Officials from the Drug Control General Department (DCGD) of the Interior Ministry and the Education Ministry’s Educational Development and Activities Department held a meeting yesterday to discuss creating new mechanisms of cooperation in the field of drugs fighting and prevention. The two sides agreed to launch a plan to activate the role of schools’ principals in this regard, as well as the roles of the social and psychiatric services department at the education ministry.
The meeting was attended by the Education Ministry’s Assistant Undersecretary for Educational Development Faisal Maqseed, DCGD Director General Brig Bader Al-Ghadouri, Acting Director of the Interior Ministry’s Relations and Security Information Brig Tawheed Al-Kandary and other officials.
Source of the notice:
MANILA — The Quezon City Council has passed a resolution urging the Quezon City Anti-Drug Abuse Advisory Council (QCADAAC) and the Quezon City Council Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs to conduct an anti-illegal drugs education program for parents and teachers associations (PTAs) in all public elementary and high schools in the city.
City Council Resolution 7449-2018 authored by Councilor Allan Butch Francisco states that “instructions on drug abuse prevention and control shall be integrated in the elementary, secondary and tertiary curricula of all public and private schools.”
“Student councils and campus organizations in elementary, secondary, and tertiary schools shall include a program for the prevention of drug abuse among students in their activities,” the resolution said.
“Schools have a significant role to play in addressing illegal drug use and abuse among Filipino children and youth through drug education and other prevention programs,” it added.
The Dangerous Drugs Board has identified preventive education programs as a key component of its drug demand reduction-strategy.
The study conducted by the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) said “the most effective preventive measure against drug abuse among youth are after-school programs and the adoption of a drug education framework.”
DPA is a non-stock, nonprofit organization which promotes drug awareness and prevention.
The QCADAAC and the City Council Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs have been conducting “Masa Masid,” a drug education program in the barangays (villages) of Quezon City. (PNA)
Source of the article:
América del Norte/EEUU/ Dominic Holden/ BuzzFeed News Reporter
Resumen: El presidente Donald Trump estuvo en New Hampshire el 19 de marzo cuando promovió la ejecución de los grandes narcotraficantes y realizó un bombardeo de avisos publicitarios que «asustan» a los adolescentes de «ir a las drogas de cualquier tipo». Dieciocho horas después de la presentación de Trump, 14 estudiantes de primer año se filtraron a un aula en Bard High School Early College en el Lower East Side de Manhattan, donde Drew Miller, un profesor de salud con antecedentes en educación sexual, les dirigió en una charla totalmente diferente sobre el consumo de drogas. «Si elige usarlo, asegúrese de estar en un buen lugar, y con personas de confianza y un lugar seguro», dijo Miller a los jóvenes de 14 y 15 años, que están inscriptos en un curso de prototipos de medicamentos. se centró en tomar decisiones más seguras y reducir el daño. «Si lo estás tomando, comienza con una dosis pequeña». Gran parte de lo que se enseña en las 14 sesiones, que duran 50 minutos cada una, puede parecer de sentido común. Pero un dicho que no exige abstinencia es un acto bastante revolucionario en las escuelas públicas estadounidenses, donde los programas antidrogas como DARE les han dicho a los niños durante décadas que «simplemente digan que no». «¿Por qué practicar la reducción de daños?», Preguntó Miller, refiriéndose a un principio central del curso. Se basa en la idea de que los medicamentos no se pueden erradicar por completo, y que la mejor manera de minimizar el riesgo es a través de los servicios de salud y la educación. «Los adolescentes a menudo se encuentran en lugares donde las drogas están sucediendo», ofreció una niña. Varios estudiantes gritaron sus ideas para reducir el riesgo: no tomar ningún medicamento, tomar dosis más pequeñas y no mezclar sustancias. El Departamento de Educación de la Ciudad de Nueva York ejecuta el curso, pero el plan de estudios fue creado por Drug Policy Alliance, un grupo de defensa que apoya el tratamiento médico sobre las sanciones penales por drogas y la legalización de la marihuana. La retórica de Trump sobre la guerra contra las drogas no es nada nuevo: tratar de petrificar a los niños en la sobriedad es una táctica que se ha usado durante décadas. Pero hay poca evidencia científica que enseñe la abstinencia completa de las drogas. La Drug Policy Alliance espera que este tipo de clase de drogas se pueda expandir, y que en realidad podría funcionar.
