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EE.UU: Pro-Trump chalkings inflame many campuses

InsideHigherEd/15 de de abril de, el año 2016/Por: Josh Logue

Resumen: En la Universidad de Emory los mensajes en contra de la candidatura de Trump el piso del campus son marcados con tiza en las aceras o en las paredes lo cual forma parte del debate nacional sobre la libertad de expresión y la protesta. Sin embargo, el debate ha transcendido al twitter donde ahora los jóvenes de decenas de escuelas, exhiben la fotografía del mensaje en tiza.

Campus messages chalked on walkways or walls are common year-round, and messages in support of one candidate or another are routine during election years. But Donald Trump’s candidacy for president isn’t routine at all — and chalkings invoking his name are setting off debates that outlast the visibility of the messages.

In March, students at Emory University touched off a national debate about free speech by protesting chalk messages on campus that said “Trump” or “Trump 2016.” The students said they had been hurt by the messages, administrators expressed empathy, and critics accused students of being too sensitive. The Emory incident has faded into the past, but a slew of new pro-Trump campus chalkings have taken its place.

On Twitter, the phenomenon is known as The Chalkening. On dozens of campuses it has spawned chalk messages saying, “Trump 2016” or “Make [insert college here] Great Again.” In some instances, the Trump messages are paired with much more inflammatory language, such as “deport them all” or “fuck Mexicans.”

College administrations have reacted in a variety of ways, often spurred by the reactions of students on campus. At the University of Connecticut, for example, nothing much happened. A spokesman there said he only learned about the chalkings from reporters asking about them. Elsewhere, universities have washed the messages away, left the messages but condemned them in statements, condemned offensive messages but not political activity, or stood staunchly behind students’ right to write even offensive messages in chalk.

The debate has also moved well beyond support of a particular political candidate. A fraternity at Tulane University erected a wall adorned with Trump slogans, which they say was intended to mock the candidate. Others have said that they «they built a wall filled with connotations of hate and ignorance, directly mocking the experiences of Latino immigrants and workers throughout our nation.» Another fake wall, this one intended not as a joke but to critique Trump’s proposed border wall, also stirred debate at John Carroll University and led to campuswide chalkings. That wall attracted the ire of Trump supporters, who threatened to tear it down.

University of Michigan

Pro-Trump chalking at the University of Michigan two weeks ago also featured the phrase “#StopIslam.”

The university left the messages alone, despite unhappy students, because chalk messages are permitted on campus and these did not constitute a direct threat, officials said. Campus police had been called, but they reported no criminal activity.

“We all understand that where speech is free it will sometimes wound,” the university said in a statement.

Students took it upon themselves to wash away the messages.

Students call police, wash off chalk messages on the Diag that read «Stop Islam» @michigandaily

— Emma Kerr (@emmarkerr) March 31, 2016

In a joint letter to the campus, the university’s president, Mark S. Schlissel, and Central Student Government President Cooper Charlton said, «While we also recognize that messages — however hurtful — can be protected legally and under policies that include our freedom of speech and artistic expression, the anti-Islam messages were inconsistent with the university’s values of respect, civility and equality.»

«A university community must be free to explore ideas that some people will find offensive, even painful,» Schlissel wrote in an essay about the incident. «At the same time, universities must welcome a diversity of voices …. This real tension between core values deserves serious attention and thoughtful discussion. We are not getting there.»

DePaul University

DePaul’s facilities crew washed away pro-Trump chalkings that were organized by the DePaul College Republicans.

Thanks @DePaulU for limiting the free speech of all those who disagree with your agenda. Chalk is all washed away by this morning.

— Nicole Been (@Nicole_been) April 5, 2016

A spokeswoman for the university emphasized that contrary to some media reports, the university hadn’t banned all chalking in response to the incident. Rather, the vice president for student affairs cited in a letter the university’s 501(c)(3) nonprofit status obligation not to endorse political candidates. “In practice, [federal regulation] means no partisan political advertising may be conducted on campus that could in any way be attributed to DePaul University.”

Free speech advocacy groups like the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education have long argued that private colleges often interpret the prohibition against endorsing a candidate too conservatively and end up quashing student expression.

«Nice try but no cigar,» said Will Creeley, vice president of legal and public advocacy for FIRE. «You’re going to have to think of a better excuse for getting rid of it.»

