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EEUU: Exposed by CMD: KIPP’s Efforts to Keep the Public in the Dark while Seeking Millions in Taxpayer Subsidies

Fuente: PRWatch / 2 de Mayo de 2016

By Lisa Graves and Dustin Beilke

Charter schools are big business, even when they are run by «non-profits» that pay no taxes on the revenue they receive from public taxes or other sources.

Take KIPP, which describes itself as a «national network of public schools.»

KIPP (an acronym for the phrase «knowledge is power program») operates like a franchise with the KIPP Foundation as the franchisor and the individual charters as franchisees that are all separate non-profits that describe themselves as «public schools.»

But how public are KIPP public schools?

Not as public as real or traditional public schools.

New documents discovered on the U.S. Department of Education’s website reveal that KIPP has claimed that information about its revenues and other significant matters is «proprietary» and should be redacted from materials it provides to that agency to justify the expenditure of federal tax dollars, before its application is made publicly available.

So what does a so-called public school like KIPP want to keep the public from knowing?

1. Graduation and College Matriculation Rates

KIPP touts itself as particularly successful at preparing students to succeed in school and college.

Yet, it insisted that the U.S. Department of Education keep secret from the public the statistics about the percentage of its eighth graders who completed high school, entered college, and/or who completed a two-year or four-year degree.

A few years ago, professor Gary Miron and his colleagues Jessica Urschel and Nicholas Saxton, found that «KIPP charter middle schools enroll a significantly higher proportion of African-American students than the local school districts they draw from but 40 percent of the black males they enroll leave between grades 6 and 8,» as reported by Mary Ann Zehr in Ed Week.

Zehr noted: «‘The dropout rate for African-American males is really shocking,’ said Gary J. Miron, a professor of evaluation, measurement, and research» at Western Michigan University, who conducted the national study.

Miron’s analysis was attacked by KIPP and its allies, who said KIPP’s success was not due to the attrition of lower performing students who leave the school or move to other districts. One of its defenders was Mathematica Policy Research, whose subsequent study was used to try to rebut Miron’s analysis. (That name will be important momentarily.)

The Department of Education has been provided with the data about what percentage of KIPP students graduate from high school and go on to college, but it is helping KIPP keep that secret—despite the public tax dollars going to these schools and despite KIPP’s claim to be operating what are public schools.

Real public schools would never be allowed to claim that high school graduation rates or college matriculation rates are «proprietary» or «privileged» or «confidential.»

Why does the Education Department’s Charter School Program «Office of Innovation and Improvement» defer to KIPP’s demand to keep that information secret from the public?

Meanwhile, the KIPP Foundation regularly spends nearly a half million dollars a year ($467,594 at last count) on advertising to convince the public how great its public charters are using figures it selects to promote. Almost no public school district in the nation has that kind of money to drop on ads promoting its successes.

2. Projected Uses of Federal Taxpayer Dollars (and Disney World?)

Even as KIPP was seeking more than $22 million from the federal government to expand its charter school network, it insisted that the U.S. Department of Education redact from its application a chart about how much money would be spent on personnel, facilities, transportation, and «other uses» under the proposed grant. KIPP also sought to redact the amount of private funding it was projecting.

The agency’s compliant Office of Innovation and Improvement obliged KIPP.

However, after the grant was approved, KIPP did have to comply with IRS regulations to file a report on its revenues and expenditures, as all entities given the privilege of having their revenue tax-exempt or tax-deductible do. (Those filings usually are made available a year after the revenue and expenditures accrue.)

That is, the federal government’s Office of Innovation and Improvement redacted information about KIPP’s revenue and expenditures on the basis of an unsupportable assertion that such information was exempt under the Freedom of Information Act as proprietary, confidential, or privileged even though it is not.

Here are some of the key details from KIPP’s 2013 tax filings (uploaded below):

  • KIPP received more than $18 million in grants from American tax dollars and more than $43 million from other sources, primarily other foundations;
  • KIPP spent nearly $14 million on compensation, including more than $1.2 million on nine executives who received six-figure salaries, and nearly $2 million more on retirement and other benefits;
  • KIPP also spent over $416,000 on advertising and a whopping $4.8 million on travel; it paid more than $1.2 to the Walt Disney World Swan and Resort;
  • It also paid $1.2 million to Mathematica for its data analysis; that’s the firm that was used to try to rebut concerns about KIPP’s performance and attrition rates.

