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En Pakistan: 30.000 niños en capital fuera de la escuela, informó ministro

ISLAMABAD: El ministro de educación dijo el miércoles que hay 30,000 niños que no asisten a la escuela en la capital.


El Ministro de Educación y Capacitación Profesional, Shafqat Mahmood, dio instrucciones a la Dirección Federal de Educación (FDE) para que tomara medidas para llevar a estos niños a las escuelas.

El ministro visitó el FDE, que se ocupa de las 423 instituciones educativas de la capital, por primera vez para obtener información sobre el sector educativo de Islamabad.

El FDE estuvo anteriormente bajo el control del Ministerio de Administración de Capital y la División de Desarrollo que el gobierno de PTI abolió. FDE ahora se ha colocado bajo el ministerio de educación.

El ministro recibió información sobre el funcionamiento y los desafíos de la dirección por parte de los directores, ya que el FDE no tiene un director general (DG) permanente o temporal y ha estado sin cabeza desde el 10 de octubre, cuando el DG Hasnat Qureshi renunció a su cargo.

El Sr. Qureshi fue el presidente de la Autoridad Reguladora de las Instituciones Educativas Privadas (Peira) y se ocupó de los asuntos de FDE como Director General interino durante más de un año y medio.

El ministro dijo que el gobierno tenía la visión de traer a 25 millones de niños sin escolarizar a las escuelas y que los 30,000 niños en Islamabad deberían estar matriculados en las escuelas con prioridad.

Las fuentes citaron al ministro diciendo que la capital federal debería ser un modelo para las provincias.

El ministro dijo que la educación de adultos también se centrará y que se deberían iniciar turnos dobles en áreas con escasez de escuelas.

Dijo que el ministerio de educación ayudará a FDE a no tener papeles y comenzar un sistema de archivo en línea.

El ministro también recibió información sobre el Programa de Reforma Educativa del Primer Ministro, que fue iniciado por el ex primer ministro Nawaz Sharif.

El ministro dijo que los autobuses adquiridos en el marco del programa deberían distribuirse equitativamente y que debería darse preferencia a las escuelas que enfrentan una escasez de autobuses.

Las fuentes dijeron que los oficiales que han estado tratando con el proyecto darán otra información sobre el programa de reforma al ministro.

«El ministro también nos aseguró que pronto se nombrará un director general», dijo un funcionario de FDE que participó en la reunión.

El Sr. Mehmood también visitó Peira, una organización que se ocupa de la educación del sector privado en la ciudad capital.

El miembro de Peira, Imtiaz Qureshi, informó al ministro sobre el funcionamiento y los problemas que enfrenta la autoridad.

Se le informó sobre los litigios entre Peira y las escuelas de élite que habían desafiado sus reglas que les impiden cobrar tarifas por encima de los límites establecidos.

Se le dijo al ministro que hay unas 700 escuelas no registradas en la capital y que del total de 1,242 escuelas de las cuales la autoridad tiene datos, 525 tienen registro válido.

Según las fuentes, se le dijo al presidente de Peira, Hasnat Qureshi, horas antes de informar al ministro, que había sido repatriado a su departamento de padres hace muchos días por el ministerio y que, por lo tanto, no debería dar la información.

Dijeron que al Sr. Qureshi le preocupaba el procedimiento adoptado por el ministerio para repatriarlo, razón por la cual se mostró reacio a renunciar al cargo.

Las fuentes dijeron que al miembro de Peira, Imtiaz Qureshi, se le asignó un cargo interino como presidente de la autoridad hasta que se haga una cita regular y que Hasnat Qureshi luego renunció a su cargo.


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Belarus, Kyrgyzstan agree on stronger cooperation with Pakistan in education


Islamabad: Belarus and Kyrgyzstan on Wednesday agreed to increase cooperation with Pakistan in the field of education.

The agreement came as ambassadors of the two countries separately called on Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training Shafqat Mahmood here. Education secretary Arshad Mirza was also in attendance. During meeting with Ambassador of Belarus Andrei Ermolovich, the education minister said Pakistan and Belarus enjoyed good relations in the field of education and professional training.

«Our government’s top most priority is the promotion of education. We would like to promote our cooperation with Belarus in this field,» he said. The minister said though a number of memorandums of understanding and protocols had been signed between them, the two countries needed to work on their rapid implementation and further strengthening that cooperation.

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Pakistani students to be offered vocational training, education in China


The CPEC Cultural Communication Centre (CCC) under its ‘Talent Corridor’ scheme will offer scholarships to 1,000 Pakistani students for a one-year vocational training starting from November this year in China.

“The students to be selected from across the country will be provided free tuition and dormitory during the training at different universities and institutes in China,” Echo Lee, Director General, CPEC CCC and CEO of St Xianglin Management and Consulting Company while talking to APP here on Sunday.

