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En Perú: Minedu oficializa nuevo Currículo Nacional de la Educación Básica para colegios públicos y privados

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Mediante Resolución Ministerial 281-2016-MINEDU publicada el 03 de junio, el Ministerio de Educación aprobó el Currículo Nacional de la Educación Básica, el cual entrará en vigencia a partir del 01 de enero del 2017 en todas las instituciones y programas educativos públicos y privados del país.

Esta actualización toma lo mejor de lo avanzado en materia curricular en Perú y entre sus principales características se encuentran su apuesta por enfoques transversales como el uso de las TICs, su vinculación al mundo del trabajo y la formación cívica y ciudadana, su énfasis en una evaluación formativa y no solo calificativa, la ampliación de la enseñanza de inglés desde primaria, el incremento de horas a la Educación física, Arte y cultura y Tutoría y la inclusión del castellano como segunda lengua para estudiantes de lengua materna originaria o indígena.

El Currículo Nacional de la Educación Básica, como instrumento base de la política educativa, tiene como objetivo la mejora de los aprendizajes de los estudiantes y enmarca los esfuerzos que el Minedu realiza por la mejora de la competitividad docente, la infraestructura educativa y la gestión de las Instituciones Educativas.

El Currículo aprobado el día de hoy, es el resultado de años de investigación y procesos de consulta sobre el modelo educativo que el Perú actual requiere, las recomendaciones plasmadas en el Proyecto Educativo Nacional al 2021 y el trabajo en equipo con Gobiernos Regionales y Locales. “El Currículo es un proyecto que ya ha madurado después de un largo proceso. Lo más importante ahora es enfocarnos en la implementación del Currículo para que llegue a los docentes e impacte en lo que los estudiantes aprenden”, expresó el Ministro Jaime Saavedra.

La implementación del Currículo se dará de manera progresiva y tiene prevista la diversificación curricular en regiones, la capacitación docente y el desarrollo de herramientas curriculares y materiales para toda la comunidad educativa. Al respecto, el Viceministro de gestión pedagógica, Flavio Figallo, señaló que “luego de 04 años de trabajo era indispensable avanzar y oficializar este Currículo. Estamos construyendo una ruta clara para los siguientes años, la cual se irá enriqueciendo con la experiencia y creatividad de nuestros docentes y contará con la asistencia técnica de las Regiones y el Minedu.”

A partir de hoy inicia una nueva etapa para la Educación en nuestro país. Invitamos a toda la comunidad educativa a apropiarse del Currículo Nacional y participar activamente en su implementación, de esta manera contribuiremos a la formación de la nueva generación de peruanos con las competencias necesarias para desarrollar al máximo su potencial y contribuir así al desarrollo de nuestro país.

Conoce el Currículo Nacional de la Educación Básica Clic aquí.

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Perú: Ministerio de Educación entregó Currículo Nacional al Consejo Nacional de Educación


Lima, Perú/03 de mayo de 2016/Fuente: Crónica Viva


El Ministerio de Educación (Minedu) entregó al Consejo Nacional de Educación (CNE), el Currículo Nacional de la Educación Básica, documento marco que contiene los aprendizajes que deben lograr los estudiantes, las competencias nacionales, sus progresiones a lo largo de toda la escolaridad, así como orientaciones para la evaluación y la diversificación curricular.

El Currículo Nacional de la Educación Básica es el resultado de un proceso de actualización curricular iniciado en el 2012, informaron voceros del citado portafolio.

Para su materialización, el Minedu realizó reuniones y consultas virtuales y presenciales con docentes en servicio, representantes de universidades, cooperación internacional, sectores de gobierno, sector privado y expertos nacionales e internacionales en educación.


Contiene tres modalidades de Educación Básica Regular

El ministro de Educación, Jaime Saavedra, indicó que en Ayacucho se dio el espacio más grande de discusión del currículo. “Es un proyecto que ya ha madurado después de un largo proceso. Lo más importante ahora es enfocarnos en la implementación del currículo para que llegue a los docentes e impacte en lo que los estudiantes aprenden”.

Entre las principales novedades del nuevo currículo está que integra las tres modalidades de la Educación Básica: Regular, Especial y Alternativa; asimismo, establece un perfil de egreso que presenta una visión común de los aprendizajes que todo estudiante debe lograr al término de su formación.

Igualmente, el currículo nacional incluye un conjunto de competencias y capacidades que promueven la formación de ciudadanos con valores, la vinculación con el mundo del trabajo, el fomento del uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación como competencia transversal a todas las áreas curriculares.


Responde a necesidades del futuro

Recoge, además, los principales aportes del diseño curricular nacional y consolida el enfoque por competencias para responder a un mundo cada vez más diverso e interconectado.