KIPP’s revenue and spending in 2014 were similar, but there are some additional interesting details (uploaded below):

  • KIPP received more than $21 million in grants from American tax dollars and more than $38 million from other sources, primarily other foundations;
  • KIPP spent nearly $18 million on compensation and nearly $2 million more on retirement and other benefits;
  • KIPP paid its co-founder, David Levin, more than $450,000 in total compensation, and its CEO, Richard Barth, more than $425,000 in total compensation, in addition to six-figure salaries for eight other executives;
  • KIPP also spent over $467,000 on advertising and more than $5 million on travel;
  • It also paid nearly $1 million to Mathematica for its data analysis.

In that tax year, which covers the 2013-2014 school year, as traditional public schools faced budget cuts across the country, KIPP spent more than $3.5 million on «lodging and hospitality,» including more than $1.8 million alone at the posh Cosmopolitan Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.

Since its revenue from taxpayers is commingled with its revenues from wealthy charter school advocates and the foundations they control, there is no way to sort out how much of taxpayer money has directly gone into luxurious trips for KIPP employees versus how much having revenue from taxes helps subsidize such largesse.

But, there is no public school district in the country that would be allowed such travel and promotional expenditures for its executives or teachers if the voters knew about it or had a say in it.

Perhaps it should be no surprise that KIPP would want the grant-makers at the U.S. Department of Education to redact the amount of its expenditures for personnel, facilities, transportation, and «other uses»—especially with extravagant expenditures like its transportation and lodging at fabulous resorts, as opposed to transportation for kids to school—but why would the federal agency charged with oversight go along with redacting information about how much KIPP was projecting to spend in those categories?

KIPP did request that budget information about how much it or its affiliates paid the executive directors for individual charters, principals, accountants, grant managers, community coordinators, and IT teams be kept from the public, under a claim that such information is proprietary.

But the Office of Innovation and Improvement did not accommodate that request.

Notably, KIPP’s grant application sets forth «regional leadership» expenses that total nearly $5 million of the projected budget for the grant. There is no indication how much taxpayers are directly or indirectly subsidizing the six-figure salaries of its executive suite including the nearly half-million in total compensation for each of KIPP’s two highest paid employees. (This grant application only pertains to one source of federal and state grants that annually provide revenue to KIPP.)

3. Full Disclosure of Attrition and Performance Results

Not only did KIPP seek to keep the public in the dark about how it spends tax-exempt funding and how many KIPP students make it to high school graduation or college, it also sought to redact information «KIPP Student Attrition» by region and «by subgroup» and «KIPP Student Performance» on state exams on «Math and Reading.»

The Office of Innovation and Improvement did as KIPP requested.

But why would KIPP, which advertises its claimed superiority, and the Department of Education, which uses KIPP as an example of the success of charters, keep information about attrition and performance secret, especially when that subject is one of great public interest as noted by the Economic Policy Institute?

Page after page after page in KIPP’s application that shows the percentage of school students who leave KIPP is blacked out along with information about student test results by school for the three years prior to the grant application.

How can the Department of Education acquiesce in a request by a charter it cheerleads for to keep data about that charter’s retention or dropout rate secret?

If both sets of redacted figures were truly excellent, why wouldn’t both KIPP and the Department of Education release those results? After all, KIPP included glossy PR documents on some of its schools in its application materials touting select data about test results.

Why should unelected bureaucrats at the federal agency get to see the data about attrition and performance in awarding millions in taxpayer dollars to KIPP but go along with KIPP in keeping those specific statistics from the public?

In short, what are KIPP and the Department of Education hiding from the American people?

4. The CEO Foundations Pushing School «Choice» and Subsidizing KIPP

KIPP also asked the Office of Innovation and Improvement to redact the amounts of funding provided to KIPP by foundations that wrote letters of support for KIPP to receive federal taxpayer money under the grant.

