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México: Marcha magisterio del Senado a Segob

Fuente: La Capital  / 8 de Junio de 2016

Luego de que una comitiva de maestros entró al Senado para entregar el pliego petitorio, inició la movilización de la Coordinadora Nacional de la Educación (CNTE) del Senado de la República hacia la Secretaría de Gobernación (Segob).

El contingente, integrado por las Secciones 18 de Michoacán, 14 de Guerrero, 7 de Chiapas, 9 y 10 de la Ciudad de México y 22 de Oaxaca, caminan sobre Paseo de la Reforma para manifestar su descontento por la Reforma Educativa.

Antes de iniciar la marcha, padres de los 43 normalistas de Ayotzinapa se unieron al contingente para confirmar su apoyo a la lucha del magisterio, así como pedir al pueblo alzar la voz y acabar con el mal gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto.

Previamente había marchado sobre la misma vía para arribar al Senado de la República.

Sin embargo, elementos de Seguridad Pública bloqueron el paso de los manifestantes en Reforma, rumbo a Chapultepec, en las inmediaciones del Senado.

Según reportes, los contingentes se organizaron por secciones para iniciar la marcha, yendo a la vanguardia los maestros de la Sección 18 provenientes de Michoacán; posteriormente se colocaron los maestros de la Sección 7 de Chiapas, Sección 14 de Guerrero y Sección 22 de Oaxaca.

Además de la movilización, los manifestantes alistan un mitin frente a la Torre del Caballito, donde se concentra el mayor número de manifestantes, los cuales arriban principalmente del estado de Chiapas.

EN DIRECTO en : Llega contingente Chiapas CNTE a Reforma 

Photo published for Coordinadora1DMX @Coordinadora1DM

Coordinadora1DMX @Coordinadora1DM

Llega contingente Chiapas CNTE a Reforma

é CNTE bloqueo permanente en Reforma

Maestros de la Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación bloquearon Paseo de la Reforma. Los contingentes de maestros provenientes de Michoacán, Estado de México, Oaxaca y Chiapas, principalmente, se reunieron el cruce de Reforma y Bucareli lo que impidió el libre paso de los automovilistas.

Granaderos mantuvieron la vigilancia de los manifestantes e impidieron su paso hacia otros puntos del Centro Histórico de CDMX.

Los miembros del magisterio disidente realizarán una conferencia de prensa en el antimonumento a los 43 normalistas desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa. El lugar está resguardado por elementos del cuerpo de granaderos de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública capitalina, asimismo lo sobrevuela un helicóptero la corporación.

Ambos sentidos de la Paseo de la Reforma, entre avenida Bucareli y avenida Juárez, fueron cerrados.

Vigilan granaderos marcha de la CNTE

Maestros de la Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación que mantienen plantón en La Ciudadela, se reunirán con la caravana que proviene de Michoacán, Guerrero, Chiapas y Oaxaca para reforzar las movilizaciones en La Capital, en contra de la reforman educativa.

Ante la marcha anunciada para este miércoles, policías de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública capitalina, vigilan ya Paseo de la Reforma a la altura de la Torre del Caballito.

También hay vallas de policías en los accesos al Zócalo capitailno y al Monumento a la Revolución, donde está instalada la réplica de la Capilla Sixtina. Además de los granaderos que bloquean los accesos por 5 de mayo, Tacuba, Madero y Eje Central.

“Hoy vamos a concentrarnos en Reforma y a las 12:00  estamos concentrándonos” en el cruce de Reforma y Bucareli”, dijo por la mañana el secretario General de la CNTE en Guerrero, Ramos Reyes.

Permiten avance de la CNTE por Calzada Zaragoza 

Después de unos 40 minutos de negociación, se permitió el paso a la caravana de profesores disidentes que ingresó a la Ciudad de México por la carretera México-Puebla, previamente detenida por granaderos a la altura del Metro Acatitla, en avenida Ignacio Zaragoza.

Los elementos policiacos retiraron de carriles centrales, vehículos y motocicletas oficiales.

Alrededor del mediodía, los representantes de los maestros de la sección 22 de la Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (CNTE) y de la sección 7 de esa agrupación en Chiapas, José Antonio y Marisol Rodríguez, respectivamente, dialogaron con los elementos policíacos.

Dirigentes de la CNTE habían solicitado a los gobiernos federal y local para que permita el paso de los contingentes.

En tanto, se prevé que en pocos minutos arribe la caravana de docentes del estado de Michoacán que avanza ya hacia el cruce de Paseo de la Reforma y Bucareli, donde comienzan a concentrarse decenas de educadores.

