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Libro: Cambiar la educación para cambiar el mundo

Cambiar la educación para cambiar el mundo

  • Autor:Claudio Naranjo
  • Año:2013
  • Editorial: La Llave. 
  • Páginas: 390
  • ISBN: 9788495496959

Sinopsis: Nadie se le escapa que la escuela está enferma y que la educación actual cumple una poderosa función deshumanizadora. Los exámenes son trabajo, no educación, y la misma educación se confunde con un sistema generalizado de instrucción cuya prioridad es el servicio al poder y las empresas antes que la formación de seres más libres y plenos. El sistema educativo ha sido diseñado para perpetuar la mentalidad patriarcal que nos inocula, y por ello nos cuesta darnos cuenta de que esta clase de mente es hoy el mayor problema del mundo. La verdadera función de la educación, cuenta Claudio Naranjo, debería servir para ir más allá de lo que somos. «En una escuela ideal acompañaríamos los procesos de aprendizaje, fomentaríamos la creatividad y ayudaríamos a los niños a saber sin la presión de las clasificaciones». Necesitamos un mundo nuevo, y solo podremos conseguirlo con una nueva clase de personas más conscientes. Cambiar la educación para cambiar el mundo, el libro más emblemático del Dr. Naranjo, nos ofrece las claves que nos ayudarán a lograrlo.

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Botswana: Kwape spurs students on to compete

África/Botswana/Abril 2016/Fuente: Daily News/Autor:Topo Monngakgotla

Resumen:El Dr. Lemogang Kwape miembro del grupo de trabajo presidencial para la visión 2036 y antiguo alumno de la Escuela Superior Seepapitso ha desafiado a la escuela para que se convierta en la mejor. El Dr. Kwape, quien tambien es el promotor  del premio anual de química en la escuela, motivó a los estudiantes para superarse en los estudios.

Kanye — A member of the presidential task force for vision 2036, Dr Lemogang Kwape, and former student of Seepapitso Senior School has challenged students at the school to compete to become the best they could be in their studies.

Dr Kwape, also the initiator of the annual chemistry award at the school, motivated the students during a morning assembly yesterday.

He said he was saddened by the fact that the school that had so far produced the second president Sir Ketumile Masire, Professor Thapelo Otlogetswe, Brian Mokopakgosi and Tebogo Sebego among others was on a decline with regards to academics.

The school got position 23 out of 32 in the last BGCSE results.

He said he was also concerned that the youth no longer had the same pride they used to have of going back to school during the day.

«Consider yourselves lucky to be associated with the school that has produced these great men who at some point stood where you are standing now as students.

You can also be counted among the best if you start with one step today,» he said.

With view to turn the school around, he pledged to sponsor a science quiz and a debate competition to encourage the students to compete.

He said the eventual winners would each get P2 500.

«Should this propel you to finish within the top 10 bracket, I will encourage all the alumni to give back to the school,»he said.

He also shared that the topics for the debate competition would be centred around Vision 2016 to encourage the students to own the national vision.

A student representative, Ms Bonolo Dithure said the initiative would help them work towards better results.

She said she was proud to be associated with the school that has produced some great sons and daughters of this nation.


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