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Kenia: Hire more teachers by December or we strike, union warns

Kenia / 10 de agosto de 2016 / Por: DANIEL TSUMA NYASSY – REBECCA OKWANY / Fuente:

The Kenya National Union of Teachers yesterday gave the government up to December to employ 85,000 teachersor be ready to face a backlash from its more than 240,000 members in next year’s elections.

The teachers also demanded the immediate signing of a portion of the 2013 to 2017 Collective Bargaining Agreement on salaries and promotions failure to which they would call a national strike and vote for the Opposition during the General Election next August.

Knut;s first national vice-chairman, Mr Wycliffe Omucheyi, and Treasurer John Matiang’i told teachers to “be ready with our song” if the government fails to fulfill the two demands. They were addressing more than 10,000 teachers on the first day of this year’s Kenya Primary Schools Headteachers Association’s 12th annual conference in Mombasa.

But the Teachers Service Commission said there was no pending matter on the CBA, which it said had been fully signed.

The government was also addressing the shortages byemploying 5,000 teachers every year since 2014, it said.


“When the union says there is a pending CBA issue, it is just being insincere. Everything was signed and we can only discuss the next agreement, which will be negotiated from next year. They are, however, right on the shortages, which we have been addressing gradually for the last three years,” said TSC head of communications Kihumba Kamotho.

(READ: No teachers’ strike for four years, says Knut)

On Monday, Mr Omucheyi said: “This Jubilee government has started showing us its back. It told us that teachers who attended a mandatory course would earn automatic promotion by October last year. However, it later made an about turn and said that only 6,500 teachers were promoted instead of the 23,000, who underwent the mandatory course.”
The teachers are said to have studied for a diploma in education at the Kenya Institute of Management in 2014.

Mr Omucheyi also criticised a decision by the Education ministry to spend Sh17.6 billion on tablets for primary school pupils.

“This government is having its priorities wrong. How do you buy laptops and not employ teachers? Are the laptops going to deliver quality education?” he posed.

More than 300 teachers in 150 pilot schools have, however, been trained and the government hopes to have taught at least three teachers in each of the 23,000 schools.

Mr Omucheyi also asked the government to release a scheme of service for technical and graduate teachers and harmonise housing allowances for those working in the same county.
Education Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang’ and Knut Secretary-General Wilson Sossion will today address the gathering.

Fuente noticia:–union-warns/1056-3336858-3ttib2/index.html

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Nueva Zelanda: Heads speak up on ‘teacher crisis’

Oceanía/Nueva Zelanda/02 de Julio de 2016/Autora:Susan Strongma/Fuente:NZHerald

RESUMEN: Los directores de dos de las mejores escuelas secundarias de Auckland han acusado a los funcionarios de educación de no hacer nada para hacer frente a una «crisis» por la escasez de profesores de matemáticas y física. Y los expertos dicen que el Ministerio de Educación tiene que actuar ahora para detener el problema que afecta a la futura fuerza laboral del país. Russell Brooke,  Director del Colegio Long Bay dijo, que la escasez se muestran en la electrónica, contabilidad y economía. Por su parte el director David Hodge del Colegio Rangitoto dice que este año la escuela ha gastado $ 11.000 en reclutamiento de profesores desde el exterior a través de una agencia. La escuela contrató a un maestro de la electrónica de Canadá porque nadie había respondido a una oferta de empleo anunciados en Nueva Zelanda durante un mes. «Estoy muy a gusto diciendo que hay una crisis en torno a la enseñanza», dijo el señor Brooke.

Principals at two of Auckland’s top high schools have accused education officials of doing nothing to address a «crisis» over a shortage of maths and physics teachers.

And experts say the Ministry of Education needs to act now to stop the problem impacting on the country’s future workforce.

Long Bay College principal Russell Brooke said shortages were showing in electronics, accounting and economics.

Rangitoto College principal David Hodge says this year the school has spent $11,000 recruiting teachers from overseas through an agency. The school hired an electronics teacher from Canada because no one had responded to a job vacancy advertised in New Zealand for a month.

«I’m quite comfortable saying there is a crisis around teaching,» Mr Brooke said.

He said the ministry had been aware of the problem for at least two years.

The ministry did not respond to questions on the issue, though minister Hekia Parata admitted more maths, science and technology graduates needed to be drawn into the teaching profession.

«The Education Ministry is working with principals on both short and long-term solutions.»

She said the ministry was working with Immigration NZ, NZQA and the Education Council to make it easier to employ overseas teachers.

«It’s disappointing that a handful of principals with whom the ministry has been engaged in a thorough process around these issues and who understand both the challenges and the initiatives under way are speaking as if no action has been taken.»

Mr Brooke said the shortage was a major stress on schools, but in many cases principals were afraid to speak out about it, for fear of putting off prospective students.

He was aware of five schools in the North Shore area which had recently lost staff – many whom had moved where they could get the same salary but live for less.

Among jobs currently advertised more than 20 are for maths teachers, with another 20-plus schools advertising for science teachers. And in a Post Primary Teachers’ Association survey of 206 principals from March, maths, chemistry, physics, science, Te Reo Maori and technology were mentioned most frequently as problem areas for recruitment.

Shaun Sutton, chief executive of Teach First NZ – a teacher training organisation that aims to tackle inequality, said a vicious cycle had developed – where schools were unable to find quality teachers in maths and physics, which was leading to fewer children going on to study those subjects at university, therefore meaning fewer graduates in those areas.

Mr Sutton said several factors contributed to the shortage of teachers – a perceived low status of the profession, a perceived lack of career opportunities in the classroom, and pay – which for a first-year secondary school teacher is $48,316 per year.

There was also a lot of competition for graduates with maths and science qualifications, from corporate employers, the public service and overseas employers.

AUT’s faculty of education head, Lyn Lewis, said of those studying teaching this year through the university, none were training to specialise in physics.

Ms Lewis said the shortage of students studying to teach science, technology, engineering and maths (stem) subjects – which have been identified as the biggest growth areas worldwide – had been ongoing for «a number of years».

Secondary Principals Association president Sandy Pasley said the shortage was a concern, but after talks with the ministry she felt positive that change would be made soon to combat the issue head on.



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