Hace cinco días, la marcha convocada por la CNTE en La Capital pretendía llegar al Aeropuerto de la Ciudad de México, pero policías capitalinos obstruyeron su paso y «encapsularon» a los manifestantes en Reforma.


Con información de Milenio y La Jornada 



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México: Reforma educativa en 3 años no ha formulado programas que impliquen cambios de fondo en la enseñanza: experto

Fuente: revoluciontrespuntocero / 8 de junio de 2016

César Navarro Gallegos, profesor e investigador del Instituto José María Luis Mora, declaró que la reforma educativa ha privilegiado la fase jurídica, administrativa y de sanción peor no ha hecho ningún solo aporte a la educación en el país.

Detalló que después de tres años de la aprobación de la reforma y las modificaciones a los artículos tercero y 73 constitucionales, la Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP) no ha formulado ni planes, ni programas o contenidos que implique un cambio de fondo en la enseñanza y formación básica en México, ya que lo que menos ha interesado en este proceso es la infancia y adolescencia.

Navarro opinó en la mesa de análisis de la reforma educativa frente a los maestros que se encuentran en lucha y plantón en La Ciudadela, que la negación por parte de Aurelio Nuño de entablar un diálogo con la Coordinadora Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (CNTE), no permitirá que se aplique la reforma porque lo que se pretende es un diálogo sin diálogo.

Tras concluir la mesa de análisis los maestros se dirigieron a la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, donde exigieron que los empresarios se involucren en la problemática por la que atraviesa la educación.

Anunciaron que el día de hoy llegarán trabajadores de la educación de Chiapas,Michoacán, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Tlaxcala, Puebla e Hidalgo que acudirán a la movilización que se prevé a mediodía; agregaron que monitorearan la llegada de los profesores a la Ciudad de México en caso que se intente impedir otra vez el acceso a la capital con el fin de obstaculizar los derechos de libre tránsito y expresión.

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España: Ser mayor y estudiar en la Universidad: una realidad en Córdoba

Córdoba / 07 de junio de 2016 / Por: Redacción / Fuente:

Cada vez son más los adultos que quieren terminar esa carrera que comenzaron aluna vez. En Córdoba, el director ejecutivo de PAMI, Carlos Regazzoni, inauguró el ciclo lectivo de UPAMI, el programa que ofrece formación universitaria a jubilados. Lo que posibilita la integración educativa para muchas personas de la tercera edad con ganas de estudiar una carrera.

«Entregarse al conocimiento y al rigor universitario en edad adulta es un acto profundamente transformador, no sólo para los jubilados sino para todo el ambiente universitario y para la sociedad en general”, afirmó Regazzoni durante su discurso inaugural en la sede de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

El programa UPAMI contempla una amplia variedad de cursos y carreras oficiales en todo el país para adultos mayores, promoviendo. «A los 65 años hay tiempo para hacer una carrera y mucho más, la vida cada vez es más larga y productiva”, agregó el titular del PAMI. Durante su visita a Córdoba, Regazzoni también visitó un centro de jubilados, donde compartió un partido de ajedrez en el marco del programa «Ágilmente”, que promueve actividades de estímulo cognitivo.

«Promovemos este tipo de encuentros porque está comprobado que esta actividad sirve para ejercitar la memoria, la atención y la percepción, además de incentivar relaciones sociales y el intercambio grupal”, explicó Regazzoni. Por último, el titular de PAMI inauguró una nueva boca de atención en Villa Allende junto al intendente de la localidad, que se suma a las 45 agencias con las que cuenta el Instituto en la provincia.


La Universidad Nacional de Córdoba participa del Programa Upami desde el año 2008, a partir de un convenio celebrado con el Pami. La experiencia surge de una solicitud del Instituto Nacional de Servicios Sociales para Jubilados y Pensionados (Pami) a esta Universidad  para crear espacios inclusivos destinados a adultos mayores.

En el marco de este Programa, se han generado  propuestas educativas que promueven el envejecimiento activo y la promoción de la salud individual y colectiva como derecho humano esencial. Estas actividades  apuntan a promover el bienestar y  la calidad de vida de los adultos mayores, favoreciendo la integración social, la autonomía, un rol activo en la comunidad y una ciudadanía plena.

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Experts sound alarm over mental health toll borne by migrants and refugees

Fuente: .theguardian / 8 de junio de 2016

The grief of losing a child made more unbearable by the knowledge that you decided to take them in a boat that capsized; nightmares about torture;depression induced by the awfulness of living in a camp, unable to go forward or back.