The grant documents the Center for Media and Democracy has examined reveal that these are the names and amounts that KIPP sought to keep the public from knowing and that the Department of Education blacked out at KIPP’s request:

  • Robertson Foundation: $20M
  • Atlantic Trust/ Kendeda Fund: $15 million
  • Marcus Foundation: $4.5M
  • Zeist: $1.7M
  • Lowe Foundation: $357,000
  • Webber Family Foundation: $351,780
  • Sooch Foundation: $675,000
  • Tipping Point Community: $2M
  • Schwab Foundation: $2.5M
  • Koret Foundation: $2,135,000
  • SAP: $297,389
  • Kobacker: $100,000
  • Todd Wagner Foundation: $1,000,000
  • El Paso, $1,000,000
  • Charles T. Bauer Foundation: $1,242,000
  • Karsh: $8M
  • Charter Schools Growth Fund: $2 million
  • Formanek: $526,000
  • Goldring Family Foundation: $1,000,000
  • Charles Hayden Foundation: $1.393 million
  • Victoria Foundation: $626,000
  • CityBridge Foundation: $2.9M»

Almost all of these donors are foundations that have to annually disclose to the IRS and make available to the public the names of their grantees and the amounts granted. So this information is not privileged, confidential or proprietary.

Why would the Office of Innovation and Improvement go along with a request to keep secret from the public information that is subsequently required to be made public?

While many of the foundations listed above are led by corporate CEOs or their families, only a few are corporations whose donations might not be routinely disclosed.

SAP, for example, is the name of a German corporation that made headlines 18 months ago for dumping the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) after Google dumped ALEC for its climate change denial and obstruction. Should Americans be concerned that a foreign multinational corporation is influencing American «public charters» through KIPP? The truth is foreign multinationals are exercising increasing influence over American charter schools and testing. Just look at the growth in U.S. business of the British firm, Pearson.

At the same time, the volume of such private philanthropic support begs the question of why the American taxpayer ought to be subsidizing schools that are touted as public but act like private ones when it comes to executive compensation and roadblocks to transparency, especially at a time when traditional public schools are facing such budgetary pressures?

KIPP is a taxpayer-subsidized school franchise that pays no taxes on its revenue and provides a tax-deductible vehicle for uber-wealthy families to promote the school «choice» agenda.

And, the fact that taxpayer money is going to a group spending millions on luxury trips to resorts in Las Vegas is mind-boggling in an age of austerity when many public schools are going without basic necessities.

With each new fact that comes out, the charter school industry is looking more like the military defense industry with the scandals of the 1980s as with the infamous $600 toilet seat. There’s no indication of fraud by KIPP.

But from an optics standpoint some might consider a $600 plastic seat small change, compared with a «public school» spending more than a million to go to Disney World in one year, even if only one-third of KIPP’s funding comes from taxpayers directly and the remainder comes at taxpayer expense due to CEOs writing off donations to foundations that help underwrite KIPP.

Plus, separate from the grant application discussed here, KIPP has been funded by the U.S. Department of Education to conduct leadership training summits for KIPP principals and other personnel. That application also includes significant redactions, including about key components of the budget for what it calls KIPP «summits» or annual meetings and other gatherings (as well as a total redaction of the Mathematica analysis commissioned by KIPP).

Meanwhile, KIPP told the Education Department that in its first 10 years it had raised more than $150 million from private philanthropic sources, which underscores the question of why taxpayers are subsidizing an operation that already has ample support from the corporate community and those taxpayer dollars could be going instead to strengthen traditional public schools that are truly public and that are not subsidized by tax write-offs for the one percent through their foundations.

Indeed, those tax write-offs serve to diminish the base of revenue available for tax revenue to fund public schools and other genuinely public goods in the first place.

A Closer Look at KIPP

It appears that all the redactions were in response to «proprietary» instructions KIPP dictated to DOE through a four-page document titled, «Proprietary Information.»

The Education Department complied with almost all of KIPP’s instructions, despite how contrary they are to public policy and even to publicly available information.

