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England: Greta Thunberg to join school strike in Bristol

Europe/England/23-02-2020/Author (a) and Source:

Climate change activist Greta Thunberg is to join a school strike in Bristol.

She tweeted she was «heading for the UK» and was «looking forward» to joining strikers on College Green in the city centre on Friday morning.

Bristol Youth Strike for Climate (BYS4C) said it was «honoured to be welcoming» the 17-year-old.

Ms Thunberg, who is expected to travel by train, is due to make a speech before joining a samba band-accompanied march.

Izzy Smitheson, from BYS4C, said Ms Thunberg had contacted the group because she «wanted to strike with us».

School strike in BristolImage copyrightARCHIE RICHARDS
Image captionThe first school strike in Bristol took place in February last year

Ms Smitheson, 17, said: «We didn’t have a strike planned, so it’s a lot of last-minute organisation.

«The whole Bristol community has come together to make it happen. We think Greta’s presence will make it very big and bring a lot of energy to the strike.»

Greta Thunberg mural
Image captionArtist Jody Thomas painted a mural of Ms Thunberg in Bristol last year

Two years ago, Ms Thunberg started missing lessons most Fridays to protest outside the Swedish parliament building, in what turned out to be the beginning of a huge environmental movement.

She has become a leading voice for action on climate change, inspiring millions of students to join protests around the world.

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Kenya: UASU issues seven-day strike notice

Africa/Kenya/12-01-2020/Author and Source:

Universities Academic Staff Union – UASU lecturers have issued a seven-day strike notice over alleged government’s failure to honour the Collective Bargaining Agreement signed on October 28 last year. 

UASU Secretary General Constantine Wasonga says there will be no classes in public universities from Monday January 20th.

The lecturers say that according to the CBA they were supposed to be paid by November last year but the government has failed to honour the agreement.

They lamented about the ongoing blame game between the Ministry of Education, the Salaries and Remuneration Commission – SRC and the Inter Public Universities Council Consultative Forum.

According Wesonga, the lecturers are also up in arms over the conflicting figures owed by the employer.

Wesonga insists that the Salaries and Remuneration Commission had approved the CBA in its current form and vowed not to renegotiate.

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Kenya: 31 student leaders of Pwani University expelled

Africa/Kenya/17-11-2019/Author (a) and Source:

31 student leaders at Pwani University have been expelled from the campus following the October 14th strike that led to the closure of the institution.

Addressing the media on Thursday, a section of the student leaders led by their president Fikirini Jacobs promised to appeal against the Board’s decision.

The campus is set to reopen on December 2, 2019, while the Health department section opened on Monday this week.

Fikirini said among the students’ grievances that led to the closure of the campus were lack of chairs in lecture halls, poor hygiene, referrals, inadequate payment for trips and poor services offered at the campus hospital.

“I have been presenting the students’ complaints to the dean of students Ronald Juma on several occasions before the strike. Students have to sit on the floor of lecture halls during classes and despite promises by the authorities to address the issue, no action was taken,” he said.

He said the lecture halls were cleaned once after two weeks posing a threat to their health while students seeking medication at the campus could not access service after 5.00 pm.

He said students paid Sh12,000 for trips every academic year but it has been unfortunate that those going on trips outside were paid between Sh100 and Sh300

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Kenya: Varsity suspends 19 Students in the aftermath of the unrest

Africa/Kenya/13-10-2019/Author and Source:

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology management has suspended 19 students perceived to be the masterminds of the unrest that led to the closure of the institution last month.

According to the memo seen by KNA on the students’ notice board dated October 4 and signed by the Acting Registrar Academic affairs Prof Thomas Sakwa, the students have been suspended indefinitely.

The Students’ Governing Council Chairman Vincent Lumala, the Secretary General Gerald Maina and the Treasurer Amon Kiptarus are on the list.

The varsity administration has started recalling the students and began with the first years who reported back on Tuesday and were to pay 950 shillings fine for the destruction of property during the strike.

The students said their other colleagues are to report on October 14.

The varsity staff camped at the gate and only those students who had cleared the first semester fees and signed a commitment to adhere to the institution’s rules and regulations were allowed in.

The strike had been prompted by the action of the university management to lock out students who had not cleared fees from sitting end of semester examinations.

A student leader who sought anonymity said the suspension is unfair as the victims had not been given a chance to be heard.

He accused the varsity authorities of sidelining the students’ representatives in the decision-making process.

The acting Vice Chancellor Prof Asenath Sigot declined to comment on the matter.

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Kenya Public Universities Crack Whip on Striking Lecturers

Kenya/May 01, 2018/By Ouma Wanzala/ Source:

The University of Nairobi has taken the lead by suspending 35 lecturers after they declined to return to work following the Labour Court’s ruling that declared the pay strike illegal and unprotected in March. The industrial action enters its third month on May 1.

Public universities have started cracking the whip on striking lecturers and other staff as the industrial action enters its third month on Tuesday.

The University of Nairobi (UoN) has suspended 35 lecturers after they declined to return to work following Labour Court’s ruling that declared the strike illegal and unprotected last month.

Technical University of Kenya (TUK) on Friday started a head count of lecturers who are teaching, and has threatened to sack those who will not report to work.

At UoN, acting Deputy Vice Chancellor Finance and Administration Isaac Mbeche said the suspension is a warning to those who are still on strike.

«We are now dealing with individuals since they have different contracts with the university. If you do not come to work without permission, there are consequences,» Prof Mbeche warned.