The CPEC CCC is located in China’s Suzhou Vocational University, which has the world-class facilities and able faculty and its functions include Sino-Pak students exchange, academic research and seminars, vocational education, organising Chinese culture experience camp and teachers exchange, she added.

Giving further details about scholarship scheme, she said it is a three level programme and the students will be taught outer space and high-speed train technology during the first level while in the middle level, they will be imparted education of hydro-power and solar energy engineering.

The students selected for the lowest level will get training for the driving of different machines and types of equipment including excavation machines and caterpillar etc.

Ms Echo Lee said this year, 1,000 students will be offered 20 majors from a high level to the lower level classes as compared to 100 scholarships in six majors last year.

While hoping for a positive response and cooperation from the Pakistani side, she said at present, the details are being discussed with the concerned officials in the Pakistan ministry of planning, development and reforms as well as the embassy of Pakistan in Beijing.

She informed the CPEC CCC is jointly working along with the Chinese education ministry which is affiliated with a number of vocational universities and institutes.

To a question, she claimed that vocational education in China is the highest level in the world even in some areas it is better than Germany and Japan.

The CEO said this cross-border education exchange programme is step one of the overall project and added in the next phases, equipment and teachers will be sent for vocational training of Pakistani students in Pakistan.

The Chinese vocational education centres, as well as educational parks, would be set up in Pakistan in future, she added.

She said her organization intends to donate some training equipment and looking forward to a positive response from Pakistani institutions which are interested to receive it.

About the cooperation in the past, she said her organization has signed a MoU with Khyber Pakhtoonkhaw (KP) and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) governments to set up cultural communication centres under the CPEC framework.

These centres will serve as the main forum in the field of Sino-Pak education and cultural communication, she added.


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No pueden ir a la escuela 22,84 millones de niños paquistaníes

Redacción: Trt

El ministro de Educación Federal que declaró el informe a la opinión pública, Muhammed Yusuf Saikh señaló que  el número de niños que no van a la escuela comparando con el año anterior mostrando un aumento de 2010 mil se elevó a 22 millones 840 mil

Según el informe titulado “Las estadísticas de Educación de Pakistán 2016-2017” preparado por el Ministerio de Educación Federal de Pakistán y la Academia de la Planificación y Administración de Educación, el 44% de los niños en el país no están registrados en las instituciones de educación.

El ministro Saikh señalando que la proporción más alta se vio en el estado Baluchistán y que el 70% de los niños en este estado no están registrados en la escuela.

Según el informe Baluchistán seguido por la Zona de Tribus con 57%, Sindh con 52%, Azad Cacheimra y Gilgit Baltistán con 47%, Punyab con 405 y Khyber Pakhtunkhwa con 34%.

En la Zona de la Capital Islamabad, otra obra administrativa, la proporción de los niños que no van a la escuela se determinó como 12%.

Se informa que los 5,06 millones de niños están a la edad de escuela primaria, los 17,78 millones a la de bachillerato y liceo, la proporción de no ir a la escuela entre las niñas es de 49% y entre los niños es de 40%.

Mientras en los últimos cinco años la población de niños aumentó casi un millón y el número de niños que no van a la escuela se disminuyó 3 millones y se repartieron informaciones sobre la infraestructura de escuelas y profesores.

Según el informe, en el 26% de las escuelas en el país solo hay un profesor  en el 18% sólo hay una clase.

En el 22% de las escuelas no hay agua potable, en el 32% de estas escuelas no hay electricidad, en el 22% de las escuelas no tiene  baño y el 21% no tiene muro de jardín.

En el informe se dio lugar a los resultados positivos de los pasos dados para desarrollar el sistema educativo e infraestructura.

Según esto, al final de las decisiones y leyes aceptadas, la proporción de niñas no registradas entre 2012-2017 aumentó en 77% y la proporción de registro de educación antes de la escuela entre 2015-2018 aumentó en 10%.


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Pakistan: 1,000 Pakistani students to be trained in China under CPEC CCC


CPEC centre is jointly working with the Chinese education ministry which is affiliated with a number of vocational universities and institutes

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Cultural Communication Centre (CPEC CCC) under its ‘Talent Corridor’ scheme will offer scholarships to 1,000 Pakistani students for a one-year vocational training starting from November this year in China.

“The students to be selected from across the country will be provided free tuition and dormitory during the training at different universities and institutes in China,” Echo Lee, director-general of CPEC CCC and CEO of St Xianglin Management and Consulting Company while talking to APP here on Sunday.

CPEC CCC is located in China’s Suzhou Vocational University, which has world-class facilities and able faculty, she said.

