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África: Low returns for South Africans who invest in education

África/Enero de 2018/Autor: Herman Mashaba/Fuente: News 24

Resumen: El 25 de febrero de 2011 recibí una solicitud modesta pero urgente de un joven zimbabuense que se había matriculado en 2010 como uno de los mejores estudiantes de la Escuela Superior Soshanguve cerca de Mabopane.

Recibió el 100% de matemáticas y ciencias físicas, y fue galardonada por la MEC de Educación de Gauteng, Barbara Creecy, y la alcaldesa por sus logros.

Una beca prometida fracasó, pero la joven estudiante no se dejó intimidar por su falta de fondos y ella solicitó y fue aceptada por la Universidad de Pretoria (UP) para estudiar Ciencias Actuariales.

On 25 February 2011 I received a modest but urgent request from a young Zimbabwean-born who had matriculated in 2010 as one of the top students at Soshanguve Senior School near Mabopane.

She received 100% for mathematics and physical science, and was honoured by the Gauteng MEC for Education, Barbara Creecy, and the mayor for her achievements.

A pledged bursary fell through but the young student would not be put off by her lack of funding and she applied to and was accepted by the University of Pretoria (UP) to study Actuarial Science.

I read her email and recognised in that young lady a determination to succeed. Her excellent exam results attested to her commitment, and we decided to sponsor her studies.

My wife Connie and I knew that sponsoring the academic costs was only a part of the sponsorship required – hungry, homeless students simply cannot study with any focus. So we gave her full sponsorship, including academic fees, stationery requirements, and, of course, transport and living costs.

This sponsorship coupled with her determination and commitment enabled her to complete her degree at UP as well as her honour’s degree at the University of the Witwatersrand.

My family has sponsored many smart, committed young professionals because we know how badly South Africa needs professionals across all sectors. We do so with pride because we are hopeful that these are the young men and women who will help to realise a flourishing South African economy where professionalism and integrity are the order of the day.

However, it was with great shock that I learned that this young student and her husband are emigrating to the United States (US), because unlike the US, who welcomed her and her professional husband with a green card, our Department of Home Affairs wouldn’t grant her a work visa.

Many young students and professionals from across the world come to South Africa to take advantage of relatively low university fees, allowing them to upgrade their qualifications at world-renowned universities. However, when their student visas expire, the South African government makes no attempt to retain this highly educated pool of talent.

These students gratefully accept jobs in developed countries where their skills are valued, and South Africa loses these trained individuals forever.

It is infuriating that under-developed countries such as South Africa are funding developed countries such as the US, UK and Australia to the tune of billions every year via our failure to retain educated professionals. The cost is made up of what it costs us to train them, and what it costs us to replace them when their skills are lost.

The Labour Market Intelligence Partnership’s 2016 report states that there are no statistics on the education levels and occupations of the immigrants who do receive work permits. The government’s ineffective data collection is failing the country’s economic planning, since it doesn’t supply sufficient data to enable strategists to accurately forecast skills demand.

Information about immigrants who are granted work permits simply must include data regarding these immigrants’ levels of education, sectors of employment, and the occupations they practice. Without this critical information, how can South Africa even begin to audit its skilled population – both South Africans and immigrants?

The Department of Home Affairs states that “in terms of granting Permanent Residence Permits, emphasis is placed on immigrants who are in a position to make a meaningful contribution to broadening the economic base of South Africa”. In support of the above, permits are issued to people who have inter alia “exceptional skills and qualifications”.

Qualified actuaries are not commonplace. President of the Actuarial Society of South Africa, Roseanne Murphy Harris states that the number of African, Indian and Coloured actuaries grew from 51 in 2006 to 239 in 2016, with African actuaries increasing from 28 to 82 over the same period – a clear indication that transformation is slow and that South Africa is overwhelmingly under-served in terms of black actuaries.

During this period, white actuaries grew from 628 to 1149. How then, was it possible that a black actuary who was educated in South Africa – at minimal cost to the government – was not retained to contribute positively to our economy?

