Kenia: KCPE candidates get wrong results as Knec vows to tackle issue

Kenia / 29 de noviembre de 2017 / Fuente:

When this year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination results were released on Tuesday, Maina Lewis Mwangi of index number 20409008066 was optimistic of getting good results.

Master Mwangi, who sat his examination at Wangu Primary School, Dandora, in Nairobi, sent a text to 22252 in order to get the results as had been advised by Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i during the morning session.

With assurance by the ministry that the examinations were accurate, Master Mwangi got a text message that indicated that he had scored ENG 68B, KIS 56C+, KSL==, MAT 43C-, SCI 29D-, SSR 70B+ Total 266 marks out of 500.

He was not satisfied. He sent another text, which indicated that he had scored ENG 68B, KIS 56C+, KSL==, MAT 43C- , SCI 61B-, SSR 70B+ Total 298.

The scores were different in terms of the Science subject as in the first text he scored 29D while in the second it was 61B.

The candidate is now among 345 candidates whose erroneous results the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) says it is handling.

On Thursday, a total of 535 candidates at Olympic Primary School in Nairobi finally received their correct exam results after two days of anxiety.


In the previous results, the best candidate had 384 marks but, after the correction, the top candidate had 427 marks with 13 candidates getting more than 400 marks.

The mother of Master Maina, Ms Elimina Mwikali, told the Sunday Nation that she had raised the issue with the school and was told that many parents had complained about the same issue.

According to her, manual remarking of the examination will rectify these errors, which she said were introduced by the computer during the marking process.

“They should not be in a hurry to release exam results,” she said.

In Siaya, errors in KCPE results for many schools in Gem sub-county are yet to be corrected.

Siaya County Director of Education Kituyi Masibo has asked all aggrieved candidates, parents and teachers to remain calm as they wait for the official printout of the results.

Mr Masibo, who spoke to the Sunday Nation, said he received numerous complaints from head teachers from various primary schools in Wagai division, Gem Sub-County, claiming their results were erroneous.

“Let us wait for the official printout of the results expected in the county today,” Mr Masibo said.

The teachers, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the results have killed the spirit of the candidates and the final mean grades of their schools.

They said that the results coincidentally awarded a majority of candidates with a standard mark of 51 per cent in Mathematics and 60 per cent in English.

Some of the affected schools in Wagai division include Malunga, Ober, Uriri, Ujimbe, Oseno, Wagai, Ulamba, Apuoyo, Asai, Aluor Girls, Kaudha, Nyasidhi and Wagwer primary schools.
The teachers called on Knec to rectify the problem before the beginning of Form One selection set to begin next month.

They also read mischief in the manner in which Knec resorted to coincidentally awarding candidates the same marks.

“We call upon Knec to immediately look at that matter and ensure that the mistakes are corrected and guarantee the best pupils an opportunity to join their preferred schools,” a teacher said.

However, one teacher has since admitted that the error has been corrected and hopes that the matter will be resolved fully.

Speaking on Tuesday during the release of the examination results at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum of Development, Knec chairman George Magoha said the acquisition of 20 new scanning machines that cost Sh100 million enabled the marking of the examination to be completed in two weeks.

“The new machines are faster, more efficient and accurate when it comes to processing the examinations. The council was able to realise accuracy of up to 99.99 per cent in processing the papers,” he said.

He said that for composition, sign language and braille, the council engaged 5,316 teachers who completed the work within five days.

On Saturday, Prof Magoha could not be reached for comment on the issue.

However on Friday, acting chief executive Mercy Karogo acknowledged that there were concerns but said the council was addressing them.

“We have received complaints and addressed a number of them and will continue to do so,” she said.

In Naivasha, 20 candidates at Mt Longonot School received their correct exam results on Friday, ending the anxiety that characterised the results announcement.

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Kenia: Security increased in Coast region as KCPE exams start

Kenia / 01 de noviembre de 2017 / Fuente:

Security has been heightened in terror prone Lamu and Tana River counties as Standard Eight candidates started their national exams.

Coast regional police boss Larry Kieng said security had been heightened in terror prone areas of Lamu and Tana River to counter Al-Shabaab attacks.