Por su parte, el viceministro de Gestión Pedagógica del Minedu, Flavio Figallo, indicó que esta nueva versión responde mejor a las necesidades del aula y está pensada para su aplicación en toda la Educación Básica.

“Emplea un sistema de conceptos sencillo y bien ordenado, incluyendo las competencias, las capacidades y los estándares de aprendizaje, facilitando el trabajo de los docentes”, refirió.

Añadió que el currículo es perfectible y lo seguirá siendo, pero la actualización curricular es una necesidad pública e impostergable.

“Lo que nos debe preocupar ahora es su adecuada implementación a través de la capacitación docente, la producción de los materiales educativos y la adecuación de las herramientas pedagógicas. Esperamos que el Consejo Nacional de Educación nos alcance su opinión lo antes posible, para poder pasar a la siguiente etapa”, refirió el viceministro.

Conoce la versión final del Currículo Nacional:










Hans Mejía Guerrero

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Reino Unido:Teachers need protection from parents’ brainwashing claims, union says

Resumen: La Asociación Nacional de Directores de Escuela (NAHT) ha pedido al gobierno para hacer PSHE una parte estatutaria del plan de estudios para proteger a los maestros de las reivindicaciones que están siguiendo una agenda personal, lo cual puede resultar en una ruptura de la relación entre la escuela y la comunidad.

National Association of Head Teachers wants personal, social, health and economic education enshrined in curriculum

Headteachers have been accused by parents of brainwashing their children after disagreements about teaching on topics such as homosexuality as part of personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE).

The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) is calling on the government to make PSHE a statutory part of the curriculum to protect teachers from claims that they are following a personal agenda, which can result in a breakdown in the relationship between school and community. The situation is particularly fraught in primary schools because of disagreements about what topics should be covered at what age, though once parents are told the details of the age-appropriate material being used, they are usually reassured.

In one incident at a primary school in Birmingham in 2014, police were called to a meeting of parents who were concerned about a teaching programme called Challenging Homophobia in Schools (Chips).

The NAHT, along with other teaching unions and many public bodies, has long campaigned in favour of compulsory sex and relationships and PSHE education. In March the education secretary, Nicky Morgan, ruled against making the subjects mandatory, despite receiving a joint appeal from MPs on four key House of Commons committees.

Earlier this week MPs launched an inquiry into sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools following preliminary research, which led to renewed calls for compulsory PSHE and SRE (sex and relationships education).

Russell Hobby, the NAHT’s general secretary, speaking before the union’s annual conference next week, said: “We don’t think we need to make PSHE statutory to make teachers do it, but to protect teachers when they do. Otherwise they are vulnerable to accusations that they are pursuing a personal agenda.

“We’ve seen really difficult situations where parents who disagree with the philosophies that are being promoted are saying, ‘You’re doing this, you’re brainwashing our children.’ It’s really helpful to professionals on the frontline to be able to say, ‘No, this is a duty, it’s government regulation and I am doing this, as every school in the country is.’”

Asked for examples of allegations of brainwashing, Hobby said: “If you deal with topics relating to homosexuality in a lesson and a parent from whatever background disagrees with that, they say, ‘I do not want my children taught about these issues.’

“The trouble is, these are controversial topics which our society doesn’t wholly agree on and teachers are having to be quite brave sometimes in doing that and we should have their back when they do that.”

Sarah Hannafin, NAHT policy adviser and a former teacher, said dedicated curriculum time for PSHE was widely supported by parents as well as teachers, though not all teachers were at ease delivering the lessons. “Some teachers don’t want to teach sexual education because they don’t feel comfortable doing it. That’s why training is so important, and if you’ve got dedicated curriculum time, that’s when you get dedicated teachers teaching it.

“They are the people who have chosen to teach that content and have got the expertise and the confidence. In some schools everyone is teaching a bit of PSHE, and that’s when the problems can arise, because some staff aren’t going to be comfortable dealing with those issues. That isn’t what they trained for.”


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Kenya: Matiang’i launches committee to spearhead curriculum reform

África/Kenya/Abril 2016/Fuente:Capital News /Autor: Simon Ndonga

Resumen:El Ministerio de Educación ha puesto en marcha un Comité Directivo Nacional para dirigir las conversaciones sobre reformas curriculares. El secretario del gabinete Educación Sr. Fred Matiang’i indicó que el grupo de trabajo está conformado por las distintas partes interesadas y ello permitira brindar una dirección apropiada al proceso de revisión integral del plan de estudios.

Nairobi — The Ministry of Education has launched a National Steering Committee that will spearhead talks on curriculum reforms.

