Italia: State Education officials seek strategy for reopening schools

A state Education Department (SED) announcement Wednesday about seeking a strategy for reopening schools reflects discussions that already have been occurring statewide, says Rome school district Superintendent Peter C. Blake.

Blake said today “these conversations have been happening for the past two weeks” and “there’s nothing new” with the announcement, regarding an effort to explore a resumption of schools that have been closed since mid-March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Schools across the state have been meeting and discussing the many options that we may need to produce in order to meet whatever mandates the federal/state governments throw at us that we are not used to,” Blake commented.

Among other local school districts, Holland Patent Superintendent Jason Evangelist said today many considerations would be involved in a potential reopening, when asked about issues such as social distancing in light of the state announcement.

“We would follow all social distance guidelines if we are required to reopen,” said Evangelist. “There would be many challenges that would need to be considered ensuring we are implementing all the safety measures in all areas, including transportation, classrooms, bathrooms….”

Meanwhile, Vernon-Verona-Sherrill (VVS) school district Superintendent Martha Group said «whether our schools reopen in May, June, or next September, it’s imperative that students, families, and educators feel safe and secure. A thoughtfully developed and articulated plan is essential to successfully reopening our schools and assuring families that their children’s well-being is our first priority.»
Group applauded state Education Department officials’ upcoming efforts to form «a statewide task force of stakeholders to create a comprehensive plan and strategy for return to school.» She added «VVS looks forward to working with the task force….»
Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES district Superintendent Patricia N. Kilburn said BOCES and its component school districts «recognize the importance of establishing appropriate reentry plans for when our school buildings are eventually able to reopen to our students and staff.» She added «we support the…Education Department’s approach of incorporating educators and stakeholders from across the state to inform and guide this complex process, and are encouraged that this guidance will be shared with Gov. Cuomo’s office…..»

The SED announcement was by Board of Regents Chancellor Betty A. Rosa and the board, plus interim state Education Commissioner Shannon Tahoe. Noting the “tremendous amount of stress and uncertainty on New Yorkers” because of COVID-19, it said “despite the challenges we are all facing every day, it is time we begin to look at how we can successfully and appropriately reopen our schools.”

Citing many examples during the pandemic of “how schools across the state serve as the cornerstone of our communities,” the announcement said this is “why it is imperative that they are included in any reopening strategy.”

In the upcoming weeks, “we will form a statewide task force made up of educational leaders, including superintendents, principals, teachers, parents, school board members and other stakeholders, to guide the reopening of our schools,” the announcement noted. “By working together with these partners, we can ensure that our children’s educational, developmental and overall wellbeing is considered during this important discussion.”

The announcement concluded “we look forward to working with the Department of Health and sharing recommendations with Gov. Cuomo’s New York Forward Re-Opening Advisory Board.”

During the school closures, schools have implemented distance learning plans to seek to continue educating students while they are at home; the programs have included using various online platforms along with providing paper materials when needed. Blake has said Rome school district students’ completion of learning material before schools closed due to COVID-19, plus after they reopen if that does occur, will determine the credit received for a course in this school year.

School years typically conclude toward the end of June


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