«Colleges and universities that are tax exempt under 501(c)(3) can’t participate in campaigns as an institution,” Creeley said. “But nothing that students, faculty or campus groups do would endanger that status when it’s clearly separate from the university’s opinion.” He added, “I would imagine the university doesn’t usually disseminate its messages in chalk around campus.”

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Debate erupted here a week ago when a member of a student government coalition wrote “Trump 2016” in chalk on campus. Some, including members of the coalition, called for her resignation, though at least one later recanted.

The university noted in a statement that it played no role in the clash, and painted the incident as a teachable moment.

“We hope the students involved in this dispute resolve their differences and use this opportunity to learn important lessons about humility, effective communication, collaboration and leadership,” it said. “No student has been disciplined or chastised by the administration for his/her personal political beliefs.”

University of California at San Diego

Some of the most inflammatory messages appeared in several locations at the University of California at San Diego the night before Triton Day, when prospective students would be visiting the campus. They included “build the wall,” “deport them all,” “fuck Mexicans” and “Mexico will pay,” according to the UCSD College Democrats Facebook group (which posted photos). Alongside those were the familiar “Trump 2016” and “Tritons 4 Trump.”

The group said it was “deeply disturbed” by the “pro-Trump propaganda as well as violently racist and xenophobic quotes.”

The university managed to remove most of the statements before students arrived the next morning, according to USA Today. It’s unclear, however, whether it removed only the messages containing slurs and profanity or washed away the pro-Trump messages as well. The university did not respond to questions in calls and emails.

It did condemn the overtly offensive set of messages in a statement posted on its website: “Unfortunately, late Friday evening graffiti promoting the deportation of undocumented immigrants and the construction of a wall on the border of Mexico was discovered chalked on UC San Diego’s campus sidewalks. This graffiti runs counter to our campus values of equity and inclusion.”

StudentsEditorial Tags: Politics (national)Image Source: UCSD College DemocratsImage Caption: U of California at San Diego


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Turquía incumple estándares internacionales de DDHH

Turquia/16/04/2016/ Fuente y autor Mundo

MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — El Gobierno turco incumple las normas internacionales de derechos humanos con sus ataques a los medios independientes, denunció este viernes el experto en Turquía de la ONG Amnistía Internacional (AI), Andrew Garner.

«La situación de la libertad de expresión en internet y la censura en Turquía es inaceptable, no cumple las normas internacionales de derechos humanos, para las autoridades es una forma de apuntar a los medios de comunicación independientes», dijo Garner a Sputnik.El investigador hizo este comentario después de que la web de Sputnik en Turquía se viera bloqueada en la noche del jueves debido a «medidas administrativas».

La Dirección de Telecomunicaciones de Turquía declaró que este bloqueo será temporal, la decisión definitiva será tomada por un tribunal.

«Para las personas cuyo sitio web ha sido bloqueado es muy difícil ante todo averiguar en muchos casos cuáles son los motivos exactamente, y también es muy difícil cuestionar tales órdenes», señaló Garner.

Las autoridades turcas, según él, bloquean a menudo aquellos sitios web que informan de la violencia en el sureste de Turquía y los enfrentamientos entre el Ejército y el Partido de los Trabajadores de Kurdistán (PKK), proscrito en el país.Tema: Escalada del conflicto entre Ankara y kurdos

Anteriormente, la representante de la OSCE para la libertad de prensa, Dunja Mijatovic, afirmó que la Ley de Internet de Turquía necesita de una reforma urgente y calificó el bloqueo de sitios web como medida muy desproporcionada.

Según Mijatovic, hay informes de que en Turquía están bloqueados ahora más de 110.000 sitios web y miles de ULR relacionadas con noticias y redes sociales, en muchos casos sin supervisión judicial.

Un tribunal de Estambul ordenó en marzo pasado la intervención de Zaman, uno de los pocos medios opositores, y su control por parte de un equipo de administradores designados por el Gobierno.

A principios de marzo en Turquía cerraron las televisiones Kanaltürk y Bugün TV, los diarios Bugün Gazetesi y Millet Gazetesi, y la emisora Kanaltürk Radyo, que pertenecían al grupo privado Koza-Ipek.Los administradores públicos explicaron el cierre por la difícil situación económica de los medios, que supuestamente generaban más pérdidas que ingresos.