Had the government sponsored her studies, it would have cost them in the region of half a million rand.  Another actuary needs to be educated at a similar cost, and who’s to be certain that this trained individual will not also be wooed by foreign companies?

Editors Crush and Williams, writing for the Southern African Migration Policy Brief No. 8, state that although skilled migration accelerated during the approach to the 1994 election and experts predicted a massive influx of African professionals into South Africa, this was not realised because South Africa’s post-1994 immigration policy has placed low value on importing skills from anywhere, and as a result, other SADC states have benefited from South Africa’s “anti-immigrationism”.

Thus, not only is South Africa not benefitting from incoming professionals, it’s losing on outgoing professionals.

The failure to boost our professional population has significant repercussions for the country. It will discourage the sponsorship of talented individuals’ education, it will place further strain on a government completely incapable of financially subsidising students, and it will result in a population without access to highly trained health officials, strategists, engineers, and educators, among others.

We cannot fortify a nation without strong education. We cannot heal a nation without medical experts. We cannot strategise to build a functioning society without professionals.

If we fail to grasp the importance of retaining professionals, and of attracting immigrant specialists, we will not be able to keep abreast of developments in a global society and we are going to return our people to the disadvantage and vocational bleakness that typified apartheid times.

Our policies on retaining talented professionals need serious consideration if we are to retain the people trained in our universities.
Failing to retain human talent will keep South Africa poor. Without trained professionals to implement and maintain strong corporate and organisational principles, progress will stall and any investment made in education will disappear.

Seeing developed countries benefit from graduate professionals who have trained at great expense in South Africa leaves me with a sense of betrayal – from our own leadership who do not have the foresight to retain skilled graduates.

If this situation continues, South Africa will be attractive only to investors who can exploit its cheap, unskilled workforce, keeping it under-developed.


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Grecia, destino de las becas Onassis

Profesores universitarios, investigadores postdoctorales y aspirantes a doctor son los beneficiados de la nueva edición del programa de becas Onassis.

El programa anual de las becas internacionales Onassis celebra este año su edición número 24. Orientado al curso 2018-2019, existen ayudas dirigidas a profesores universitarios, investigadores postdoctorales y aspirantes a doctor.

Uno de campos en los que se puede solicitar una beca es el de Humanidades (filología, lingüística, filosofía y psicología educativa). La Fundación prevé una beca en cada categoría que se otorgará específicamente a un investigador que quiera trabajar en estrecha colaboración con el Cavafy Archive. También se otorgará una beca a trabajos que tengan relación con las valiosas colecciones de investigación de la Biblioteca Onassis.

Otro de los campos en los que se puede solicitar una beca es el de Ciencias Sociales, en las categorías de sociología de las ciencias políticas y la política social de estudios internacionales y europeos, excepto derecho. En el apartado de Economía, las categorías son finanzas y finanza pública, mientras que en Arte se ofrecerán becas para las categorías de artes visuales, danza, fotografía teatral, estudios de cine y gestión cultural. En Finanzas y Arte las becas se otorgarán prioritariamente a quienes participen en cursos y seminarios a través de programas de enseñanza o investigación organizados por la Fundación Onassis en universidades públicas griegas, durante un mínimo de ocho horas mensuales.

El programa cubre la investigación académica en Grecia. Para ser beneficiario de una de estas becas el interesado no debe tener ascendencia griega. Si se tiene ascendencia griega se puede solicitar la beca siempre que se resida, estudia o trabaje permanentemente en el extranjero. En algunos casos, como en las categorías de Finanzas, y la de Arte, las personas con ascendencia griega pueden solicitar la beca siempre que se tengan al menos diez años de carrera académica en una universidad o instituto de investigación extranjero, o estudios de postgrado fuera de Grecia. Los antiguos becarios de la Fundación pueden volver a solicitar una beca solo si han transcurrido al menos cinco años desde la beca previa. La extensión de la beca es desde octubre de 2018 a septiembre de 2019, sin que sea posible posponer o diferir la beca para un año académico posterior.

