The impossible is in the mind of the sluggard by Pablo Fernández (Video)

Por: TEDxMarDelPlata.

«My capacities and abilities did not change. When someone has an accident, initially all is chaos; I had to adapt some things, but others did not change. However, it was quite hard, but not impossible. It is a choice to put yourself in this place or another. This entire journey was done to have better quality of life, to achieve small independences and to know that things gradually settle in. It is true that there were and there are many barriers in life, but from my experience I can only tell you that no one show make you believe that something is impossible: The impossible is in the mind of the sluggard.» Pablo Fernández holds a degree in Graphic Design and Visual Communications.

In 2004, he suffered a post-traumatic injury that left a sequel that today affects the overall mobility of the body. Two years later he resumed his studies and received a BA in Graphic Design and Audiovisual Communications from CAECE University. He currently works as a designer in the area of ​​Marketing and Communication of the tourism entity of Mar del Plata, Argentina.

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