El Gobierno de Ankara vincula el grupo Koza-Ipek, el diario Zaman y la agencia Cihan con el clérigo opositor turco Fethulá Gulen que actualmente reside en EEUU.

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Dulmar Pérez. Candidata al Doctorado Pedagogía, Magister en Docencia Universitaria, Especialista en Docencia para la Educación Inicial. Ha publicado artículos internacionales y nacionales PEII-A Investigadora adscrita al CIM. Coordinadora CNIE en Barinas.

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Intelectuales solidarios con Venezuela y otros gobiernos de la región

TerceraInformación/Internacional | Prensa Latina | 11-04-2016

red-iintelectuales-artistas-2En correspondencia con temas debatidos en esa cita, que se extenderá hasta el 14 de abril, el documento recoge la condena al decreto del presidente estadounidense, Barack Obama, firmado en 2015 y renovado este año, que atenta contra la soberanía del país suramericano.

La resolución que identifica el sentir de un centenar de creadores de 18 países, también rechaza lo que denominan ley de amnesia criminal, en alusión a un instrumento legal sancionado en la Asamblea Nacional, de mayoría opositora el Gobierno bolivariano, que promueve la impunidad para responsables de actos violentos en 2014, entre otros delitos.

El texto que los pensadores entregarán al presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, en la sesión plenaria del Congreso de la Patria, los días 13 y 14 de abril, también rechaza ataques de la derecha a gobiernos y líderes de la región como la mandataria Dilma Rousseff y el exjefe de Estado, Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (Brasil).

Los artistas manifiestan además en las conclusiones del evento su solidaridad con la expresidenta argentina Cristina Fernández y la líder indígena Milagros Salas.

Asimismo, el dictamen condena la decisión del gobierno argentino de Mauricio Macri de abandonar el convenio con el canal multinacional Telesur.

La disposición de dejar de formar parte del proyecto de esa cadena televisiva, integrada por los gobiernos de Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Uruguay y, hasta ahora, Argentina, significará la desaparición de la sucursal y oficina del canal en Buenos Aires, decisión que catalogan como una afrenta a la libertad de expresión regional.

La coordinadora del capítulo venezolano de la Red, Carmen Bohorquez, explicó a Prensa Latina que la Declaración también incluye la manera en que los creadores visitantes interactuaron con diferentes sectores de la sociedad para conocer mejor la realidad del país suramericano.

Resaltó además el aporte de deliberaciones sobre temas claves como la batalla comunicacional, la guerra económica y la amenaza que representa Estados Unidos para los pueblos de América Latina, el Caribe y el mundo entero.

El XII Encuentro de la red será escenario propicio para la entrega el próximo martes del Premio Libertador al Pensamiento Crítico 2014, que mereció el filósofo boliviano Juan Bautista.

Según la agenda, los intelectuales y artistas también disertarán en foros públicos por efectuarse esta semana en los estados venezolanos de Barinas, Trujillo, Yaracuy, Miranda y Zulia.


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Globo é censura: ato em defesa da liberdade de expressao

Fuente Barão de Itararé   /Na segunda-feira (7), às 19h, o Barão de Itararé promove debate e ato em defesa da liberdade de expressão e contra a tentativa da Rede Globo de censurar blogs e mídias alternativas. Confira os convidados que participarão da mesa, no Sindicato dos Jornalistas de São Paulo (R. Rego Freitas, 530, sobreloja):

-Roberto Requião (PMDB-PR)
-Jandira Feghali (PCdoB-RJ)
-Paulo Pimenta (PT-RS)
-Camlia Marques (Artigo 19)
-Rosane Bertotti (FNDC)
-Celso Schröder (Fenaj)
-Lindbergh Farias (PT-RJ)

Também estarão presentes jornalistas e blogueiros notificados extrajudicialmente pela Globo por investigarem o caso do suntuoso triplex da família no Marinho em Paraty (RJ), construído em área de proteção ambiental e com aparentes ligações à companhia panamenha Mossack Fonseca.

Leia o manifesto assinado pelo Barão de Itararé e por dezenas de entidades, jornalistas, blogueiros e ativistas digitais e entenda o caso das notificações da Rede Globo, que busca intimidar e sufocar os que ameaçam – ou expõem – seu império, um ataque frontal à liberdade de expressão e à democracia:

O evento terá transmissão ao vivo pela Fundação Perseu Abramo, a ser reproduzido na página do Barão de Itararé (

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