Armenia: Education ministry seeks to abolish re-examination opportunity in universities, academic staff express various positions

Armenia/April 10, 2018/Source:

The ministry of education and science of Armenia had earlier suggested a new bill whereby the re-examination opportunity for students would be abolished. Under the current system, students of universities are entitled to three re-examination attempts in case of failing an exam. The bill suggest using solely the minimal and maximal credits system – a student either gains enough credits during the year to pass to the following year, or he/she doesn’t.

But executives of universities say that although the model is being used worldwide, the transitioning in Armenia won’t be swift and easy.

ARMENPRESS talked with Vice Rectors of several universities about this proposed change, as well as another change – the attempt to decrease the number of admission applications based on randomly selected professions, and applicants will give the exams partly.

Yerevan State University’s Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Alexander Grigoryan says abolishing the re-examination model is a familiar method which is applied abroad. Grigoryan says transitioning to the model will certainly be difficult, because the complete preparation of the universities requires time.

“Serious work is required and I think the Yerevan State University will be ready for the new bill”, he said.

Tsolak Akopyan, Vice Rector of Academic Affairs of the Valery Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences, said a transition-at once will be difficult.

“But the fact that students will chose how many credits during how many years and when to graduate – in four or six years, this is an  accepted option”,  he said.

Arkadi Barkhudaryan, Vice Rector of for Academic Affairs of the national university of architecture and construction, said he opposes the bill and students should at least have one re-examination chance.


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