El proceso de solicitud se realiza online y los candidatos deben presentar todos los documentos solicitados antes del 28 de febrero, si bien quienes hayan solicitado una beca en los dos últimos años y quieran volver a presentar la solicitud no tienen que presentar todos los documentos requeridos, salvo el formulario de solicitud, un nuevo currículum y una nueva carta con la propuesta del proyecto.


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52 Indian students get Australian govt scholarships for 2018

Australia/Noviembre de 2017/Fuente: Hindustantime

Resumen:  Alrededor de 52 estudiantes indios obtendrán becas y becas Australia Awards-Endeavor para 2018. Los premiados estudiarán en las principales universidades de investigación de Australia en campos que incluyen ciencias médicas, derecho y salud pública, ingeniería mecánica y criminología, alto comisionado australiano en la India Harinder Sidhu dijo el viernes.

Tres australianos también emprenderán oportunidades de aprendizaje en la India como parte de estos premios.

Las Becas y Becas Australia Awards-Endeavor ofrecen apoyo a los internacionales para llevar a cabo estudios, investigaciones o desarrollo profesional en Australia. Para postular, debe ser de un país y / o región participante.

About 52 Indian students will get the Australia Awards-Endeavour scholarships and Fellowships for 2018. The awardees will study at Australia’s top research universities in fields that include medical science, law and public health, mechanical engineering and criminology, Australian high commissioner to India Harinder Sidhu said on Friday.

Three Australians will also undertake learning opportunities in India as part of these awards.

The Australia Awards–Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships offer support to internationals to undertake study, research or professional development in Australia. To apply, you must be from a participating country and/or region.

Recipients will receive:

•travel allowance: $3,000 (Rs 1,45,950 ), with provision to pay up to $4,500 under special circumstances

•establishment allowance: $2,000 ( Rs97,300 ) for fellowships or $4,000 (scholarships)

•monthly stipend: $3,000 (Rs1,45,950), to be paid up to the maximum category duration on a pro-rata basis)

 Health and travel insurance is also included for select categories.

Endeavour scholarship recipients will also receive tuition fees paid up to the maximum study/research duration on a pro-rata basis. Tuition includes student service and amenities fees.

Congratulating the winners, Sidhu said the awardees were selected on the basis of their potential to build educational, research and professional links between Australia and India. She hoped they would over time become the new generation of global leaders.

“The Australia Awards-Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships will forge understanding and strong networks between Indian and Australian scholars. These links will continue long after the scholars have returned to India,” Sidhu said.

The scholarships and fellowships are awarded every year to high achieving students, researchers and professionals from around the world to study in Australia’s world-class education institutions or undertake a professional development programme.

Implemented by the Australian government’s department of education and training, the scholarships are internationally-competitive and merit-based.

Applications for the 2019 round open in April 2018. For more information on the Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships and Endeavour Mobility Grants, check out the International Education website.


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Reino Unido: Hidden education crisis’ looming in Hackney unless Justine Greening changes stance on special educational needs funding

Reino Unido/Octubre de 2017/Fuente: Hackney Gazette


Se avecina una crisis educativa oculta en Hackney a menos que Justine Greening cambie su postura sobre el financiamiento de necesidades educativas especiales.

El congelamiento de fondos SEN del gobierno significa que los consejos de toda la capital se ven obligados a tapar un déficit de £ 100 millones, con un déficit previsto de £ 6 millones esperado en Hackney.

Cllr Anntoinette Bramble, quien fue coordinadora de SEN en Islington hace tres años, dice que el financiamiento para altas necesidades se ha congelado efectivamente desde 2011/12, a pesar de un gran aumento en la población estudiantil.

Un problema más acuciante para el distrito es que el número de niños que el consejo apoya aumentó en un 34% desde las reformas en 2014, que cambiaron el rango de edad de los elegibles para el financiamiento a cualquier persona de 25 años o menos, habiéndose reservado previamente para de cinco a 19 años.