These black marks come at a time when cracks are starting to show in KIPP’s once beyond-reproach veneer.

KIPP is the largest and most lauded charter school chain in the United States and the recipient of many millions of dollars in taxpayer grants, foundation gifts and handouts from billionaire charter school enthusiasts.

A new book by Jim Horn, Work Hard, Be Hard: Journeys Through ‘No Excuses’ Teaching, focuses on the experiences and perspectives of dozens of former KIPP teachers who have become critics of the chain and many of the principles it is based on, including the Teach for America program that supplies KIPP with many of its teachers.

The book’s title is a reference to «Work Hard. Be Nice» the book-length puff piece authored by Washington Post education reporter Jay Matthews about KIPP’s founders Mike Feinberg and Dave Levine.

In a review of Work Hard, Be Hard that is excerpted on Diane Ravitch’s blog, education professor Julian Vasquez Heilig writes that screaming at students is accepted teaching practice in KIPP schools:

Why does KIPP encourage and/or allow these practices? Horn writes, school leaders relayed that ‘because of cultural differences, black students are accustomed to being screamed at…because that’s how their parents speak to them.’ A KIPP teacher characterized the worst offender at her school as a ‘screamer, swearer and humiliator.’

«KIPP might also argue that they are the beneficiaries of widespread support in communities across the nation. It is very clear that KIPP benefits from powerful influential and wealthy supporters in government, the media, and foundations. Their no excuses approach to educating poor children has resonated with the elites in society and they have showered the corporate charter chain with resources for decades. So it may be surprising to some to read the counternarrative from KIPP teachers that is quite different than what you typically read in the newspapers, see in documentaries like Waiting for Superman, and generally experience in the public discourse. I proffer that the KIPP teachers’ counternarratives in Journeys should be required reading for all of KIPPs influential supporters.»

So what is the disgruntled KIPP teachers’ counter-narrative? For one, the model seems to create lousy working conditions for the purpose of encouraging high teacher turnover. One former teacher says, «I wouldn’t wish it on anyone who wanted to be a teacher for the long-term…It’s exhausting. It’s demoralizing.»

And this is where Teach for America comes in. «Without a constant infusion of new teachers to replace all those who burn out,» Horn writes, «KIPP would have to shut its doors… The role of Teach For America and programs based on Teach For America’s hyper-abbreviated preparation are crucial, then, for the continued survival of… KIPP.»

In short, the new book offers a devastating critique of the KIPP business model at a time when KIPP and the Department of Education appear to be aiding each other in trying to keep critical information out of the public debate through redaction.

Lisa Graves is the Executive Director of the Center for Media and Democracy, a national watchdog group. Her expertise and CMD’s niche are investigating and exposing the undue influence of corporations on public policy. CMD’s investigations help aid grassroots efforts to secure a healthier democracy, economy, and environment for us all.

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La transformación digital china y su impacto

632 millones de usuarios de Internet, 700 millones de dispositivos inteligentes o 300 billones de dólares en ventas online son algunos de los datos que marcan la actualidad de la sociedad y economía china.

Algunas claves que nos demuestran las claves de la digitalización china es que solamente en el año 2013 se pasó de los 380 millones de dispositivos inteligentes existentes a más de 700 millones. Y si hay algo que realmente ha revolucionado el consumo es el ecommerce. En el día dorado de este sector en China, el llamado Singles Day, las plataformas de Alibaba Taobao y Tmall facturaron más de 6.000 millones de dólares en 24 horas.

Otro punto a considerar es la masiva utilización del buscador chino Baidu, con más de 5.000 millones de búsquedas diarias y de WeChat, la app de mensajería instantánea que cuenta con 632 millones de usuarios.

Pero esto va más allá de los usuarios. Como recoge McKinsey en un informe la tecnología también se está adueñando de varios sectores empresariales. Dichas compañías que están adoptando las nuevas tecnologías se están convirtiendo en empresas más eficientes, produciendo más y obteniendo mayores beneficios. Esto también provoca un cambio en el mercado ya que las empresas buscan a personas con habilidades y conocimientos del mundo online.


