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Indian: DBT has shown mixed results for education system: World Bank official

Indian/November 14, 2017/By: PTI/Source:

The conditional stipend for girls going for secondary education in Bangladesh led to a movement to bring girls to schools and the enrolments rose to 53 per cent of the total strength, said Junaid Kamal Ahmad, Country Director for the World Bank in India.

The direct benefit transfer (DBT) scheme has shown mixed results for the education system, although it can have a major impact on poverty levels and nutrition, a senior official of the World Bank said Sunday. The DBT scheme can have major impact on poverty levels, access and nutrition, said Junaid Kamal Ahmad, Country Director for the World Bank in India, adding “whether it has any impact on outcomes of learning – mixed results so far.”

Ahmad advocated that the DBT scheme be made a part of the broader reform programme in schools to achieve desired goals. “DBT has to be part of a broader reform programme in the school system,” he said in his address at a conference on DBT in education organised by the Centre for Civil Society (CCS).

Citing the huge impact of conditional grant in improving enrolment of girls in secondary education in his home country Bangladesh, he stressed on the importance of decentralisation of schools. The conditional stipend for girls going for secondary education in Bangladesh led to a movement to bring girls to schools and the enrolments rose to 53 per cent of the total strength, he said.

Ahmad said the DBT scheme should be enabled across every single service through investing in capacity of states to bring together the functions of unique IDs, financial systems, financial transfers and registry. CCS president Parth Shah called for complimentary interventions like ease of opening schools, fixing accountability and measuring learning outcomes to boost DBT’s effects on education.


DBT has shown mixed results for education system: World Bank official

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Making education meaningful and relevant in African countries

African/October 24, 2017/Source:

In Africa, achieving a meaningful and relevant education means addressing a web of challenges in society in order to attain a transformative outcome.

However, only 43 percent of young people have access to secondary education and only eight percent can access tertiary education, according to UNESCO’s Global Monitoring Report, 2016, wrote.

Thus, in order to achieve a more educated population, a higher retention of more girls and young women in schools, especially those pursuing the sciences, will contribute to social transformation.

Given the huge education gap between the number of boys and girls studying sciences, a disruption in traditional mindsets must occur. Young women need to be at the forefront alongside young men when it comes to making change.

Linah Divine Icyezumutima is a Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) student at FAWE School and one of the secondary school scholars that The MasterCard Foundation supports through FAWE Rwanda. She chose to study science subjects because she wants to become a pilot.

“When I was still young, I remember, I saw it fly in the skies. I was told that it was an animal. So I used to run and hide because I was terrified! But after I knew what it was, I loved watching it fly in the sky as a child. I always thought to myself, why can’t I be the one to fly that thing,” Icyezumutima narrated her childhood experience with airplanes.

Nevertheless, it has not been a smooth road for the seventeen-year-old Icyezumutima. Three years ago, Icyezumutima was an O’Level candidate when her mother passed away. This was a huge blow to her studies as her hopes for tuition were dashed.

“It was really difficult when my mother died. Even though my father is alive, he doesn’t care that much because he has another wife and he doesn’t know such kinds of stories about us. So I went to live with my grandmother in Byumba,” she said.

Together with her older brother and younger sister, they were taken in by their grandmother who cultivates land to take care of them. She appeared to be the end of her education. And, despite doing her national exams while carrying the grief of her mother’s death, she excelled. She was located by FAWE Rwanda for the Scholars program and is an A’Level candidate today.

Speaking about the challenges that girls face with pursuing education in the science field, Icyezumutima said it was a matter of perspective and determination.

“Rwanda is developing and I just feel comfortable with my country and this is what motivates me to inspire other girls to reach for their goals. Your past does not determine your destiny, you have to be focused and know what you want to achieve. Give your best effort and reach your goals,” she said.

Ivy Mwai is the Senior Program Manager, Education and Learning at The MasterCard Foundation that works to make education relevant and meaningful by investing $800 million to support 35,000 scholars globally. The bulk of these students are African in both secondary and Tertiary institutions, with a few in Lebanon and Costa Rica.

“Historically, girls have not been encouraged to pursue sciences but have always been told that science subjects are for boys and difficult, and that girls should stick to simple subjects. Yet there are many young women who have a lot of potential and interest in science subjects,” Mwai said.

“We have been very intentional about supporting young women overall, particularly those in sciences so that they can pursue their studies without any distractions. This way, they can join some of the finest schools both at secondary and tertiary levels,” she said.

Emphasising girls’ education comes with greater returns because when girls are educated, families benefit more. Girls are more likely than their counterparts to raise their family’s income, stay healthy and participate in uplifting their community once they are educated. This is why two-thirds of all the MasterCard Scholars are women — at 66 percent.