President Donald Trump was in New Hampshire on March 19 when he promoted executing big-time drug dealers and running a blitz of ads that “scare” teens from “going to drugs of any kind.”
Eighteen hours after Trump’s talk, 14 public school freshmen filtered into a classroom at Bard High School Early College on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, where Drew Miller, a health teacher with a sex ed background, led them in totally different talk about drug use.
“If you’re choosing to use, make sure you’re in a good place, and with people you trust and a safe location,” Miller told the 14- and 15-year-olds, who are enrolled in a prototype drug course focused on making safer choices and reducing harm. “If you’re taking it, start with a small dose.”
Much of what is taught in the 14 sessions, which run 50 minutes each, may seem like common sense. But a dictum that doesn’t demand abstinence is a fairly revolutionary act in American public schools, where anti-drug programs like D.A.R.E. have told kids for decades to «just say no.»
“Why practice harm reduction?” Miller asked, referring to a central tenet of the course. It’s anchored on the idea that drugs cannot be eradicated completely, and that minimizing risk is best done through health services and education.
“Teens often find themselves in places where drugs are happening,” one girl offered. Several students yelled their ideas to cut risk: not taking any drugs, taking smaller doses, and not mixing substances.
The New York City Department of Education runs the course, but the curriculum was created by the Drug Policy Alliance, an advocacy group that supports medical treatment over criminal penalties for drugs and the legalization of marijuana. Trump’s war-on-drugs rhetoric is nothing new — trying to petrify kids into sobriety is a tactic that’s been used for decades. But there’s little scientific evidence teaching full abstinence from drugs works. The Drug Policy Alliance hopes this sort of drug class can be expanded, and that it could actually work.
New York state lawmakers in 2015 required schools to start providing “the most up-to-date, age appropriate information available regarding the misuse and abuse.” The Drug Policy Alliance responded by developing the class, “Safety First: Real Drug Education for Teens,” based on a pamphlet that the group wrote for parents. For schools, it combined instructional videos, homework, and free-wheeling conversations, all designed to meet the federal government’s National Health Education Standards.
Sasha Simon, who sits in on the classes to monitor their trial run, worked in sexual health education before starting at Drug Policy Alliance last year to launch the new classes.
“For once, somebody did it right,” she said after one of the sessions. “And I thought, I will push this as much as I can.”
Sara Naomi Lewkowicz for BuzzFeed News
Trump may actually like one aspect of the class — it does scare the kids.
Miller played a video about fentanyl and similar potent synthetic opioids, which are sometimes mixed into other drugs with fatal consequences. “It’s very easy to overdose,” a narrator in the video warned. “Carfentanyl is 10 times more powerful than morphine.”
“Oh my god,” a girl in class gasped. Two others clasped their hands over their mouths.
“I’d say you could die,” another student said about the advice she would give anyone considering opioids. “I’d say don’t do t — the harms can overtake the pleasure you get out of it.”
“If you give them the facts, they’re scary enough. You don’t need to say, ‘Don’t do it.’”
Simon reflected in the teachers lounge, “If you give them the facts, they’re scary enough. You don’t need to say, ‘Don’t do it.’”
But Trump has a different scare tactic in mind. As he said in New Hampshire, he wants to depict addicts in a state of depravity in order to “scare [kids] from ending up like the people in the commercials.”
Lewis Nelson, chair of the department of emergency medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, told BuzzFeed News that simply trying to scare kids into abstinence can have mixed results.
“Some children respond to scare tactics, but these can compel others to use,” he said. “Most people who hear that drugs can cause you to lose control, or even die, will avoid them. But some thrill seekers, or even just teens who believe they are invincible, may crave that sort of risk.”
“There is no magic bullet,” he added. “Although abstinence is optimal, we have learned in public health that this endpoint is only partially achievable. For those who use, harm reduction is essential.”
Harm reduction stands apart from Drug Abuse Resistance Education, D.A.R.E., a federally endorsed class that began in 1983. D.A.R.E. used to warn that pot would lead to crack, and still, it tells students to never try a drug. The medium is also the message: D.A.R.E. is taught by a cop. According to a 1998 study produced for the National Institute of Justice and presented to Congress, “D.A.R.E. does not work to reduce substance use.”