Internet, un alivio para las pymes chinas

En estos momentos en China las pymes contribuyen con alrededor del 70% del PIB y son una fuente constante de empleo y de innovación.

Gracias a las posibilidades que actualmente ofrece Internet en el país provoca que las empresas que se adaptan bien al mundo digital puedan neutralizar así muchas de las desventajas con las que se encontrarían en el mundo offline. Internet ofrece plataformas que facilitan el rápido crecimiento para las startups a un precio asequible, permitiendo además que varias compañías puedan colaborar para crecer conjuntamente.

Ejemplo de ello lo encontramos en el cloud computing o en el online marketing, que permite llegar a determinado público objetivo con una inversión controlada y que se peude medir. A su vez las plataformas de ecommerce permiten que los consumidores puedan ver los productos en la red y que la empresa pueda interactuar con ellos.

No son pocas las pymes que se han convertido en empresas referencias vendiendo productos en el extranjero, ejemplo de ello es Alibaba o Global Sources.

Otro problema al que se enfrentaban hasta ahora las pequeñas y medianas empresas es lalimitación a la hora de acceder a capital. Internet ofrece a los prestamistas nuevas herramientas para evaluar el riesgo de crédito y reducir los costes de transacción, ya que los bancos privados y proveedores de financiación Internet se han convertido en nueva competencia en el sector de servicios financieros, lo que ha repercutido en mejores condiciones para las pymes.

La conclusión a la que llegamos y que ha reflejado McKinsey es que la adopción de tecnología por parte de pymes podría tener un impacto desproporcionado en el aumento de la productividad laboral de China. Internet reduce las barreras de entrada y aumenta la intensidad competitiva, acelerando así el crecimiento de las empresas más innovadoras. Esta dinámica, finalmente, mejora el rendimiento de la economía en general.

Imagen de portada:Shutterstock

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Pablo Lluesma – Licenciado en Periodismo y Máster en Dirección de Marketing Digital y Comunicación Empresarial Web. Actualmente trabajando en Global Asia.
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BID/ School Infrastructure and Educational Outcomes: A Literature Review, with Special Reference to Latin America

Diversos estudios han enfatizado el valor de invertir en educación, pero no dan luz sobre cuáles son los elementos educativos específicos en los que se debería invertir. Esta investigación explora tanto la literatura económica como educativa publicada desde 1990 hasta 2012 para evaluar hasta qué punto tipos específicos de infraestructura escolar tienen un impacto causal en el desempeño y matriculación de los estudiantes.

Texto disponible en el siguiente enlace:

School Infrastructure and Educational Outcomes: A Literature Review, with Special Reference to Latin America

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UNRISD: Protesta Social y Movilización de Recursos para el Desarrollo Social en Bolivia /Autor Santiago Daroca Oller

UNRISD / 1 de Mayo de 2016

Ya esta disponible la mas reciente publicación de Santiago Daroca Oller titulado Protesta Social y Movilización de Recursos para el Desarrollo Social en Bolivia, publicado por el UNRISD.

Pueden descargarlo en el siguiente enlace:

Protesta Social y Movilización de Recursos para el Desarrollo Social en Bolivia


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IDRC: Clamor for Justice

The English version of the book «Mujeres indígenas: clamor por la Justicia. Violencia Sexual, Conflicto Armado y Despojo Violenta de Tierras» / «Clamor for Justice: sexual violence, armed conflict and violent land dispossession» is now available.

The book is the result of collaborative research developed by the Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial (ECAP), in Guatemala and the Universidad Javeriana and the Institute of Regional Studies of the University of Antioquía, Colombia, funded by IDRC. The research focused on the comparative analysis of the collective strategies of access to justice used by indigenous and peasant women, victims of sexual violence and other human rights violations in situations of armed conflict and transition in Colombia and Guatemala.