As concern mounts about the conditions faced by refugees and migrants in camps across Europe, and more people die trying to reach the continent, the mental health of those who have risked everything in the hope of starting a new life inEurope is gaining more attention.

A report last year by the German Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists said 40%-50% of people arriving in Germany suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with half also suffering from depression.

“They have nightmares or flashbacks to pictures or scenes. These memories feel very intense, and it is just like they are reliving the traumatising experience,” the report said. Other symptoms include jumpiness, sleep disorders, problems with concentration, and emotional numbness.

“It is shameful that people suffering with such psychological injuries do not get the help they need,” the report said.

Post-traumatic stress is just the tip of the iceberg. “PTSD is very important, but it is also the disorder that everyone jumps to, including the media. We see much more depression and anxiety disorders, and also, surprisingly, a lot of epilepsy and psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia,” said Dr Inka Weissbecker, global mental health and psychosocial adviser at the International Medical Corpsin Washington.

“There are huge amounts of anxiety – we see children bursting into tears when helicopters or airplanes fly over the camps, and we can’t understand why, until we realise what they’re associating it with,” said Harriet Zych, a nurse who worked in Idomeni – site of Europe’s largest informal refugee camp, on Greece’s northern border with Macedonia – before Greek police moved people to other locations in May.

“We came across many people in a state of collapse, whose problems turn out to be psychological rather than physical,” she said. “One man hit himself with a rock on his head until he became unconscious when he found out he couldn’t cross the border.”

Nikos Gionakis, a psychologist with the Athens-based mental health unit Babel, tells the story of Hassan, 34, who fled Syria with his four children. “Passing from Turkey to Greece, he was forced to get into a boat by smugglers. Two of his kids drowned as the boat sank. He was referred to Babel because of depression. He blames himself for not having been able to protect his kids,” Gionakis said.

The UN refugee agency, the UNHCR, says mental health disorders can hinder integration into host populations, creating long-term problems for European countries that are accepting refugees fleeing from conflicts in Syria and elsewhere.

In a paper to the European commission last year, the European Psychiatric Association said: “Acute and long-term psychiatric care needs to be provided to all asylum seekers in order to avoid reaching chronic conditions of mental disorders.”

Aid workers in Greece say diagnosis, never mind treatment, is almost impossible in the chaos of the camps and detention centres in southern Europe.

“You cannot say how many people are suffering from PTSD because diagnosis takes too long, and with such a stream of people, it is impossible. I am a trained psychologist with 40 years’ experience; it would take me two and a half hours to diagnose someone with PTSD,” said Renos Papadopoulos, director of the Centre for Trauma, Asylum, and Refugees at Essex University, who recently returned from Greece. “There is no evidence [on the prevalence of PTSD] because there cannot be evidence. The situation is complete chaos.”

“We don’t do diagnosis,” said Zoi Marmouri, a psychologist working for Médecins Sans Frontières in Idomeni. Even if diagnosis were possible, World HealthOrganisation (WHO) guidelines stipulate that clinical treatment is not appropriate for refugees on the move.

“Therapies should not be started without assurances that there can be follow-up. You have the potential to retraumatise people,” said Claire Whitney, Middle Eastmental health and psychosocial support adviser at the International Medical Corps.

The most effective treatments for PTSD include cognitive behaviour therapy with a trauma focus, eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy, as well as narrative exposure therapy. But these take time as they involve slowly exposing people to their trauma, while building up their capacity to deal with it. “It cannot be rushed,” said Whitney. “When people actually have PTSD, it is one of the most complex problems to treat.”

The WHO says refugees and migrants needing diagnosis should be referred to existing non-governmental or state services. But even for those who make it into host communities, cost, stigma and language problems can lock them out of treatment.

“We have serious lacks in the services we can provide. If they need hospitalisation, there aren’t any specialised units for this,” said Gionakis.

International funds have been pledged for psychosocial support, although neither Britain’s Department for International Development nor the EU were able to provide a full breakdown.

Some experts warn there is a risk of overdiagnosing PTSD. “They are distressed, yes, but is this PTSD? Often it will not be. These are instead normal reactions to an abnormal situation,” said Papadopoulos.

The UNHCR and other agencies say much of the emotional suffering experienced by refugees and migrants is directly related to present-day stresses and concern about the future.

“People live in very difficult and inhumane conditions here in camps that are too crowded. Basic needs are not met,” says Gionakis.

The UNHCR advocates “psychological first aid”, which encourages those interacting with refugees to respond in a culturally sensitive and humane way that avoids distressing people further.

“The humanitarian principle of ‘do no harm’ is a huge part of it,” said Whitney. “What everyone was advising, for the most part, was really to focus on the most basic kinds of support, which do contribute to mental health. Often, basic needs must be provided before people are ready – and willing – to engage with therapy.”