Cllr Bramble, quien planteó sus preocupaciones en una carta a la secretaria de educación Justine Greening la semana pasada, dice que el consejo tendrá que reducir la cantidad de fondos de alta necesidad que se les da a las escuelas para un apoyo adicional para los alumnos de Hackney en un 5 por ciento.


The government’s SEN funding freeze means councils across the capital are being forced to plug a gap of £100million, with a forecast shortfall of £6m expected in Hackney.

Cllr Anntoinette Bramble, who was an SEN co-ordinator in Islington three years ago, says that high needs funding has effectively been frozen since 2011/12, despite a major increase in the pupil population.

A more pressing issue for the borough is that the number of children the council supports has increased by 34 per cent since reforms in 2014, which saw the age range of those eligible for funding changing to anyone aged 25 and under, having previously 
been reserved for five to 19 

Cllr Bramble, who raised her concerns in a letter to education secretary Justine Greening last week, says the council will have to reduce the amount of high-needs funding given to schools for extra support for pupils in Hackney by 5 per cent.

“The funding of SEN is a hidden crisis in our education system and is threatening the quality of education and support we can offer to our most vulnerable young people,” she said.

“Reducing funding is absolutely the last thing we want to do, and it’s been a hard decision to make. As a former SEN teacher, I know the importance of adequate funding, but there simply is no other option left to us.

“It is absolutely crucial that the government changes the way this vital funding is calculated and distributed, and take into account the growing demand.”

Next year education funding is expected to rise by 0.5pc, but the council says this is “nowhere near enough to fill the shortfall”.

Research carried out by London Councils found that, in 2016/17, 26 out of 31 London boroughs reported a combined funding shortfall of £100m.

To meet this shortfall, councils are using money from other education funding pots, and are drawing on reserves.

Cllr Bramble, who was a vocal participant in protest marches in the borough against education cuts earlier this year, said: “The National Funding Formula rightly sparked a national debate, but this funding freeze means councils are running out of choices.”


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República Dominicana: Lanzan campaña sobre 20 mil becas disponibles en programas de excelencia para estudiar educación

República Dominicana / 3 de septiembre de 2017 / Autor: De Sociales y Mas Digital / Fuente: Youtube

Publicado el 3 sep. 2017
Esta iniciativa demuestra el compromiso del presidente Danilo Medina con la mejoría de la calidad de la educación dominicana SANTO DOMINGO.- En el marco de la meta presidencial de tener las aulas llenas de profesores motivados y bien formados, el Ministerio de Educación junto al Ministerio de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología (MESCYT) y el Instituto Nacional de Formación y Capacitación del Magisterio (INAFOCAM), lanzó hoy la campaña “Docentes de Excelencia” para atraer jóvenes estudiantes a la carrera magisterial.


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Higher education in Sweden: More Indian students opting for Scandinavian nation

Suiza/Agosto de 2017/Fuente: DNA

Resumen: La undécima edición de la semana conmemorativa del Nobel de Suecia en la India organizó recientemente la etapa de Mumbai de un concurso para toda la India en el Instituto Wellingkar de Desarrollo e Investigación Administrativa de la ciudad. Los ganadores de este concurso eventualmente avanzarán a la final del evento, donde el ganador es dado un viaje de todos los gastos pagados a Suecia. Este concurso está organizado por el Consulado General de Suecia en Mumbai y la Embajada de Suecia en Nueva Delhi, junto con las principales empresas suecas presentes en la India. Hablando con el ADN, el nuevo consejero sueco General de Mumbai Ulrika Sundberg dijo que estas iniciativas son una buena oportunidad para los estudiantes indios para ver lo que la vida es como estudiar en Suecia.

The 11th edition of the Sweden India Nobel Memorial week recently hosted the Mumbai leg of an all-India quiz in the city’s Wellingkar Institute of Management Development and Research. Winners of these quiz will eventually advance to the final of the event where the winner is given an all-expenses paid trip to Sweden.

This quiz is organised by the Consulate General of Sweden in Mumbai and the Embassy of Sweden in New Delhi, along with leading Swedish companies present in India.

