Oceanía/Papua Nueva guinea/Junio de 2016/Papua Nueva Guinea Education News
Resumen: Estudiantes extranjeros de primera y varios estudiantes de tres universidades estatales de Papúa Nueva Guinea quieren completar sus estudios este año. Los estudiantes de las Islas Salomón y Vanuatu pidieron una solución amistosa y una salida a los disturbios actuales ya que querían completar sus estudios.
SOME final and several first year foreign students studying at Papua New Guinea’s three State universities want to complete their studies this year.
The students from Solomon Islands and Vanuatu appealed for an amicable solution to the ongoing unrest are reached as they wanted to complete their studies, graduate next year and find jobs to fend for their families back in their countries.
«This is because our future is in PNG’s hands and we do not want to jeopardise our education,» the final year students said.
«We have come this far, our families have put all their trust in us, some of us have the responsibility to go back to our home countries, work and look after our families back home,» they said. Post Courier
Foto: http://edu.pngfacts.com/uploads/1/1/3/2/11320972/118820309.jpg
Fuente: http://edu.pngfacts.com/education-news/pacific-students-in-png-want-to-complete-academic-year