Mr Kieng said enough officers had been deployed to schools in Lamu that were affected by Al-Shabaab attacks.

“The security of our children and that of our schools is guaranteed. We will not take any chances in this critical time for our children,” he said.

He said adequate security had also been deployed in Mombasa, Kilifi, Kwale and Taita Taveta.

The Standard Eight candidates started their English exams at 8 am in most schools.

Distribution of Kenya Certificate of Primary Education examination materials in the six coast counties continued smoothly ahead of the exams.

Education officials and county commissioners ensured the distribution of the materials to various schools.

In Lamu, the county education officials led by county director William Micheni denied journalists access to examination centres.

Mr Micheni said he was representing his boss, Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’I who had asked that the journalists access  as they are “propagandists.”

He directed security guards to kick out journalists from Lamu Boys Primary School terming them ‘intruders.’

In the Coast region where 84,088 candidates are expected to sit for the exams, regional education director Abdikadir Kike County Commissioner Achoki witnessed the distribution of the papers at Kisauni

In Kilifi, head teachers picked the materials from the county commissioner’s office.

Candidates were frisked to ensure they did not have materials that could be used to cheat.

In Tana River, 14 KCPE candidates from Koticha Primary School were asked to sit for their exams in Hola, more than 50 kilometres away.

Speaking to the Nation, Wayu MCA Saddam Hussein said the move by the Kenya National Examination Council was unreasonable and would affect the pupils’ performance in the exams.

“Why would KNEC suddenly advice pupils to travel over 50kms from Wayu to go and take their exams yet there is just an examination centre just 5kms from Koticha Primary school?” he posed.

Mr Hussein said KNEC ought to have consulted with stakeholders on ground.

His sentiments were echoed by Koticha Primary School chairman Ali Jara who accused KNEC of “plans to make Koticha Primary school fail, hence tainting its image of  good performance.”

Mr Jara said it was unfortunate for KNEC to have arrived at such a decision without considering stakeholders on ground and other factors that would affect exams performance.

“KNEC should have alerted parents early in advance so that these pupils can be prepared for such moment, and besides, there is an exam centre 5kms from Koticha Primary. They should have transferred these pupils to Wayu primary School. Why Hola? ”he posed.

Mr Jara said this decision would affect the pupils psychologically as they have to adapt to the environment to settle for the exams. He also said he was worried as the plans by KNEC had not outlined how the pupils would be catered for in terms of food and accomodation.

However Tana River Director of Education Gitonga Mbaka confirmed that they had raised the matter with KNEC officials who had apologized for having made such an oversight.

Mr Mbaka in a text told the Nation said: “KNEC made a mistake and delivered the exams to the wrong centre. We have raised the matter and they have promised to rectify the issue next year.”

Concerning the pupils’ upkeep, Mr Mbaka told the Nation that he had liaised with the county commissioner to address the issue.

He confirmed that the pupils have since arrived in Hola for the exams.

The candidates were relocated because they were few.

According to KNEC a school has to have at least 11 candidates to be registered as an examinatiuon centre.

However, Mr Mbaka said it was wrong that Koticha was not registered yet it was 14 and that the issue will be

KCPE candidates in terror-prone Basuba ward and Pandanguo in Lamu County were moved to safer areas to sit for their exams.

Nine candidates from the Boni minority community in Basuba, Lamu East were moved to Mokowe Arid Zone Primary School.

The Mokowe Arid Zone was established in 1992 to give refuge and education to children from the Boni and Sanye minority communities.

All schools in Basuba ward including Basuba, Milimani, Mangai, Mararani and Kiangwe have remained closed for more than two years due to insecurity caused by al-shabaab attacks.

KCPE candidates from the ward have not set foot in class for the entire year.

The young girls and boys will now sit their exams at the Mokowe Arid Zone Primary School which is a full boarding institution, well furnished with all the necessary requirements for learners.

The school is also under 24-hour security surveillance by police.

Mokowe Arid Zone Primary School headteacher Zbubakar Ruhuma said there were concerns on how the pupils would perform.