Speaking to DNA, new Swedish Counsel General to Mumbai Ulrika Sundberg said that such initiatives are a good opportunity for Indian students to see what life is like studying in Sweden.

“We may not be as big as the United States or have that many universities, but we ensure top quality education. People have noticed this, and Sweden has consistently seen an increase in an international student influx in the past few years,” he added.

Besides being amongst the most progressive, creative, free-thinking and well-educated countries in the world, the Master’s programmes in Sweden are taught in English. «While free education was the norm as part of the country’s welfare programme, the government decided that it wanted the right set of students, and implemented a fee structure. A Master’s programme can cost between Rs 6 lakh and Rs 13 lakh per year, minus accommodation (approximately Rs 60,000 per month), which is a lot lower than the fees of some of the colleges in the United Kingdom and United States,» said Sundberg.

Now, a couple of universities even offer scholarships, with Royal KTH in Stockholm having a social one only for Indian students. “The main criteria is academic excellence,” Sundberg said.

Students are also allowed to work while studying, but are expected to complete 40 hours of course time per week, according to, the go-to guide for international students who want to study in Sweden.

Graduates are given six months to find a job or establish their own start-up. People with a minimum of four years of service are eligible for a permanent resident permit. In 2014, Sweden simplified the rules to enable PhD students to receive permanent residence permits.

Currently, seven out of 10 Swedish companies in India are in the process of employing people, and a degree from Sweden can only help. In addition, many of these organisations have established bases in India, which gives the student the opportunity to come back, and implement what they have learned in Sweden in India.

While funding would be your responsibility if you decided to launch a start-up in Sweden, there are institutions and universities that support and advise entrepreneurs.

Another advantage of studying in Sweden is that the country’s 36 universities are under the government’s jurisdiction, and as such are recognized in other parts of the world.


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Perú: Programa Nacional ofrece dos mil becas para culminar estudios

América del Sur/Perú/13 Agosto 2017/Fuente:diariocorreo /Autor:Redacción Multimedia

El Programa Nacional de Becas y Crédito Educativo (Pronabec) lanza la convocatoria de Beca Permanencia con el objetivo de facilitar las condiciones necesarias para la continuidad y culminación de los estudios superiores de estudiantes de universidades públicas. Con este objetivo se ha puesto en concurso público dos mil becas en tres modalidades de ingreso: Ordinaria, Excelencia e Intercultural. Las inscripciones para postular en línea a través de la web de Pronabec estarán vigentes hasta el 27 de agosto.

Beca Permanencia está dirigida a estudiantes regulares de universidades públicas peruanas en carreras elegibles, inscritos entre el primer y noveno ciclo académico según su malla curricular vigente y que cumplan con los requisitos establecidos en cada modalidad de acceso que determinan las bases del concurso de esta convocatoria.

Entre los requisitos más importantes para acceder a la Beca Permanencia se encuentran, tener nacionalidad peruana, conforme al ordenamiento jurídico vigente, estar matriculado entre el primer y noveno ciclo de estudios en una universidad pública y carrera elegible, tener como máximo 25 años cumplidos al 31 de diciembre de 2016 para las modalidades Ordinaria o Excelencia. Asimismo, tener como máximo 28 años cumplidos al 31 de diciembre de 2016 para la modalidad Intercultural, poseer insuficientes recursos económicos para financiar los gastos directos e indirectos de su educación superior y cuyo ingreso per cápita mensual no exceda los 1,500 soles, además de cumplir con los requisitos específicos de cada modalidad.

La beca será otorgada por un periodo máximo de nueve semestres académicos consecutivos o el mínimo requerido para completar su carrera profesional, conforme al plan de estudios de las carreras de las universidades públicas elegibles, con excepción de los casos que proceda suspensión de beca.


La Beca Permanencia otorga el beneficio del pago de alimentación, movilidad local y material de estudio. Son 27 las universidades nacionales elegibles en todo el Perú. En Lima destacan la Mayor de San Marcos, de Ingeniería, del Callao, Agraria La Molina y de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle.

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