Southern Africa Key Message Update: Early reliance on staple market purchases and limited supplies signals the start of the lean season, September 2022

  • Food security throughout much of the region is expected to deteriorate in the coming months as households’ own-produced food stocks decline, and an increasing number of households are market reliant with lower-than-normal purchasing power. Southern Madagascar is expected to face the most severe outcomes in the region, with Emergency (IPC Phase 4) expected in late 2022 and into early 2023 due to limited ability for households to access food and limited coping capacity due to the erosion of livelihoods from multiple droughts. Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes are likely starting in October across areas of southern Madagascar, Malawi, and Mozambique, as well as areas of Angola, and much of Zimbabwe, due to compounding impacts of poor 2021/22 rainfall, tropical cyclones, and domestic economic declines. Furthermore, Crisis (IPC Phase 3) outcomes are expected in conflict-affected areas of northern Mozambique and eastern DRC.
  • Staple food prices remain high and generally increasing across several FEWS NET monitored markets in Southern Africa. The high and rising prices are due to high market demand, lower than average market supply, and high global food and fuel prices. Inflation remains elevated in Zimbabwe and Malawi due to generally poor macroeconomic conditions. In Zimbabwe, July maize prices are about 400 percent above the same time last year. Maize grain prices in Malawi and rice and cassava prices in Madagascar are over 200 percent higher than the five-year average.
  • Conflict continues to disrupt livelihood activities and drive displacement in eastern DRC and Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique. Based on OCHA reports, nearly 900,000 people have been displaced in areas of North and South Kivu, Ituri, Tanganyika, and Kasai since the start of 2022. In the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique, IOM estimates that around 51,000 people were reported to be on the move between June and August due to conflict. Across both countries, conflict is disrupting agricultural and income-earning activities.
  • Based on international climate forecasts, La Nina conditions are expected to persist into early 2023, with La Nina conditions associated with favorable rainfall in most of Southern Africa. Most areas, including Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mozambique, and Malawi, have increased chances of receiving average to above average rainfall through January. This raises good production prospects for the upcoming 2022/23 agricultural season. Although, in southern Madagascar, extreme northern parts of Mozambique and Malawi, and southwestern parts of Angola, there are increased chances of below-average rainfall, which may cause a late start of the season and could potentially have implications on the planting and the agricultural season.
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FAO and the Ministry of Education support school garden initiative for better nutrition in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka/July 11, 2017/By Abdul Mujeeb/Source:

The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) together with the Ministry of Education hosted a ceremony on Tuesday, 4 July 2017 at Wijerama Maha Vidyalaya in Udahamulla, Nugegoda to highlight the importance of school gardens for child nutrition and life skills. The event took place in the context of the project on “Scaling up Nutrition through a Multi-Sector Approach”, jointly implemented by FAO and the World Food Programme (WFP) in collaboration with the Government of Sri Lanka.
Through this project, more than 6000 schools have been inspired to create their own organic and healthy garden within the school grounds. To support each school develops their own garden, FAO together with the Ministry of Education has facilitated a series of training workshops in all nine provinces, training 377 education officers.
Nina Brandstrup, FAO Representative for Sri Lanka and Maldives presents gardening equipment to principals of 22 schools in the Sri Jayawardenapura Education zone at the school garden ceremony.
Nina Brandstrup, FAO Representative for Sri Lanka and
Maldives presents gardening equipment to principals
of 22 schools in the Sri Jayawardenapura Education
zone at the school garden ceremony.
At these comprehensive two-day workshops, education specialists have learned the different aspects of establishing and managing school gardens, from selecting a location and deciding the type of beds to create, to identifying the best tools and equipment. They have also learned about fertilizing, pruning and pest control by utilizing plant extracts and modern technologies. The education specialists have acquired the skills to impart this knowledge to the school community within each province. They have been provided a guideline and manuals which teachers, parents, and children can use in establishing the school garden. As the project includes knowledge about child nutrition, health, and education, it encourages the children to directly apply what they learn in their school gardens and replicates the same healthy habits at home. FAO has distributed gardening tools and resources to participating schools across the island to support the project’s sustainability.
A manual available in both Sinhala and Tamil has been crucial to the success of the initiative and has reached over 300,000 children across the island. In many parts of the country that continue to struggle with food insecurity and undernutrition, this initiative has supported children to take responsibility for their diets and share their learnings with their families and the wider community.
Priyanthi Chandrasekera, Project Manager-Scaling up Nutrition through a Multi-Sector Approach, FAO plants a tree with a student of Wijerama Maha Vidyalaya.
Priyanthi Chandrasekera, Project Manager-
Scaling up Nutrition through a Multi-Sector Approach,
FAO plants a tree with a student of Wijerama Maha Vidyalaya.
Speaking at the event, the FAO Representative Nina Brandstrup highlighted school gardens as a key tool in teaching children the value of nutritious organic food and the importance of sustainable lifestyles. “School gardens can be used as a classroom by reconnecting children with the outdoors and the source of their food,” she said. “These gardens teach children about the importance of a balanced diet and nutrition while opening their eyes to new agriculture concepts. The gardens are also encouraging the children to increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables; no one can resist eating what they grew with their own hands!”
The Honorary Consul of Spain, Priyadarshini Jayawardena encouraged the promotion of school gardens to keep children safe and healthy while nurturing future generations to ensure a healthier and better tomorrow. “Gardens are of utmost importance to the development of the country. Well-nourished children are healthier and learn better, have improved opportunities for growth and contribute positively to society,” she said.
Commenting on the programme, Mr. Jayantha Wickramanayake, Director of National Schools said: “This project jointly implemented by the FAO and the Ministry of Education is a good solution to tackle health problems and the lack of awareness about the environment among school children. This programme really takes education beyond the classroom, guiding students to form a relationship with nature. I encourage all principals, teachers, and students to replicate this model in their schools. I have no doubt that this will help to create a healthier generation of youth and contribute towards minimizing the risk of natural disasters in the country with more awareness.”
Brenda Barton, Representative and Country Director of World Food Programme (WFP) highlighted that the school garden initiative ties in with the efforts of WFP to treat undernutrition in Sri Lanka. WFP distributes specialized fortified nutritious food to pregnant and nursing women and children aged between 6 months and 5 years and provides technical support to the Ministry of Health to enhance the impact of Thriposha – a nutritious and locally fortified blended food. “Our aim is to support behavioral changes through enhanced nutrition education and information on safe and nutritious foods, dietary diversity, nutrient deficiencies and their root causes,” she said. WFP also supports the Ministry of Health to conduct national nutrition surveys for pregnant and lactating women and for schoolchildren, to promote the linkage of health, nutrition, and food security as a national development priority.
The event concluded with the distribution of gardening tools to 22 school principals from the Sri Jayawardenapura Education zone of the Western Province, and the planting of a fruit tree followed by a visit to the school garden by guests and the school community.
School gardens are one aspect of the Scaling up Nutrition through a Multi-Sector Approach project, jointly implemented by FAO and WFP in collaboration with the Government of Sri Lanka. The project is part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Fund, an international multi-agency and multi-donor development mechanism created in 2014 by The United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) funded through the Government of Spain. 
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