Why the EdTech evidence reform needs global quality benchmarks

By Professor Natalia Kucirkova, University of Stavanger and The Open University

The use of educational technology (EdTech) during the pandemic revealed structural weaknesses in the EdTech system, from the way it is designed to the way it is funded, selected and implemented by schools. To address these weaknesses, the EdTech evidence reform has been proposed. The reform can only be successful if diverse national efforts get unified with a global strategy on what counts as “evidence” in educational technology.

In the aftermath of the pandemic, a number of EdTech advocates proposed extensive changes to EdTech. The reports of national governments (e.g. England), funders (e.g. the Jacobs Foundation) and scientists’ consortia (e.g. EdTech Exchange) proposed an EdTech reform. At the heart of the reform is the global consensus that schools should only select technologies that has evidence of positive impact on children’s learning. However, there are major differences in the way EdTech evidence is defined, measured and mandated across countries.

The United States follows the ESSA Standards of Evidence, with randomized control trials as the highest form of evidence. The US government has defined standardized measures of evidence with requirements of efficacy at four levels. Supporting non-regulatory guidance on how to measure the individual levels and a list of recommended resources is included in the What Works Clearinghouse catalogue.

In Europe, various countries follow different EdTech evidence mandates and enforcements. Some countries have funded the development of EdTech for national use (e.g. the Octavo Digital Library in Malta). Other countries leave the decision-making up to teachers and local municipalities (e.g. Norway). The United Kingdom has a number of evidence framework provided by various university teams, think-tanks and commercial entities (e.g. Educate Ventures or What Worked ). Outside of the Global North, countries follow a mixture of recommendations, most of which are less stringent and broader than the ESSA standards.

The 2023 GEM Report on technology and education aims to provide an overview of education technology policies based on national experiences. A key question in this process is how to ensure that national efforts for greater EdTech evidence are in line with work underway on a global level. Most EdTech is designed for the international market. However, while the content of individual platforms can be tailored to national curricula, the evidential basis should be based on international standards of evidence.

There is a clear academic consensus on what counts as evidence: an independent study published in a peer-reviewed journal. However, when it comes to EdTech, an alternative definition of evidence has been in use for the past ten years: the evidence in the form of teachers’ reports and reviews. EdTech solutions top-rated by teachers on platforms like EdTech Impact or Educational App Store, dominate the lists of school procurement teams.

Teachers’ views of what works in their classroom are not in opposition with scientific measurement of evidence. Indeed, teachers’ experiences should be combined with scientific evaluations of EdTech’s efficacy and effectiveness in promoting children’s learning. So far, neither teachers nor scientists have been able to combine their evidence ratings in a coordinated way. The gap is being currently filled with various EdTech evidence providers, some of which use combined ratings for certifying or approving specific EdTech products. Examples include the ISTE and ASD EdTech certification organisations or LearnPlatform with Instructure, both of which have been recently merged in major deals.

Building a solid evidence base requires many trials and errors, many tests with many children from many schools. It therefore makes sense to consolidate the evidence testing efforts with a joint framework of efficacy – such as the one proposed by ESSA. It also makes sense to incentivize EdTech’s efforts to be more evidence-led through federal grants and venture capital investments (e.g. as modelled by the Vital Prize). The problem of defining evidence only in efficacy terms means that RCTs become the golden standard for EdTech. This goes against the broader definitions of evidence proposed by individual states. Furthermore, efficacy standards were criticised for undermining smaller start-ups and thereby innovation in the market.

EdTech is a capital- intensive industry, sensitive to the business conditions set by international policies. The EU pledged and became counterweight to US ‘dominance’ in EdTech in relation to privacy, but is lagging behind in the EdTech evidence race. The evidence framework and market mechanisms are exactly the type of forces that propelled US EdTech to its dominance in the educational market. The forces that threaten our global commitment towards diverse and open spaces in EdTech. The GEM Report needs to address this reality with a multipronged approach that aligns the need for EdTech evidence with a clear set of international standards.


Natalia Kucirkova is Professor of Early Childhood Education and Development at the University of Stavanger, Norway and Professor of Reading and Children’s Development at The Open University, UK. Natalia’s work is concerned with social justice in children’s literacy and use of technologies. Her research takes place collaboratively across academia, commercial and third sectors. She is the founder of the university spin-out Wikit, AS, which integrates science with the children’s EdTech industry.

Twitter: @NKucirkova


The post Why the EdTech evidence reform needs global quality benchmarks appeared first on World Education Blog.

