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Students return to school in east China province as epidemic wanes

Asia/China/19-04-2020/Author(a) and Source:

A staff member sanitizes a student’s hands at Hermann Gmeiner School of Yantai in Yantai City, east China’s Shandong Province, April 15, 2020. East China’s Shandong Province on Wednesday partially reopened schools, with third-graders at 804 senior high schools and secondary vocational schools resuming formal school classes as the COVID-19 epidemic waned. (Photo by Sun Wentan/Xinhua)

East China’s Shandong Province on Wednesday partially reopened schools, with third-graders at 804 senior high schools and secondary vocational schools resuming formal school classes as the COVID-19 epidemic waned.

The opening of the spring semester was delayed by more than 60 days due to the epidemic. Earlier online classes offered an alternative to offset the impact on the study of the students who will sit the college entrance examination this summer.

Students wearing masks had body temperatures taken and presented their health QR codes before entering the campus while keeping a distance from each other.

«After waiting for such a long time, we are finally back to school,» said Li Qirui of the high school affiliated to Shandong Normal University.

Many schools began formulating school opening plans and storing up protective equipment starting from early March.

«We had more than 40,000 face masks in a stockpile, which can help ensure one mask per student per day,» said Dong Ya, the principal of Jinan Middle School in the provincial capital of Jinan.

Xing Shunfeng, an official with the provincial education bureau, said the seniors will be in small classes of around 30 students each, and the schools will be mostly under closed-off management in a bid to reduce infection risks.

Shandong, one of the most populous provinces across China, has a total of 37,700 schools, with more than 19 million students and a teaching staff of 1.5 million.


A student walks through special passage to enter the Experimental High School of Xihai’an (West Coast) New Area in Qingdao City, east China’s Shandong Province, April 15, 2020. East China’s Shandong Province on Wednesday partially reopened schools, with third-graders at 804 senior high schools and secondary vocational schools resuming formal school classes as the COVID-19 epidemic waned. (Photo by Wang Peike/Xinhua)


Students queue up while keeping a distance from each other to have body temperatures taken before entering Laishan No. 1 High School in Yantai City, east China’s Shandong Province, April 15, 2020. East China’s Shandong Province on Wednesday partially reopened schools, with third-graders at 804 senior high schools and secondary vocational schools resuming formal school classes as the COVID-19 epidemic waned. (Photo by Tang Ke/Xinhua)


Students queue up while keeping a distance from each other to scan their health QR codes before entering No. 2 High School of Chiping District in Liaocheng City, east China’s Shandong Province, April 15, 2020. East China’s Shandong Province on Wednesday partially reopened schools, with third-graders at 804 senior high schools and secondary vocational schools resuming formal school classes as the COVID-19 epidemic waned. (Photo by Zhao Yuguo/Xinhua)


Aerial photo shows students lining up while keeping a distance from each other to have body temperatures taken before entering Tancheng No. 1 High School in Linyi City, east China’s Shandong Province, April 15, 2020. East China’s Shandong Province on Wednesday partially reopened schools, with third-graders at 804 senior high schools and secondary vocational schools resuming formal school classes as the COVID-19 epidemic waned. (Photo by Fang Dehua/Xinhua)

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Kenya: Online learning resources for kids

Africa/Kenya/29-03-2020/Author and Source:

As the Coronavirus pandemic keeps kids away from classrooms, parents are opting for online learning tools and resources for their children.

Children in Kenyan learning institutions were sent home about one and half weeks ago in a bid to protect them from and curb the spread of Coronavirus. It was an unprecedented move that almost left parents’ heads spinning. So since your kids have been home has their learning and studying stopped? Most schools simply sent them home with assignments but syllabus learning has basically halted. Kenyan parents are now realizing that home and online schooling are a thing and discovering its importance.

We’ve therefore compiled a short list of digital platforms that can benefit your kids’ learning journey and give you as a parent, peace of mind.

1. Longhorn eLearning

Longhorn eLearning is a digital product of Longhorn Publishers Limited. It gives access to primary and secondary school courses, including CBC. So far, over 200,000 learners have signed up to study the variety of 100 courses.

2. Wolsey Hall Oxford

Wolsey Hall Oxford offers homeschooling for kids aged 7 to 18. It has cademically rigorous Primary and Secondary courses, including IGCSE and A Level in a wide range of subjects designed specifically for home-schoolers. Its Online system allows parents to login and monitor their child’s progress and its Tutors are always available when extra help is needed.

3. Google Classroom

Google Classroom is free and offers a paperless way to create, distribute, and grade assignments. It’s available on your computer and as an app on your mobile phone. It’s free for anyone with a google account.

4. Discovery Education

Discovery Education helps you maintain virtual learning especially away from the classroom. It serves more than 50 million earners around the globe.

5. BrainPOP

BrainPOP is a digital platform and perfect solution for distance learning for children. As a parent/guardian, you can keep your kids on track with their learning by joining in (it’s free) and keeping up with the courses offered. The courses offered include science, social studies, math, English, engineering & tech, and arts & music.

6. Beast Academy

Beast Academy offers a rigorous mathematics curriculum, learnt in a fun way. Your kids will grasp math concepts through engaging, comic-book style illustrations.

7. Creative Bug

Creative Bug is especially for the kids with a creative side. It offers art and craft education. Let your kids learn how to paint, knit, crotchet and sculpt.

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Kenya: Govt targets 15 million children in digital broadcast lessons

Africa/Kenya/22-03-2020/Author: Claire Wanja/Source:

The Ministry of Education will from next week enhance curriculum delivery through four different platforms Radio, TV, You-Tube and the Kenya Education Cloud.

