus are six tennis courts and two cricket ovals with turf wickets. New sports fields, including two more cricket ovals, are being developed.

A few kilometres up the road is a public school that caters for pupils from an informal settlement. It has no sporting facilities.

This scenario is repeated across South Africa; a modern echo of the country’s history of racial segregation. Patterns of neglect, established in the 19th century when formal schooling was introduced in South Africa, persist.

An understanding of and reckoning with segregation history is important in coming to grips with the current state of poor school sport provision in black and coloured communities. South Africa will not address the great inequalities that still exist in school sport if it keeps ignoring history.

The mission years

Formal schooling was introduced in South Africa during the 19th century. Black pupils were largely educated at mission schools run by a wide range of denominations.

Most mission schools had no decent sporting facilities. They practiced and played sport separately from white organisations and schools. For instance, when the Western Province Rugby Football Union created the Junior Challenge Shield League in 1898, the competition was open only to learners of “European extraction” – that is, white.

This exclusion stretched across sporting disciplines. When the Good Hope Education Department organised the Physical Training Coronation Competition in 1902 at the Green Point Track, a separate division was organised for “coloured” or mission schools. The winner of the 1902 Coronation competition in the Mission School division was the St Cyprian’s School in Ndabeni Location.

This location, as living areas for black Africans were called, was established for families who were forcibly removed from District Six in Cape Town in 1901. The school was a zinc structure with no playing facilities.

In 1928 mission schools set up the Central School Sport Union. Its first athletic meeting was held at the Mowbray sports ground, the home ground of the City and Suburban Rugby Union. Newspapers from the time, which I’ve studied, reported that the grass was knee high. This situation existed by design: the South African Institute of Race Relations reported regularly on how much more money was spent to provide sporting facilities for white schools.

At a national level, the first inter-varsity athletic meeting was held in 1921 at the Wanderers Club in Johannesburg between the Transvaal University College (later Pretoria University), Grey University College (later Free State University) and the Johannesburg University College. These were all white colleges in the northern parts of the country. When institutions from southern regions were included the following year, black colleges were excluded.

These black colleges established the Ciskei Bantu Amateur Athletic Association in the Eastern Cape under the auspices of the South African Bantu Amateur Athletic Association.

Apartheid school sport

Then came formal apartheid, and the situation worsened.

During the 1950s and the decades that followed, the education department wouldn’t provide black and coloured schools with decent facilities like rugby fields or athletics tracks. This was because, according to the influx control laws, Africans could not obtain permanent residence in cities. Why, apartheid authorities reasoned, spend money on people who legally weren’t allowed in certain areas?

The colleges playing in the Ciskei Bantu Amateur Athletic Association, meanwhile, received no support for sporting facilities while the nearby prestigious St Andrew’s College and Rhodes University benefited from excellent fields and tracks.

Apartheid legislation closed the Mowbray sports ground, leaving the Central School Sports Union without a place to play. A whites only school was built on the facility. The sporting past of this lost facility is largely unknown; no commemoration plaque, for instance, exists to mark its history. Another example of history forgotten and heritage ignored.

Few shifts after democracy

With the arrival of democracy in 1994 some organisations dedicated to championing non-racial school sport, like the Western Province Senior Schools’ Sports Union, closed their doors. But while desegregation in school sports was introduced in theory, the reality was rather different.

Many historically white schools appear reluctant to compete with township schools in mass competitions. They continue to hold closed inter-school derbies and athletic meetings catering for other similarly resourced schools on their well maintained sport fields.

But ironically, former whites-only schools have realised the potential of black and coloured pupils to shine on the sports field. A cursory overview of the senior national rugby and cricket teams in 2018 shows that more than 90% of black and coloured players attended historically white schools. Such players were often “poached” from township schools with scholarships and bursaries.

This “poaching” has benefited individual players but it’s happened at the expense of township schools.

Addressing history

The colonial and apartheid education project still echoes in South Africa’s post-1994 school system. For real change to start happening, it’s important for administrators, school authorities, parents and pupils to look to and understand the imbalances of history – and start working to set them right.