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Cash Transfer Programs Succeed for Zambia’s Poor, Offer Lessons for Battling African Poverty, AIR Finds

Fuente AIR / 8 de junio de 2016

Programs designed to alleviate hunger and increase food supply through cash transfers to some of Zambia’s poorest families achieved those goals and more, final evaluations conducted by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) revealed.

Overall, researchers found that a cash-transfer program geared toward families with at least one young child had effects that amounted to a net benefit of 1.5 kwacha—Zambia’s currency—for each kwacha transferred. A second program for households with fewer able-bodied people to farm had effects that amounted to a net benefit of 1.68 kwacha for each kwacha transferred.

Besides eating more meals and building more reliable food reserves, families used the money to improve their housing, buy additional necessities for their children, acquire more livestock and reduce debt.

The studies, commissioned by UNICEF, are likely to be closely watched as African nations increasingly embrace cash transfers to combat the continent’s cycle of poverty. South Africa’s program is the largest, with roughly 16.1 million people—about a third of its population—receiving some kind of social grant.

Notably, the two Zambian programs were unconditional—providing small, consistent sums of money with no strings attached on how they were spent. The programs bucked general criticisms that cash transfers spark dependency. Rather, the discretionary approach empowered families, who used the grants to improve their living standards in ways that made sense given their individual circumstances. At no point during the multiyear grants did alcohol consumption increase. Nor was there any impact on fertility, according to the evaluations.

“The unconditional approach worked,” said Stanfield Michelo, director of social welfare at Zambia’s Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare. “And because it did, the region is making positive strides. Without a doubt, the changes would not have been possible without AIR’s rigorous evaluations.”

Animated infographic: Zambia cash transfer results

The evaluation of the Child Grant cash-transfer program (CGP) lasted four years, and the evaluation of the Multiple Category Targeting Grant (MCTG) lasted three years. Begun in 2010 in three of Zambia’s poorest districts, the CGP was open to all households with at least one child under age 4. Half were randomly assigned to receive cash transfers of 60 kwacha ($12) a month, and half to a control group that did not receive funds. The MCTG was aimed at poor households with fewer able-bodied people to farm, due largely to a “missing generation” of parents in their 30s and 40s and disproportionally high numbers of adolescents and orphans cared for by widows and grandparents. As with the CGP, half the MCTG participants received the equivalent of $12 a month and half were in a control group that didn’t.

The studies were notable not only for their duration, but also for their use of randomization and control groups to tease out the program’s true effects.

“Few evaluations of cash transfer programs can make such strong causal claims with as much certainty as these two evaluations,” said David Seidenfeld, AIR’s senior director of international research and evaluation and lead study author. “The design of the study, which extended over several years, allowed us to see that the beneficiaries do not grow complacent over time, but instead find ways to grow the value of the transfer beyond benefits related to food security and consumption.”

Although the studies revealed persistent successes, they also offered future researchers and policymakers an idea of cash transfers’ limitations. The studies did not show consistent successes in education or child nutrition, possibly due to large-scale infrastructure issues—namely, the supply of social services, access to clean water, and a lack of health care and education facilities.

Among the studies’ principal lessons, researchers found that the degree of positive impact depended largely on the participants’ characteristics. For example, the multiple-category grants had large impacts on schooling because participating households had more school-age children. Overall, school enrollment jumps of 8 percent for children ages 11–14 and 11 percent for children 15–17 were attributed to the program, and these age groups are at the greatest risk of dropping out in Zambia, according to the report. By contrast, four years into the program, the child grants had no enrollment or attendance impacts for children in three groups: ages 4–7, 8–10 and 15–17.

“Another lesson is that the unconditional nature of the grants gave participants the flexibility to use the money to combat principal life challenges,” said UNICEF Zambia Representative Hamid El-Bashir Ibrahim. “For example, the CGP significantly affected many indicators commonly associated with resiliency—the ability to manage and withstand shocks. Households with transfers significantly improved housing quality and tools, livestock procurement, and opportunities to diversify income-generating activities so they could better withstand emergencies.”

“The overall results demonstrate unequivocally that common perceptions about cash transfers—that they are handouts and cause dependency, or lead to alcohol and tobacco consumption, or increases in pregnancy—are not true in Zambia,” Seidenfeld said. “Quite the contrary. Due to the unconditional nature of the grants, households had the flexibility needed to meet their most pressing challenges head on.”