“We believe that women are a living science everyday and once they are able to practice and especially do it in school they are able to contribute even greater in their economies, communities and ideas that will change the world,” Mwai said.

“If you look at AIMS (Africa Institute of Mathematics and Sciences), their catch-phrase is, ‘The next Einstein will be African’; but we like to add, ‘An African woman’ to it”, she said.

The challenge for the Foundation has been finding the right kind of scholars, those who are most vulnerable and yet with so much potential. They facilitate the ability for some partners to hire more people to go to the grassroots and connect with organizations there to go beyond the limited context within which they operate. This means expanding their inclusivity and equity within the program to reach the populations by cutting across geographic limitations, marginalized people, those with disabilities, gender and bringing in those who would traditionally not be able to access education in sciences.

Through supporting the existing programs of their partners the Foundation’s scholars program enables young women to pursue their education dreams. In Rwanda, they partner with CMU-A (Carnergie Melon University-Africa), AIMS (Africa Institute of Mathematics and Sciences), ALU (Africa Leadership University) and FAWE Rwanda through whom they support over 1200 high school students.


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Government plans to recruit 10,000 new teachers

Kenia / 07 de octubre de 2017 / Por: DAVID MWERE / Fuente:

A total of 10,000 teachers are set to be recruited in anticipation of an increased number of students as the government prepares to roll out free secondary education in January.

Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i said negotiations with the Teachers Service Commission on hiring were ongoing.

Dr Matiang’i also defended the Sh23.6 billion supplementary budget, saying the amount was critical in actualising Jubilee’s campaign pledges. Dr Matiang’i appeared before a special committee of the National Assembly that is scrutinising the budget.

The amount is part of the Sh46 billion approved by the Cabinet to fund the project and does not include the hiring of the extra teachers.

Dr Matiang’i said the approval of the funding will drastically reduce the fees paid by students in boarding secondary school as the ministry intended to increase the capitation per student from the current Sh12,870 to Sh22,241.


“The new capitation measures mean that even boarding schools, no matter their status, will be extremely affordable for all. We will expect that their fees will immediately drop,” Dr Matiang’i told the committee chaired by Kipkelion East MP Joseph Limo.

He also resisted attempts by the MPs to cede Sh1.4 billion meant for secondary school infrastructure to be administered through the National Constituency Development Fund as conditional grants, saying such a move would only be sanctioned after consultation with the Treasury.

If the budget is approved by MPs when they resume next week to consider the supplementary estimates that also include Sh10 billion for the fresh presidential election, parents will only be required to meet minimum costs for children in boarding schools. Meals and boarding fees will be the only stand-out costs.

He said the ministry was currently working on capped limits that schools should charge parents ahead of January, but said they expected public institutions to charge minimal fees following the boost in capitation.


The CS also noted that the ministry was working on the required infrastructure for extra-county secondary schools as it targets a 100 per cent transition from primary schools.

The ministry already has a Sh7 billion budget for this work reallocated from last year’s financial plan. At least 903,200 learners are expected to join public secondary schools, with 100,322 joining private institutions.

Dr Matiang’i said Sh600 million for sanitary towels and Sh100 million for emergency cases such as natural disasters was required.

The sanitary towels programme will be channelled through the National Government Affirmative Action Fund currently supervised by women representatives.

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Gambia: The Gambia Basic Education Certificate Examination (Gabece) Results

Gambia/ August 29, 2017/ Source:

The Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education is pleased to release the results of the 2017 Gambia Basic Education Certificate Examinations.

The total number of candidates who entered for the examination was 22,136 students of whom 10,075 males and 12,061 females.

Philip M Goba, Ancha Sarr and Rejoice Favour Uyamadu all of St Therese’s Upper Basic are the top candidates with a 1 (one) in all their nine subjects.

A total of 21 candidates scored aggregate 6, an increase of 5, in 2017

8 are from St Therese’s Upper Basic.

2 from Presentation of St Mary’s

2 from Ndow’s Comprehensive Upper Basic

1 from Charles Jow Academy (22nd July)

1 from SOS Hermann Gmeiner New Covenant Upper Basic

1 from ABC Upper Basic Talinding Upper Basic

1 from St Peter’s Upper Basic

1 from Sibanor Upper Basic

1 from Old Yundum Upper Basic

1 from Kunkujang Keitaya Upper Basic

1 from Anne Marie Rivier

1 from Tahir Ahmadiyaa Muslim Upper Basic

Candidates are to receive their individual results from their respective schools.

Admission to grade 10 should be based on passes in the core subjects to be decided by boards of governors and not exceeding aggregate 42.


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