“We received a total of 141 pupils from the Boni Community living in Boni forest. Out of that, nine are among the 42 KCPE candidates to sit for the exams in this school as from Tuesday. They couldn’t sit the exams in their schools since they haven’t opened for the last two years due to insecurity. They have faced so many challenges but we are praying for them to do better. Here, the pupils are safer and the environment is peaceful,” said Mr Ruhuma.

At Pandanguo Primary School in Lamu West, 19 KCPE candidates will now sit their exams at the Witu Primary School after their school remained shut since July due to insecurity.

The school whose pupils are also majorly children from the Boni minority community remained closed since July 4 this year owing to constant attacks and raids by Al-Shabaab.

Majority of the KCPE candidates have been living in IDP camps with their parents who fled their villages in Pandanguo due to Al-Shabaab attacks that left several people dead including four police officers at the Pandanguo police station which was raided by the militants on July 4.

Parents are concerned that their children will not do well as they would have if they had been in school throughout.

“Most of our children who are sitting for this year’s KCPE have been living with us in IDP camps at Katsaka Kairu and at Witu AIC since July this year. They haven’t been in school since then because the teachers also ran away leaving the school deserted and closed. We are glad they have been moved and will do their exams elsewhere but we know that will not make any difference since they lost so much,” said Mr Adan Golja who is the Pandanguo village headman.

Pandanguo Primary School headteacher Hussein Athman said each year, candidates at the school have to be moved to Witu Primary School which is about 21 kilometres from Pandanguo as their exam centre due to unpredictable security situation in the area.

“I have 19 candidates from Pandanguo Primary School whom we have had to transfer them to Witu Primary School where they will be doing their exams from there. Our school is currently closed and we did all preparations at Witu. I am praying that they will do better in the forthcoming KCPE exams,” said Mr Athman.

Meanwhile, all is set for KCPE exams across Lamu with County Commissioner Gilbert Kitiyo assuring all schools of adequate security measures to ensure the exams progress smoothly.

He said schools in Ishakani and Kiunga border of Lamu and Somalia and those bordering the Boni forest will also be provided with adequate security to ensure no external attacks and interruptions from the Al-Shabaab militants.

“We have ensured all schools will be closely guarded by police. It’s not like we expect anything to happen during the exams but we are just taking precaution. All schools are under police surveillance. We have made similar arrangements for students in terror prone areas and so there is no cause for alarm,” said Mr Kitiyo.

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Kenia: TSC to inspect schools countrywide ahead of exams

Kenia / 14 de septiembre de 2016 / Por: FRANCIS MUREITHI / Fuente:

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) officials start a countrywide inspection of schools on Tuesday ahead of national examinations, which kick off on November 1.

At least 1.5 million candidates will this year sit for Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations.

The commissioners will also monitor how the performance contracting for principals and teachers is progressing.

The teachers have been appraised twice this year and this is the third time the TSC is visiting schools in a bid to ensure their staff are well prepared to handle the forthcoming examinations following the signing of the new performance contracts.

According to Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (Kessha) vice-chairman Indimuli Kahi, the visit by the TSC commissioners is crucial as the principals will also share with them the challenges facing teachers since they signed the contracts.

Mr Kahi said the inspection is welcomed and described it as the best way to address some of the underlying issues affecting teachers on the ground.

“As Kessha we believe this is a move in the right direction because unlike in the past practice where the commissioners would sit in their offices in Nairobi and wait to receive the reports from the ground,” said Mr Indimuli.


Mr Kahi, who is also the principal of Chavakali Boys High School, said teachers on the ground are facing many challenges in the implementation of the new performance contracts.

On delayed promotion of teachers, Mr Indimuli observed that some members were due for promotion but are still stagnating in their grades.

However, Mr Kahi did not indicate how many teachers had so far been promoted and those whose promotions cases were still pending at the TSC.

“As Kessha we have not documented the exact numbers of teachers who have not been promoted but the delay in addressing this sticky issue is causing concerns and anxiety,” said Mr Indimuli.

He observed that some of the teachers are faced with mandatory retirement in the next one or two years as they are approaching 60 years.

The Kessha official further noted that some of their members had attended the interviews and urged the TSC commissioners to address the issue when they visit their institutions.

However, he said unlike in the past, there has been an improvement in the promotion of teachers after the government allocated enough funds to TSC.

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