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EEUU: Texas Special Education Reform Comes With Mountain Of Mistrust

EEUU/May 08, 2018/

In 2004, the Texas Education Agency arbitrarily decided the state should shrink special education to 8.5 percent of the student population.

After conducting an investigation, the U.S. Department of Education said the effective cap illegally barred tens of thousands of children with disabilities from a free and appropriate education.

The state agency is trying to enact reforms to make up for breaking the law, but parents and advocates say it will take a lot to regain their trust.

“It’s really too little, too late. Especially (for) those children who needed early childhood intervention. You can’t get those years back,” said Jill Goolsby of San Antonio.

Five years ago, school officials told Goolsby her 3-year-old son Walker didn’t qualify for the free public preschool program for children with disabilities.

“I was told he definitely was not autistic because he was able to pretend that blocks were ice cubes. And I was told that a child with autism is not creative and cannot have any imaginative play, which is — that’s not true. But I did not know that at the time,” Goolsby said.

According to the Education Department, school districts across Texas delayed testing tens of thousands of kids like Walker, or shunted them to less intensive forms of support to meet TEA’s 8.5 percent benchmark.

By the time the benchmark was eliminated last year, advocates said a whole generation had aged out of the system.

“As a society, we will pay for them the rest of their lives, if we don’t get them back in the system and educate them,” said Karen Seal, a disability rights attorney in San Antonio. “The ones that are already out, how do we get them back, when there’s no mandate to do that?”

Seal thinks the Education Department should have punished Texas for breaking the law.

“But the problem with punitive is it’s usually monetary, and the last thing the schools need right now when it comes to special education is to lose money,” Seal said.

What the Education Department did, however, is tell TEA to do a better job monitoring school districts, and to make sure the children who were denied services are given the help they’re owed.

The department is currently reviewing TEA’s plan to meet those demands. It has three major parts: compensating families, training teachers and amping up the state’s monitoring team.

Deputy commissioner of academics Penny Schwinn said the first thing TEA will do is use federal dollars to hire 50 people.

“Unlike what Texas has done in the past, we want this monitoring team to be about review and support. So it’s going into districts, working with them as partners, families as partners, students as partners to really look at the compliance components,” Schwinn said.

Next school year, the plan calls for districts to begin finding the kids they missed and provide therapy and other compensatory services if they need it.

Goolsby welcomes the news, but said it won’t make up for her son Walker not getting help when he needed it. While she was able to get him into a private preschool, and had insurance to help cover therapy, she knows other families weren’t, and aren’t, so lucky.

“These kids have had bad years. It’s very hard to send them to an environment where you know they’re struggling and to try to turn around their mental attitude around school and their relationships with their peers,” Goolsby said.

Walker Goolsby, center, plays with Legos after school with his sister Caroline and brother Hayes.

Today, Walker is 8 years old and doing well. One of his favorite things to do is build Legos and make up stories about Lego guys.

His mother is grateful, but feels for all the kids who’ve missed out on years on intervention.

I mean you can’t undo that. Those are consequences that are just going to be there,” Goolsby said.

She and her husband moved their four children across town to be close to a charter school that gives Walker and his younger brother Hayes special education services.

With so much to make up for, parents and advocates have mixed reactions to TEA’s special education plan. Their top concern: There won’t be enough money.

Kyle Piccola from the disability rights organization The Arc of Texas said the plan’s a big step in the right direction, but he’s worried TEA doesn’t mention anything about how expensive it will be.

“In my opinion they’d be able to provide an estimated guess, at the least,” Piccola said.

TEA has promised to ask for more money for special education in next year’s state budget, but Piccola said he it will be hard to get lawmakers to agree unless the agency provides an accurate picture of the cost.

“I don’t want you to hear that The Arc of Texas is giving a resounding gold star to TEA. Like I said, we are very cautious about moving forward, and we’re going to be keeping a watchful eye,” Piccola said.

Disability rights attorney Karen Seal is more skeptical, though. She wants a federal monitor.

“TEA, the one that broke the law, they’re saying okay, we know you robbed these kids of this education, now we want you to go in and take care of the problem,” Seal said.

TEA’s Penny Schwinn said the state agency is working to regain the trust of parents and advocates.

“We understand that there are some serious trust issues in the state related tospecial education, and that one of our responsibilities is to begin to right the ship on our end,” Schwinn said.

It’s hard to say how much oversight the Education Department will give TEA as it rolls out special education reform. The department declined multiple requests for an interview.

Camille Phillips can be reached at Camille@tpr.org or on Twitter @cmpcamille






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