Zambia: 250 children are learning under a Mango tree at Matipa Community School in Lunga District

Africa/ Zambia/ 17.10.2018/ Source:

About 250 children are learning under a Mango tree at Matipa Community School in Lunga District of Luapula province.

The Community school has no infrastructure and the Church building the pupils were squatting in collapsed two weeks ago forcing them to attend classes under a mango tree.

The school goes up to grade 3 with volunteer teachers among them grade 12 school leavers.

This came to light last week when First Lady Esther Lungu visited the area on her continued tour of the Luapula Province.

Mrs. Lungu interacted with the pupils and encouraged them to concentrate on their education.

Last week, Acting Minister of General Education Vincent Mwale announced that K19.5 million has been embezzled at the Ministry resulting in the suspension of funding by the International Development.

Source of the notice:

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