It remains the most prevalent drug education program in the US, reporting a budget of $10.3 million from private and public backers, with programs in all 50 states, reaching 75% of the country’s school districts. As criticism has mounted, D.A.R.E. has tried to adapt, and it reports that a new program for elementary schools, keepin’ it REAL, reduced marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol use by 32% to 44%.
Nelson isn’t opposed to D.A.R.E. and programs like it, he said. “They may work for certain students, but they need to be paired with harm reduction efforts for those who do not respond to abstinence education.”
Richard Mahan, D.A.R.E.’s chief operating officer, told BuzzFeed News his program does not teach complete abstinence, per se.
However, Mahan declined to share any current D.A.R.E. curriculum with BuzzFeed News, instead describing it as “state-of-the-art prevention science that focuses on providing students skills for safe and healthy decision making.”
If students were to ask, he wrote by email, “We respond by stating directly that students should never use illicit/illegal drugs of any kind.
Sara Naomi Lewkowicz for BuzzFeed News
It’s difficult for Americans to agree on what “works” in drug education, partly because they have different ideas about what qualifies as “working.”
The federal government’s Monitoring the Future Survey, which asks students in 8th, 10th, and 12th grades questions about their habits, has become the standard model to measure teen drug behavior. It asks when students try drugs for the first time and how often they use them. If officials say the results look good, they generally mean kids are avoiding new drugs and using them less often.
It’s difficult to agree on what “works” in drug education because Americans have different ideas about what qualifies as “working.”
The 1998 study for Congress about D.A.R.E. used metrics like these. It concluded classes that provide information, arouse fear, make a moral appeal, or build self-esteem, are all “largely ineffective for reducing substance use.” Rather, it found that teaching skills to resist social pressure “do reduce substance use. But the effects of even these programs are small and short-lived in the absence of continued instruction.”
Not surprisingly, researchers have different ideas about how to measure the success of the program at Bard High School.
Simon believes that asking about how behaviors changed during the course is “not important,” she said. “I think that what’s most important is that we are making sure young people are safe, not that we are preventing their use.”
Better metrics are whether students understand concepts like dose and dosage, considering their mindset and setting, and ability to keep each other safe, Simon added. She was also interested in the longer-term outcomes of creating adults who know how to avoid abusive habits.
“I don’t need to ask a teenager and make them feel uncomfortable,” she said. “I don’t need to ask a teacher to ask their student what drugs are you taking and how often.”
Indeed, at one point, Miller asked the students to not turn in a drug questionnaire they’d been given.
“You don’t have to do that,” he said as a class wrapped up. “It’s asking about your habits. If I collect it, and you report that you are doing something, I would have to — I would be concerned and have to talk to you.”
But Nina Rose Fischer, an assistant professor at City University of New York who is studying the class, thinks questions about drug use serve to understand the class’s impact. She’s comparing the cohort in at Bard in Manhattan to a control group at another public high school in Queens, where students are taking a more standardized health class. Her survey asks about drug use patterns before and after the class.
“We say how many times per day do you smoke weed, when do you smoke weed during the week?” said Fischer, whose research, which is also being funded by the Drug Policy Alliance, will be synthesized in a report.
She said students may divulge that they smoked pot during school before the course, but after the curriculum, they may report they’re only using it over the weekend. “And that,” she said, “would be seen as a harm reduction achievement.”
Sara Naomi Lewkowicz for BuzzFeed News
Some parents were alarmed by the Drug Policy Alliance’s stance on pot laws, Simon said. “I’ve gotten pushback from parents who are like, ‘What are you talking about with my kids? I know you are trying to legalize this. Are you trying to influence our kids to do that?’”
“We would not encourage drug use — we would never teach them to use a drug,” she said. “We give them tools to figure things out for themselves, which is much more important than to ‘just say no.’”
But the legality of drugs — the risk of punishment, both under school rules and criminal law in particular — comes up regularly.
“If we were to legalize marijuana,” one of the girls volunteered, “it would be safer because people would know what’s in it. With legalization, people are less likely to put something into your body that you’re not aware of.”
On Friday, March 23, the class talked about why people use drugs in the first place, and they debated the idea of “self-medicating” — that drugs can be used to relieve stress.