Its functions include China-Pakistan student exchanges, academic research and seminars, vocational education, organising Chinese culture experience camp and teachers exchange, she added.

Giving further details about the scholarship scheme, Lee said it is a three level programme and the students will be taught outer space and high-speed train technology during the first level while in the middle level, they will be imparted education of hydro-power and solar energy engineering.

The students selected for the lowest level will get training for the driving of different machines and types of equipment including excavation machines and caterpillar etc.

Lee said this year, 1,000 students will be offered 20 majors from a high level to the lower level classes as compared to 100 scholarships in six majors last year.

While hoping for a positive response and cooperation from the Pakistani side, she said at present, the details are being discussed with the concerned officials in the Pakistan ministry of planning, development and reforms as well as the embassy of Pakistan in Beijing.

She informed the CPEC CCC is jointly working along with the Chinese education ministry which is affiliated with a number of vocational universities and institutes.

To a question, she claimed that vocational education in China is the highest level in the world even in some areas it is better than Germany and Japan.

The CEO said this cross-border education exchange programme is step one of the overall project and added in the next phases, equipment and teachers will be sent for vocational training of Pakistani students in Pakistan.

The Chinese vocational education centres, as well as educational parks, would be set up in Pakistan in future, she added.

She said her organisation intends to donate some training equipment and looking forward to a positive response from Pakistani institutions which are interested to receive it.

About the cooperation in the past, she said her organisation has signed a MoU with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) governments to set up cultural communication centres under the CPEC framework. These centres will serve as the main forum in the field of Sino-Pak education and cultural communication, she added.

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Pakistan: Education and sanity


Education is prioritized on such a huge level that important tools needed to survive in the society are often ignored

We have been raised in an environment where we are made to believe that education is essential and the path to a successful life. We have heard Urdu sentences like “Parhoge likhoge banoge nawab, kheloge kudo ge banoge kharab”, “Parho takay baray aadmi ban sako” with regards to study all our lives and children often think of it as boring as it may seem education is indeed important. Children and adults alike believe that education is so important to the point that nothing else is supposed to come in between and in some cases not even your own life.

While many people might be of the view that education does indeed come first above everything else and every other aspect even if it is important or a favorite pastime is something secondary which can only come after education or be successfully achieved after it, but I tend to disagree, education has often been confused with gaining knowledge or perhaps even gaining some degree. For me education is not important as people think it is, gaining knowledge on the other hand is.

The importance of education has been pressurised upon people through different institutions of society like educational institutions and even parents. This mindset can be traced to even the smallest of things for example most people might remember that back in school, it was a common practice among teachers to take games, P.E. or a free period in order to complete their syllabus. While teachers might have been of the view that it was for the benefit of the students, the truth is it was done in order to just wrap up things quickly. If schools were really concerned about the benefit of the students, they would have made it against the rules to do such a thing because it doesn’t give students the time to relax but instead most schools are now just a money-making business that puts up information in brains of students for which they don’t even get enough time to process.

Another issue is that of tuition centers. It’s one thing if a child doesn’t go to school and is attending a tuition centre but what is the point of wasting your money on a school if you’re going to send your child to a tuition centre anyway? Even the excuse that your child is weak in a certain subject is not a valid one because isn’t it the incompetence of the school and teachers or their parents in the first place if the child is weak in a certain subject?

Not only that but while most parents, teachers and schools emphasise on studies, they either very rarely or never take into consideration things like sports or arts. Their misconception is that those are things that are simply useless and can be done at a later time or is something extra that does not need any time at all. The person’s time is fully prioritised on studying that they do not have the time to do anything else.

Education is prioritized on such a huge level that important tools needed to survive in the society are often ignored such as how to pay your bills, how to cook, how to buy a house or how to drive. A disagreement to this might be that without education you might not able to even know this but the thing is a formula in physics is not going to help you solve these problems; someone has to educate you on this stuff. Not everyone is going to learn from YouTube tutorials.

Then there comes another problem; the question what are you studying? If you’re not doing medical or engineering, your education is invalid. It is true that people have become more acceptable towards other disciplines today but the mindset which disregards other disciplines still exists today and is unfortunately pretty common. People need to realise that every person is different and they all have their qualities and flaws, but the society unfortunately tends to focus on the latter as if their flaws are the only things they see in a person.

Formal education and gaining knowledge is necessary. It is not something that should be done to impress the society but to have a successful path for one’s self. Pressurising people on studying in order to become a better person in a society on the other hand is wrong and should be discouraged. There should be a certain time for studying with breaks in between. This is something that should be realised by parents, teachers and schools. Having four periods with one break followed by another four periods is unhealthy and helping none. There needs to be a more open and liberal approach to education with a focus on other important things as well. Only then will the person and the society in general be on the path to successful road.

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