‘High degree of motivation’: Augmented, virtual reality transforming classrooms

Por Pallavi Singhal

When their school got 3D printers a few years ago, Brenden Davidson’s year 10 technology class was finally able to rotate and fully explore their designs.

Then in 2016, the technology leader of learning at St Mary’s Cathedral College started bringing augmented and virtual reality into the classroom.

«It’s an easier way to do it, we’d finish the design work and put it in augmented reality so they could view their work,» Mr Davidson said.

Now, he’s going even further with the technology.

«When I first started, I was just using it as a tool to display their work. Now I’m trying to use it as a content creation tool,» Mr Davidson said.

«With virtual reality, you’ve got sensors in your hand and you’re using your whole body to design something and it’s in real scale in front of you. Traditionally you’d have a keyboard and a mouse, which is not an overly natural way to construct something.»

Mr Davidson won the Premier’s Teachers Mutual Bank New and Emerging Technologies Scholarship last year and recently completed a study tour of England, Sweden and America to look at how augmented and virtual reality are being used in education around the world.

«What I learnt on the tour was that AR and VR can be successful at many levels and it’s very easy to jump into it at the free level,» Mr Davidson said.

«If students are using their smartphone, they’re bringing the technology with them and they can just use augmented reality at no cost. With virtual reality, you can get headsets for a couple of dollars.»

Mr Davidson said the technology is useful across all subjects, with companies now beginning to augment textbooks.

«You can scan the page and a 3D solar system will appear and you can rotate and move that around,» he said.

«It can help students digest complex concepts at a higher rate, we look at things in a 3D perspective so it’s more natural and easier to understand than 2D things.

«And there’s a high degree of motivation, students are quite excited by it because some of them are having that experience with games but it’s something they’ve never done in the classroom.»

The dive into educational uses for technology by schools and businesses comes amid warnings that smartphones and other devices may be affecting students’ focus in the classroom, as well as their level of physical activity and quality of sleep.

Finnish education expert Pasi Sahlberg recently said smartphones should be banned, at least at the primary school level, which was supported by NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes.

However, Mr Davidson said industry developments and widespread phone ownership are making tools such as augmented and virtual reality far more accessible in schools.

Mr Davidson will speak to Australian teachers about the potential uses of the technology at conferences this year and will also write a report on the subject that will be published by the NSW Premier’s Department.

«There’s a level of awareness [about augmented and virtual reality], but when I demonstrate it at different places teachers can see the benefit of it,» he said.

«You can go on virtual excursions to anywhere in the world, students can get an immersive experience in Africa, the Great Barrier Reef.

«With the amount of money that’s being invested in this, it’s going to become a tool students can utilise in all their education.

«And teachers can see how they can quickly and easily put it into what they’re already doing.»
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Education Ministry launches “Smart classroom” to connect schools across the country

Guyana/November 21, 2017/By News Source Guyana

The technology connects classrooms in any region of Guyana. This will serve to bridge the gap between coastal schools and those in the hinterland and rural communities.

The Ministry of Education is continuing its move to connect schools and classrooms in real-time across Guyana through the use of innovative technology.

The first ‘Smart Classroom’ was launched last week at the National Centre for Education and Resource Development (NCERD).

The technology connects classrooms in any region of Guyana. This will serve to bridge the gap between coastal schools and those in the hinterland and rural communities.

Delivering remarks at the launch exercise was Chief Education Officer, Mr. Marcel Hutson who commented that the launch of the initiative marks a significant day in the history of education delivery in Guyana.

He said that it is symbolic of the education sector embracing the use of technology to deliver education; something the Ministry has been clamouring to do for the longest while.

Mr. Hutson also noted that the occasion is just the beginning and efforts will be made to establish similar rooms across Guyana. According to the CEO, the benefits are tremendous as children and teachers can benefit from interactive learning “shifting away from the chalk and talk”.

“It is the beginning of a new season in our country and will only get better as we press on.”

Minister of Education, Nicolette Henry, said that the launch of the Smart Classroom represents a high moment of the Ministry of Education as it is embracing a 21st Century Teaching Tool.

She said that the use of the Smart Classroom epitomises the Ministry’s efforts at providing quality education to all and reducing disparities between the hinterland, rural and coastal areas; an issue that will be a primary focus for the Ministry as it moves into the new year.

Meanwhile, ICT Coordinator within the Ministry of Education, Ms. Marcia Thomas said that the idea to connect classrooms around Guyana has been around for some time. However, it was after a meeting with the Minister of Education that discussed bridging the gap between the hinterland, coastal and rural areas, that ideas emerged to achieve the goal.

She said that the equipment that has been set up in a special room at NCERD were bought at a cost of US$30,000. The room features a touchscreen Promethean Board, 30 Charging stations for Tablets, Smart Phones and Computers and Ergonomic Furniture for the pupils to use.

She said that the internet connection at the NCERD building was provided by the Egovernance Unit who provided the connection at a speed of 100 Megabytes per second.

Director of NCERD, Ms. Jennifer Cumberbatch said that Guyana is truly going places. She said that the new initiative will surely make the NCERD building a resource place despite it serves to connect classrooms around the country.

The setting up of the equipment was made possible through the committed efforts of Ms. Marcia Thomas and her team along with the assistance of overseas-based Guyanese, Sheldon Blair.

Mr. Blair works at Google and gave all the technical support free of cost, a gesture that is highly appreciated.

During the launch, schools and teachers in Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10 were connected and were able to interface with each other.

Also, a number of textbooks used in the public-school system are available for use through the system which will make teaching much more efficient. One feature of the state of the art technology is that the teacher using the equipment can log the students off so that they can focus on the Promethean Board while she teaches and log them in back into the system when material on their tablets are required.

To use the system, Tablets, Smart Phones and Computers need to have access to a Zoom Cloud Meetings platform that is available on the Google Play Store.

The Smart Classroom can be used to connect schools thereby creating a universal classroom where one teacher can teach as many students as possible.


Education Ministry launches “Smart classroom” to connect schools across the country

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