The conversation among the students straddled the line between possible benefits of drugs and alcohol — they can be fun and relieve stress — and the harms that can come of them. Rather than focusing overdoses and addiction, this particular discussion was about issues like a hangover or avoiding your problems.
“People might feel better in the moment, but it’s not long-term effective,” Miller warned.
EEUU/March 27, 2018/BY DR. LEANA S. WEN/Source:
Baltimore City joined a lawsuit brought by Healthy Teen Network against President Trump, challenging a decision by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to cut funding from evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention education.
In June 2015, the Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD) was awarded an $8.6 million grant to implement comprehensive, evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention education in all of the City’s more than 120 middle schools and high schools.
In July 2017, BCHD received notice from HHS that the grant period would be terminated two years early. This termination amounts to a reduction in overall grant funding to $5.1 million — a funding cut of $3.5 million. Despite multiple phone and written requests for explanation, Baltimore City has not received a response from HHS as to why our program is being terminated.
This cut is not just cruel — it’s unprecedented. Funding for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiatives (TPPI) was appropriated by an act of Congress — a statutory mandate — specifically dictating to HHS the parameters under which the funding was to be distributed. The funding appropriated is still available for the five-year grant period.
There is no reason to terminate it early. HHS made its decision despite the early success of the program and strong evidential foundation, violating the Administrative Procedure Act’s requirements that agency decision making not be arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or contrary to law.
The funding cut means that 20,000 students in Baltimore will no longer have evidence-based curricula, creating a vacuum of critical health education for vulnerable youth. In addition to eliminating education on physiology, as well as STD and HIV prevention, the funding cut also removes the financial support necessary to train teachers and build capacity for health education. Last year, BCHD trained 115 teachers to deliver evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs. These facilitators ensured that more than 10,000 Baltimore City teens received this valuable education during the 2016-2017 academic year alone.
The Trump administration’s actions also jeopardize the newly-formed Youth Advisory Council, which is comprised of Baltimore City teens who serve as peer health advocates and share information about reproductive health. For the participants in this program, their education goes well beyond health: the program gives them control over their lives and empowers them to make the best choices for themselves. One participant told us, “Without this education, I likely would have been a teen mom and my future would have been very different.”
As a doctor and public health official, I have seen how much this evidence- and science-based grant has helped Baltimore. In particular, I am deeply concerned about three major areas if funding is curtailed.
First, this will slash educational attainment and economic opportunities for our youth. This cut comes at a time when Baltimore City has made remarkable progress, reducing teen pregnancy by 61 percent since 2000. Numerous studies show us that reducing teen birth rates increases young girls’ ability to graduate from high school and to have economic stability for themselves and their families.
Second, these funding cuts will increase costs for our City and for our country. In 2010, teen pregnancy and childbirth accounted for nearly $10 billion in costs nationwide. We should be doing everything we can to empower our youth to succeed and to thrive.
The devastating impacts of these cuts extend beyond Baltimore City: These cuts will affect 81 grantees across the country, totaling $213.6 million. As a result, it is estimated that 580,000 students will no longer be provided with essential evidence-based reproductive health education.
Third, these cuts will adversely affect health outcomes for our most vulnerable mothers and children. Teen mothers give birth at higher rates to preterm, low birth-weight babies, who are more likely to have worse health outcomes. Adolescent and teen pregnancy is also associated with increased risk of infant mortality.
There are also poorer long-term health outcomes for the mothers themselves. I voice my concern not just as a doctor, but as a new mother to a seven-month-old son. Parents want nothing more than to have a healthy child. If we have a strategy that will improve health outcomes for our women and children, then the last thing we should do is cut funding that could hurt generations to come.
In Baltimore, we do not see this funding cut as a number. We see the faces of 20,000 teens who will not receive critical pregnancy prevention education. We see the effect on their futures and on their children’s futures. We see the impact on our communities. We fear what this means for valuing science and evidence, and for how we can continue to fulfill our responsibility of protecting health and ensuring well-being.
Leana S. Wen M.D. is the health commissioner of Baltimore City. Follow her on Twitter @DrLeanaWen. existe gracias al esfuerzo voluntario e independiente de un pequeño grupo de docentes que decidimos soñar con un espacio abierto de intercambio y debate.
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