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Reino Unido: Primary school tests not about pass or fail, Nicky Morgan tells heads

Reino Unido/ 30 Abril 2016/ The Guardian

Resumen: La secretaria de Educación del Reino Unido, Nicky Morgan , manifestó que las nuevas pruebas de la escuela primaria  «no se trata de pasarlas o fallarlas», posución que fue objeto de burla de los directores asistentes a la  conferencia realizada en la Asociación Nacional de Directores de Escuela, participación que además fue ininterrumpida  por abucheos y risas escépticas, ante la crítica de Morgan quien acusó de sexista a uno de los participantes quien le profirió una pregunta. Russell Hobby, el secretario general del NAHT, dijo a los delegados que estaba preocupado de que la brecha entre el gobierno y la profesión docente se amplía.

Nicky Morgan, the education secretary. Photograph: Nick Ansell/PA

The education secretary, Nicky Morgan, was met with derision from headteachers after telling them that new primary school tests were “not about pass or fail”.

Morgan’s appearance at the National Association of Head Teachers conference in Birmingham was punctuated with heckling and sceptical laughter, and came close to degenerating further when Morgan accused a questioner of sexism.

Simon Kidwell, a headteacher from a primary school in Cheshire, asked Morgan to consider easing the marking rules to give students with disabilities such as dyslexia more leeway.

When Morgan said she was reluctant to make further changes with the tests only a few weeks away, Kidwell followed up: “Are you in charge of the department or is Nick Gibb?” – a reference to the schools minister regarded as responsible for the new tests – and received sustained applause from his colleagues.

“I’m not going to dignify that sexist remark with a comment,” Morgan responded, provoking boos from the audience.

Tony Draper, a primary school head in Milton Keynes and the NAHT’s outgoing president, tweeted:

— Tony Draper (@TonyDraper12) April 30, 2016

#NAHT2016 much anger that Nicky Morgan hid behind a «sexist» comment that every delegate clearly knows was not-inadequate judgement Nicky

Morgan also said parents should not take part in a boycott planned for next Tuesday in protest at the new assessments, calling it “damaging”.

“Keeping children home even for a day undermines their education,” she said. “I urge those running these campaigns to reconsider their actions.”

Earlier, Morgan elicited a loud, sceptical response from the nearly 500 mainly primary school heads when she declared: “This is not about pass or fail, this is about knowing how children are making progress at the end of their primary school years.”

Heads later pointed out that under the government’s policies, pupils who failed the key stage two tests in English and maths would be forced to re-sit them in their first year of secondary school.

Russell Hobby, the NAHT’s general secretary, told delegates he was worried that the gap between the government and the teaching profession was widening.

In her speech Morgan offered a concession to headteachers concerned that new, tougher tests in year six would lead to many schools being labelled as failing. She said the proportion of primary schools likely to be classed as failing the government’s floor standards for key stage two tests would be frozen at the same level level as last year.

“I do not want people to be fretting and thinking that somehow it means many, many more schools are going to be below the floor standards this year. That is not what we intend,” Morgan said.

The shadow education secretary, Lucy Powell, said Morgan had been warned for months about the problems with the new assessments.

“Now the government is being forced to water down its own performance measures just days before the primary Sats tests are due to start. The chaos this government is causing in the exams and assessment system is staggering, and Nicky Morgan has some serious questions to answer,” Powell said.

Morgan otherwise stuck to her guns on the new assessments and the policy of forcing all state schools to become academies by 2022, which she described as allowing schools to “make the right choice” – to which two delegates shouted: “Rubbish!”

The end of Morgan’s speech was met with tepid applause, and her arguments failed to move the delegates, who later voted overwhelmingly to reject compulsory academisation.

The normally moderate union also passed a motion supporting industrial action as a last resort to defend comprehensive education.

Fuente:  Primary school tests not about pass or fail, Nicky Morgan tells heads

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Perú: II Conferencia Regional: Innovación y Calidad en Educación”

Los días 5 y 6 de abril,  tuvo lugar en Lima, Perú la «II Conferencia Regional: Innovación y Calidad en Educación” organizada por la Iniciativa Latinoamericana de Investigación para las Políticas Públicas (ILAIPP) y GRADE. Durante la conferencia se presentaron trabajos de investigación orientados en analizar los  avances y generar propuestas para mejorar la cobertura y calidad de la educación en América Latina, incluyendo experiencias y lecciones aprendidas, las que pueden ser utilizadas en otras regiones.

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