Speaking during the launch on Thursday, Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i said the taskforce which comprises various stakeholders will give proper direction to the process for a comprehensive curriculum review.

The CS revealed that the taskforce has 36 members which include teachers unions and faith-based organisations and is expected to deliver the new guidelines within two months.

«We are going to be inclusive and we will be very consultative in doing this. We in the education sector must now live with this new reality that we must work together. No one has got all the answers to all the questions and no one has got all the wisdom to be able to do what we need to do,» he stated.

Matiang’i also urged the committee to focus on the job at hand and not to resort to side shows especially when airing their views.

«Let as many people as possible who want to comment on the curriculum review do so. We want to have a national conversation on this issue. We want everyone to participate, to bring their views,» he said.

«If you disagree with anything that we will be doing please bring it here so that we sort it out. We do not want to create anxiety on the sector for our children, parents and on our teachers.»

A proposal by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development is seeking to introduce the 2-6-3-3-3 system to replace the current 8-4-4 system.

At the same time, Matiang’i also announced measures that have been put in place at the Ministry to cut through the bureaucracy within the sector and enhance service delivery.

He pointed out that there is a lot of red tape even for simple processes and a lot of time and resources are wasted as a result.

He said that among the measures being put in place include the joining together of various departments into one unit for proper administration.

«We have over bureaucratized, we have over compartmentalized and as a result, we have created a perfect environment for mediocrity and buck passing,» he said.

He says this will ensure Kenyans are served expeditiously and matters of concern are dealt with in a timely manner.

«Every time you ask somebody something, the rule book is thrown at you and says that the Act says I must do ‘ABCD’. We now must collapse those things, harmonise ourselves and move forward in a serious manner,» he stressed.

He also appealed to teachers’ trade unions to embrace dialogue when dealing with issues on concern saying this will ensure matters are dealt with expeditiously.

He further discouraged them from airing their concerns in the media without first seeking how they might be resolved during dialogue.

«Most of our conversations have been characterized more by acrimony and sometimes pushing and shoving even on very fundamental issues on which we must build consensus because the focus really must be on our children,» he stated.

He instead urged the teachers unions to fully participate in the curriculum development process so that their views are also included.

«Even as we look at a number of things that we are doing here in reforming the curriculum and many other things that we know we need to do in the education sector, it is absolutely necessary that we must work together,» he said.

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IBE UNESCO supports the Afghan Curriculum Reform


In cooperation with the UNESCO Office in Kabul, the IBE is providing technical support to the Ministry of Education of Afghanistan to develop a National Curriculum Reform Proposal aligned with the country’s quest for economic development.

H.E. Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, President of Afghanistan, called for an improvement of quality in education by creating a tangible linkage between education and the economic and social development of the country. A forward-looking curriculum comprising instructional materials and teaching and learning strategies is required to contribute to the country’s development goals. The Afghan Ministry of Education has strategized to conduct a needs assessment and a comprehensive review of the existing curriculum that could prepare the basis for  the development of a Curriculum Reform Plan. The comprehensive plan will lay the foundations for strengthened linkages between Afghanistan’s school curriculum, its national economic development, and improved employment and development opportunities for its youth. The curriculum should also be based on broad-based discussions that establish common understandings, ownership as well as strong political and social commitment and support.

Upon request from the MoE and as UNESCO’s institute specialized in curriculum, learning, teaching and assessment, the International Bureau of Education (IBE) is collaborating with the UNESCO Office in Kabul to provide technical support in conducting the needs assessment, reviewing the existing curriculum, and contributing to the elaboratation  of the Curriculum Reform Plan. The IBE intervention is guided by the idea that through a well-designed curriculum, the education system can support inclusive, fair and sustainable development.

A preliminary situational analyses of the current national curriculum’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the issues and challenges to be addressed, have enabled the identification of the major areas for the intended reform, including:
•    At the official curriculum level – revising current curriculum framework and textbooks; shortening the number of school subjects; strengthening vocational preparation; developing a national student assessment policy;
•    At the implemented curriculum level – guaranteeing the prescribed school time; improving teacher education and teacher professional development; revising teacher education curriculum and guide books; developing capacities at large;
•    At the curriculum processes level – engaging more stakeholders; improving coherence between education sub-sectors; developing a curriculum evaluation strategy.

During a field visit (12-16 March 2016), the IBE will conduct policy and technical consultations with MoE staff and other stakeholders, gather feedbacks, and share curriculum reform proposals/experiences from other countries. Based on the draft curriculum proposal, all stakeholders will provide inputs to further discuss and validate the intended curriculum reform proposal.

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