He said the institution wrote to staff asking them to resume work, and that those who abided have not been punished.

«Some wrote back agreeing to resume work while others insisted they were still on strike,» Prof Mbeche said, adding that learning had resumed at the institution.

Last month, the university denied more than 1,200 staff their salaries for boycotting work.

At TUK, all staff are now required to sign commitment forms as the institution moves to ensure that operations are normalised.

«The directors of schools and heads of administrative units are hereby requested to ensure compliance with this directive by submitting completed commitment forms to the management,» a circular by Deputy Vice-Chancellor in charge of Administration and Planning, Joseph Kiplangat, reads.

Staff at the university who are still on strike are set to start receiving their suspension letters today.


At Moi University, Vice-Chancellor Isaac Kosgey has warned that the striking staff will not get their salaries.

«Other disciplinary measures will be taken as the university council advises.

«Staff who are ready to resume work can do so by registering with the respective heads of departments on a daily basis with immediate effect,» Prof Kosgey said.

At Kenyatta University, lecturers are now required to sign forms indicating their willingness to teach, and which must be submitted to deputy VC in charge of administration and planning.

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University has since adjusted its academic calendar for all students due to the strike.


Students in most universities have gone home as they wait for a solution to the crisis that has affected learning for the last one year.

The strike, which started on March 1, has paralysed learning in all 31 public universities. Lecturers are demanding Sh38 billion for the 2017-2021 CBA.

Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed last week set up a team to table a counter-offer.

«The impact of these perennial strikes has, to say the least, been disastrous.

«The image of our university education worldwide is taking a severe beating.

«Our students are taking more than double the period required to complete academic programmes and employers are losing faith in the capacity of our graduates,» Ms Mohamed said.


Ms Mohamed said with the enactment of the Constitution and the subsequent creation of the Salaries and Remuneration Commission, all salaries in the public sector must now be based on advice from the commission.

However, Universities Academic Staff Union Secretary General Constantine Wasonga said lecturers will only call off their strike after receiving an offer.

«We are used to threats, and we will now be forced back to work,» Dr Wasonga said.

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Arizona Teachers Vote to Go on Strike, Sparking Statewide Walkout

United States/April 21, 2018/NPR

Resumen: Los maestros en Arizona celebraron el jueves una votación de huelga que lanzó la primera huelga estatal de Arizona y rechazó un aumento de sueldo propuesto, en lugar de exigir un mayor financiamiento escolar.

Teachers in Arizona held a strike vote on Thursday that launched Arizona’s first-ever statewide walkout and turned down a proposed pay raise — instead demanding increased school funding.

The Arizona Education Association and the grass-roots group the Arizona Educators United announced that teachers will walk off the job April 26.

At issue is a plan crafted by Gov. Doug Ducey to give teachers a 20 percent raise by 2020, starting with a 9 percent hike next year.

AZPTA President Beth Simek, in a video statement, said that an analysis from the Joint Legislative Budget Committee staff, coupled with her group’s research, led to their decision to oppose Ducey’s plan.

«In light of the funding streams that have come to light regarding the ’20 by 2020′ plan, we can no longer support the governor’s proposal,» said Simek. «As a voice for children, we hope to see the governor and this legislature find a sustainable, long-term permanent funding source that does not hurt others in the process.»

School support staff groups say they feel left out of the governor’s plan.

In a tweet, Save Our Schools Arizona said, «It is now clear the existing proposal is not sustainable or comprehensive as a means of increasing educator pay and re-investing in Arizona’s classrooms and schools.»

Both groups said that they are still ready to work with the governor on a new plan.

Arizona’s teachers plan to strike is an unprecedented move and comes with high risk.

According to The Associated Press:

«Teachers themselves could face consequences in this right-to-work state, where unions do not collectively bargain with school districts and representation is not mandatory. The Arizona Education Association has warned its 20,000 members about a 1971 Arizona attorney general opinion saying a statewide strike would be illegal under common law and participants could lose their teaching credentials.»


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Kenya: Teachers Union Issues 7-Day Strike Notice Over Annual Increment

Kenya/August 21, 2017/Allafrica

Resumen: El Sindicato Nacional de Maestros de Kenia (KNUT) ha emitido al gobierno un aviso de huelga de siete días al gobierno debido al desguace del incremento anual de sueldo para los maestros.

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) has issued a seven-day strike notice to the government due to the scrapping of the annual salary increment for teachers.

Speaking after a National Executive Council (NEC) meeting, Secretary General Wilson Sossion accused the Teacher Service Commission (TSC) of deceit since it increased teachers’ salaries while at the same time removing their benefits.

He further stated that the Commission has also failed to recognise and compensate teachers who have attained higher academic qualifications.

«This increment is available to the teacher as a matter of right in the law. The increasing schemes of service further governs this entitlement. The schemes of service for the teachers, graduates, non graduates and technical teachers must be upgraded appropriately by the Teachers Service Commission. This has not been done for the last three years and our patience has run out,» he said.

Sossion stated that should the issues not be addressed, teachers countrywide will down their tools.

«We have given a seven day notice that the department which is involved must take care of this matter as quickly as possible so that the program of the Ministry of Education should not be disrupted because that is what will happen on a grand scale,» he stated.

The union also wanted the TSC to discuss recognition of new qualification as contained in the scheme of service for teachers as they want teachers to be promoted on graduation.


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