The final reports on the Child Grant cash transfer program and the Multiple Category Transfer Grant program can be found on AIR’s website. The site also features a video of David Seidenfeld discussing lessons learned from the multiyear studies.

About AIR
Established in 1946, with headquarters in Washington, D.C., the American Institutes for Research (AIR) is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization that conducts behavioral and social science research and delivers technical assistance both domestically and internationally in the areas of health, education and workforce productivity. For more information, visit


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Inglaterrra: Teaching assistants could take industrial action

Fuente: / 8 de junio de 2016

GMB union to consult on a campaign against the ‘dismantling’ of terms and conditions

Teaching assistants in England are to be consulted by the GMB union over a campaign of action in a row about terms and conditions – a move that raises the prospect of coordinated industrial action by teachers and other staff.

The annual conference of the GMB in Bournemouth agreed to support efforts to retain «hard-fought» terms and conditions of school staff, including a campaign of industrial action if necessary.

The NUT teaching union is balloting its members over strike action against threats from academisation, deregulation of pay and funding cuts.

‘We will not stand by’

The GMB union said schools continued to be privatised, leading to the threat of cuts to the terms and conditions of staff. It is campaigning against schools being turned into academies.

An agreed motion read: «We will not stand by and let this Tory agenda dismantle our members’ terms and conditions brick by brick, class by class, where schools will be left with no alternative but to compete against one another.»

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Universities should ask whether their academics work too much

Fuente: Times Higher Education / 8 de junio de 2016

Scholars say they feel overwhelmed by demands, but there is scandalously little evidence on whether long hours make any sense for knowledge workers, finds David Matthews

Since I started reporting on research last summer, I’ve been surprised by how evidence-lite major bits of science policy seem to be.

For example, last November, I analysed the new Francis Crick Institute in London, a £700 million biomedical “superlab”. Its radically flat organisational structure and high levels of scientific freedom are based not on reams of experimental data on researcher productivity, but (at least in part) on the personal experiences of the chief executive, Sir Paul Nurse, in leading other institutions.

Read more: The Francis Crick Institute: science and serendipity 

Of course this isn’t to say the Crick won’t be a huge success, or that Sir Paul’s experiences aren’t useful guides. But, as I was told by Julia Lane, a professor of practice at New York University’s Center for Urban Science and Progress, “one of the things that gives one pause is that scientists don’t apply the scientific method to their own activities”.

This quote came to mind as I was writing an analysis that asks: how many hours a week should an academic work? It’s clear that faculty, particularly in the US, are putting in hours well above average (one recent study suggested 61 a week, including 10 on the weekend). Some are working even longer, as suggested by a recent blog that argued “you do not need to work 80 hours a week to succeed in academia”.

The research on optimum working hours is pretty patchy, particularly for knowledge workers (and if readers know of any relevant papers, please let me know). But there was nothing I could find that suggests someone toiling 80 hours a week can be as productive as a colleague doing half that, and plenty of research showing long hours leads to accidents and illness (see the conclusion of this paper).

Most gobsmacking of all was an ethnographic study of 100-hour-a-week Wall Street bankers by Alexandra Michel, a former Goldman Sachs employee herself, and now a professor at theUniversity of Pennsylvania.

Some of the quotes from bankers struggling to overcome the physical limits of their bodies in a never-ending work culture could have come straight from Patrick Bateman. Others are much more tragic.

‘‘I totally believe in mind over matter. There are no such things as physical needs. Tell me one physical need and I can tell you a culture in which they have controlled it,” one banker told Michel.

‘‘I fell on my way to a meeting. The leg changed color and I had pain but I chose not to think about it until after the meeting,” explained another. Her leg was broken in two places.

By year six, the latter banker had developed multiple new allergies, suffered from joint and back pain, heart problems and ovarian cancer, and had numerous unshakable colds and flu. Work forced her to miss the funeral of a beloved grandfather. ‘‘I feel like the creative juices are just gone,” she said. But she was still socialised by the bank’s culture: ‘‘I work hard because this work is who I am.’’

Academics can’t be blamed for overwork any more than can these bankers. Many surely feel trapped in a culture that lionises hyper-long hours, with anything else seen as a lack of commitment (Michel told me working at the weekend is seen as a “badge of honour” for faculty.)

Instead, it should be up to universities as employers to measure how long their faculty are working, and test whether there is any basis for them to work 50, let alone 80, hours a week.

You wouldn’t expect a Wall Street bank to do this. But the academy is supposed to adhere to higher standards of evidence. Understanding whether the nine-to-five (which is, after all, a hangover from the Fordist era of manufacturing) makes any economic or social sense in a knowledge economy strikes me as one of the most pressing research questions of our time.

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