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Educación para un Chile más justo

 Autor:  Ilich Silva Peña 

Chile es uno de los países más desiguales del planeta. Hace más de una década la OCDE constató que nuestro país sostiene un sistema educativo profundamente segmentado. Dicha institución manifestó que esta división era mayor dentro de la escuela que fuera de la misma. Esta segmentación del sistema escolar chileno, que es antigua, se profundizó a mediados de los noventa con la incorporación del “financiamiento compartido”. Nuestro sistema escolar se ha ido constituyendo en una especie de “apartheid educativo”.

Como si no bastara con una segregación socioeconómica, diversos estudios muestran que la escuela en Chile es un espacio de reproducción del modelo patriarcal. Se siguen promoviendo cánones androcéntricos  heteronormativos a través de los textos escolares y las actitudes del profesorado. A esto se agregan las críticas que  se hacen a la dirección de las políticas en educación intercultural bilingüe.  Además, el aumento de la migración en los últimos años ha puesto el acento en la inclusión cultural, ampliado el concepto de educación inclusiva más allá de la «atención a la discapacidad».

El actual gobierno implementó la Ley de Inclusión Escolar con el fin de desarmar el sistema de segregación en que se encuentra envuelto nuestro sistema educativo. Con dicha normativa se avanza, de forma paulatina, en la eliminación de la segregación de tipo económico.

Esta iniciativa legal, junto a propuestas como las “orientaciones en torno al derecho a la educación de jóvenes LGTB” o el “decreto Nº 83/2015” que continúa la línea de inclusión educativa, constituyen ejemplos de normativas y marcos de acción que apuntan a resolver, a través de diversas vías, las desigualdades existentes en nuestro país. Desde el ámbito académico, creemos que se debe avanzar un poco más.

Hemos visto debates políticos y académicos acerca de la Justicia Social en educación. Aquellas propuestas se han centrado en comprender la justicia social como un camino que redistribuye bienes y servicios. Es decir, se ha puesto el centro en lo material, que es importante, pero no es lo único.

Se ha dejado de lado, en parte, aquellos conceptos que están basados en el reconocimiento, una visión centrada en las relaciones sociales entre los individuos y grupos que pertenecen a las instituciones en las que viven y trabajan. También, han jugado un rol marginal, aquellas posturas que apelan a la participación. Es decir, que además de la redistribución y el reconocimiento, se contemple la participación en la toma de decisiones.

En la idea de poder avanzar en esta discusión y aportar, desde lo académico, hemos construido el Centro de Investigación en Educación para la Justicia Social. Nuestra labor se centra en el rol que juega la educación en la construcción de una sociedad más justa.

Estamos felices de entregar al país un centro que analiza los conceptos de Justicia Social y cómo estos son considerados en el proceso educativo. En este trabajo nos unimos académicos y académicas provenientes de universidades que durante mucho tiempo han estado fuera de la toma de decisiones, un centro que apunta a la renovación desde las regiones.

Nos constituimos como una propuesta sostenida por universidades ancladas en comunidades que sufren la injusticia. A este centro, con sede en la Universidad Católica del Maule concurrimos investigadoras, investigadores y estudiantes de las universidades Arturo Prat, Católica Silva Henríquez, Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación y Católica de Temuco. Una expresión de la diversidad de Chile.

Uniendo norte y sur con instituciones que, más allá de su pertenencia, tienen una marcada vocación de servicio social.

Sabemos que estamos navegando en un terreno difícil. Es un periodo donde se tomarán decisiones importantes para el futuro de nuestro país. Nuestro desafío está puesto en aportar al debate educativo en el contexto de un Chile profundamente desigual.

Creemos que el profesorado, tanto en las universidades como en las escuelas, debe ir aprendiendo y enseñando en la dirección de la Justicia Social comprendida como un acto permanente.

Evocando las palabras de Paulo Freire, la educación también es “la entrega a la defensa de los más débiles sometidos a la explotación por los más fuertes”.

Queremos una educación para un país más justo, para esto estamos trabajando y convocando.

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