España: García-Page propone un pacto por la educación a diez años

10 Junio 2017/Fuente y Autor: cadenaser

Se baraja incluso establecer una ley que pudiera dar estabilidad al sistema educativo evitando que en una crisis como la pasada sea en educación donde se hagan recortes presupuestarios

El presidente del Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, ha propuesto la negociación con todos los colectivos implicados de un acuerdo por la Educación en Castilla-La Mancha a 10 años, donde se incluya un compromiso con la Universidad regional como «piedra angular».

Este pacto, que según ha señalado García-Page podría negociarse en otoño siempre que «se despeje el parón presupuestario», ha sido propuesto por el presidente regional en su discurso de cierre del acto del Consejo Social de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, que hoy ha celebrado sus 25 años de historia.

En este acto, se han reconocido a sus exrectores y varias personas destacadas en los distintos campos de actividad de la institución académica, con presencia del rector, Miguel Ángel Collado, y el secretario de Estado de Educación, Marcial Marín.

El presidente autonómico ha dicho que este pacto es un compromiso «que tenía muchas ganas de plantear» y que se basa en fijar «objetivos a largo plazo, con altura de miras», un compromiso «por la educación, a una década».

García-Page ha explicado que trabajarán en este pacto «si hay acuerdo nacional y si no lo hay», un pacto autonómico «con todos los sectores afectados» para fijar «no solo criterios de estabilidad, sino también de irreversibilidad, sostenibilidad y expansión».

García-Page ha dicho que se baraja incluso establecer una ley «que pudiera dar estabilidad al sistema educativo», evitando que en una crisis como la pasada sea en educación donde se hagan recortes presupuestarios.

El presidente ha dicho que «si se despejara el parón presupuestario» el próximo otoño podría negociarse esta pacto y ha dicho que debe tener como «piedra angular» un acuerdo estratégico con la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.

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Liberia: Salvation Army Honors Student With High Marks

Liberia / 07 de septiembre de 2016 / Fuente:

The Salvation Army School System over the weekend put smiles on the face of the lone scholar, Jeremiah Joshua Kerkulah by honoring him along with students who exceptionally performed during the 2015/2016 academic school year.

Speaking at the honoring ceremony at the headquarters of the Salvation Army Liberia Command in Sinkor, the head of Mission of the Salvation, Lt. Col. Samuel Amponsah disclosed that Salvation Army stands ready to improve the educational sector of Liberia.

Lt. Col. Amponsah said the Salvation Army as a nongovernmental organization will stand by the government of Liberia in moving the educational system from ‘mess’ to ‘best’.

According to him, the Salvation Army school system is now putting into place a new mechanism to travel to other countries in West Africa to get the West African Examination Syllabus in order to help students in the system.

The Salvation Army Liberia’s command head used the occasion to caution Jeremiah Kerkulah and other students to forge ahead in their education sojourn, adding that the rebuilding process of Liberia depends on the younger generation.

He added that the education system of Liberia is unique, noting Liberians only need to be proud of themselves and love what they have and also improve on it in all directions.

Speaking earlier, the Director of Education of the Salvation Army School System, David S. Massaquoi said the Army is not only in Liberia to provide spiritual guidance, but it is here to also honore its social responsibility.

Director Massaquoi made it clear that the Army is not a profit making organization, adding that it aimed at giving spiritual guidance and assistance to the needy in all directions.

He assured the teachers working in the Salvation Army School System that the system is working on all means to improve the living standard of its employees in the six counties that the Salvation Army has schools.

The Director of Education also disclosed that the system has come up with a new strategy that any student attending the school going division one in WAEC will receive a three semester scholarship at any university and for students hitting division two, the system will pay back the full tuition paid by that student.

According to him, the measure put into place by the Salvation Army School system is intended to motivate students to go extra miles in their studies while in high school.

Director Massaquoi also announced during the program that Jeremiah Joshua Kerkulah full tuition was paid back to him while each of the valedictorians and salutatorians received the amount of five thousand each for their good academic standing during the school year 2015/2016.

Also speaking, the principal of the William Booth High school in Paynesville, Joshua Williams said the educational system of Liberia may be a mess as described by stakeholders, but those working in the system are not messy.

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