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Panamá: Iglesia Católica pide bajar a primer debate proyecto de Educación Sexual

Centro América/Panamá/10 Julio 2016/Fuente: TVN/Autor: REDACCIÓN DE TVN NOTICIAS

La Conferencia Episcopal Panameña (CEP) pidió este viernes 8 de julio, que el proyecto de Ley de Educación Sexual se baje a primer debate y se someta a consultas.

En un comunicado, la Iglesia Católica Panameña dejó claro que “la educación sexual debe ser en el marco del amor, los valores y la dignidad” y no se debe reducir a “simples recomendaciones para cuidarse y practicar el sexo seguro”.

La CEP pidió que la educación sexual sea positiva y adecuada a la edad.

El proyecto de Ley 61 busca incluir en los programas educativos la formación sobre educación sexual y reproductiva.

La iniciativa ha generado opiniones encontradas entre diversos sectores de la sociedad panameña.

La CEP reiteró que los padres tienen un pilar fundamental en esas guías y no pueden “aceptar experimentos que han fracasado en otros lugares”.

Con relación a este tema, la Defensoría del Pueblo y el Observatorio de la Niñez y Adolescencia (Odena) también se reunieron en una mesa de trabajo con representantes de gremios médicos, psicólogos y psiquiatras, para analizar el proyecto de Ley 61, por lo que se espera una posición formal del tema.

Un Canal para todos

En tanto, la CEP destacó que es primordial lograr que el Canal de Panamá sea para todos y que los beneficios lleguen también a los campesinos.

El pasado 26 de junio, Panamá inauguró su Canal ampliado por lo que muchos sectores, al igual que la Iglesia Católica esperan que los aportes contribuyan para el desarrollo de todos los panameños.

Redes sociales responsables

Además solicitaron que el uso de las redes sociales se haga de manera responsable y sirva para hacer crecer a una sociedad sana y con respeto por la dignidad humana.

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Kenya: Priest Seeks Njuri Ncheke Help in Dispute With Adult Learners

Kenia/14 junio 2016/Autor: 

Kenia: Sacerdote busca ayuda Njuri Ncheke en disputa con la Educación de Adultos

Un cura católico en Meru ha buscado la intervención de ancianos Njuri Ncheke después de una disputa con los alumnos de educación de adultos en una de las escuelas dirigidas por la iglesia.

Algunos estudiantes han acusado P. Mbaabu Nchebere de Tuuru Localidad negativa a registrarlos para el certificado de Kenia de la Educación Primaria (KCPE) 2016 examen, incluso después de que pagó por ella.


A catholic priest in Meru has sought the intervention of Njuri Ncheke elders after a dispute with adult education learners in one of the schools run by the church.

Some students have accused Fr Mbaabu Nchebere of Tuuru Parish of failing to register them for the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) 2016 exam even after they paid for it.

Mr James Iniesta from Kathelwa in Igembe Central said Fr Nchebere announced in 2015 that Divine Providence Academy would be admitting adult learners in January and help them register for KCPE.

«I was among seven students who joined the adult class with the hope of doing KCPE. We were paying Sh500 per month for tuition,» Mr Iniesta said.

He, however, said trouble started when the priest, who was also teaching Swahili, informed them that he had not succeeded to register them for the exam.


«In March, six students paid Sh2,000 for KCPE registration as requested. In May, he informed us that we had not be registered. The classes ended when we learnt that we could not sit KCPE (exam),» he said.

The former student claimed that the school administration removed all posters advertising the adult learning centre after he started complaining.

«When we raised concerns in local media, the school’s secretary sent me Sh2,800.

«Other students were also sent some money. We don’t understand what criteria was used in refunding the money,» Mr Iniesta said.

In a letter seen by the Nation, Mr Iniesta was required to appear before a Njuri Ncheke court on June 6, 2016.


«I received summons from Njuri Ncheke elders requiring that I appear before them following allegation made against me by an unnamed person. The summons were served by a Catholic faithful,» he said.

Speaking to the Nation by phone, Fr Nchebere said the two, who were his students, have been summoned by elders for spreading malicious claims against him.

«I tried to register them but they presented their documents too late. Some brought their documents on the eve of the deadline on April 11. I paid back every coin to the students.

«The elders decided to take up the matter after the students claimed that I had bribed them to keep quiet,» Fr Nchebere said.

He said the students have also accused him of conning them and ‘silencing a local media house’.

«They should go to the elders and confirm the allegations they have made against me. I will pay back what I owe them if the elders rule so,» he said.

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Kenya: Priest Seeks Njuri Ncheke Help in Dispute With Adult Learners

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