This they say is a measure to help facilitate the period that learners will be at home following the closure of learning institutions, in line with the Presidential directive on containment of the Coronavirus Pandemic.

“15 million primary and secondary school learners are now at home and need guidance on home- based learning.” Said a statement from Prof George Magoha, CBS Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education.

In partnership with the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC), the Ministry will broadcast radio programmes daily, from Monday to Friday, through Radio Taifa and English Service.

Radio Taifa lessons will run from 10a.m to 11a.m. The English Service lessons will run from 9.15 a.m to 12 o’clock and from 2.00p.m to 4.00p.m. The broadcasts will also be available on Iftini FM and Transworld in Garissa, Mandera and Wajir Counties.

In Edu- Channel TV, lessons will be transmitted on the KICD-owned Edu-Channel, which is available on Signet Free to air. Edu-Channel broadcast programme line up will be available in the

CS Magoha says all programme content broadcast through the Edu-TV Channel can be accessed on youtube @edutvKenya (livestreamed or recorded).

Kenya Education Cloud

Apart from accessing lessons, CS says learners can obtain digital content of all KICD approved materials from the Kenya Education Cloud. The digital content is available online through

Th CS says the Ministry is determined to ensure that all learners access relevant materials to enable them remain in pace with the curriculum calendar, to the extent possible.

” We thank the Kenya Publishers Association who have availed approved textbooks free of charge for uploading on to the Kenya Education Cloud. The Ministry invites all telecommunication firms and media houses to work in partnership with the Government to avail education solutions during this period.” He said.

He said in the meantime, the Ministry will continue to work with all government agencies during this period of school closure and will review the situation from time to time in the best interest of the learners.

“All parents and guardians must ensure that their children are at home, in line with the Presidential directive of containing the spread of the Coronavirus.” He added.

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Kenya: West Pokot County Govt launch Ksh 400 Million bursary fund.

Africa/Kenya/16-02-2020/Author(a): West Pokot/Source:

West Pokot County Government has launched a four hundred million shilling bursary kitty for needy students.

The bursary is set to benefit students from secondary, colleges and universities.

Speaking when he launched the disbursement exercise of the bursary at Ortum Boys high school, West Pokot Governor Prof John Lonyangapuo said that school enrollment in the County had increased sharply.

He stated that school retention and transition rates had also improved significantly.

Ortum Boys Secondary School which has the highest number of students from West Pokot received a total of Ksh 13 million.

“We have a vision on education, economy and equity to shun vices. Education is not devolved but we have invested heavily in education. There is no cattle rustling in the North Rift region and we are giving out bursaries without discrimination or based on political parties or tribe,” he said.

The County boss pointed out that students from households affected by recent landslides will be considered for an additional amount.

He also noted that his administration had put emphasis on matters concerning education to help reduce illiteracy levels and empower the people of West Pokot.

Governor Lonyangapuo also called on the Teachers ServiceCcommission (TSC) CEO Nancy Macharia to post more teachers saying the region is understaffed.

He said that the County will start a scholarship program which will enhance specialist’s technical courses for self-sufficiency in terms of expertise.

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United Kingdom: Schools to use teacher body cameras to combat bad behavior amid privacy concerns

Europe/United Kingdom/09-02-2020/Author (s) and Source:

Schools in England are equipping teachers with body cameras in a bid to “de-escalate” confrontations in the classroom as part of a trial program with the intention to make them a permanent feature, raising privacy concerns .

At least two schools – one in London and one in Hampshire – that have been trialing a more lightweight body camera version than those worn by police say they hope to retain them as part of their effort to tackle anti-social behavior carried out by students.

Larry Davis, the deputy headteacher at Southfields academy in Wimbledon, south London told School Week the use of the cameras had improved the behavior of students and reduced the number of dangerous confrontations, since they were introduced in September.

A school in South Hampshire gave cameras a try after children who don’t attend it came to the site and demonstrated anti-social behavior. Its headmaster told School Week that footage from cameras had been given as evidence to police and some arrests had been made.

However, there have been critics of the intervention. Silkie Carl, director of Big Brother Watch, claims the body cameras are “intrusive surveillance devices that have no place in our schools,” arguing that “Young people shouldn’t see teachers as walking CCTV cameras.”

On social media there were those who warned that it was a “very, very slippery slope” going down the route of surveillance cameras in a school setting where the camera could merely create more conflict when attempting to resolve issues.

The trials are being promoted by the firm Reveal, which supplies body cameras to a range of UK police forces and other institutions including hospitals, and hopes to sell the cameras and related software to schools.

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Kenya: Mass for pupils who died in Kakamega stampede held

Africa/Kenya/09-02-2020/Author (a) and Source:

A requiem mass for the 14 pupils of Kakamega primary school who died in a stampede was held Friday at Bukhungu Stadium, Kakamega County. 

Leaders and locals thronged the stadium led by Kakamega County Governor Wycliffe Oparanya, eight governors and a host of regional leaders expressed grief following the incident.

Oparanya said his county had suffered several losses in the last two years, mostly affecting school going pupils.

Speaking at the function, Principal Secretary for education Dr. Bellio Kipsang said the government was working closely with affected families, adding that the government has already given each of the affected families 100- thousand shillings to facilitate the burial arrangements.

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He said the government was working hard to establish the cause of the tragedy.

At the same time KNUT secretary general, Wilson Sossion, blamed the government for failing to learn from the Precious Talent School tragedy where eight pupils died after the walls of their classrooms caved in, saying the tragedy was avoidable.

He called for the prosecution of those involved, sentiments echoed by former Kakamega Senator Bonny Khalwale and KUPPET secretary general Omboko Milemba.

A somber mood has engulfed the memorial with small coffins bearing the remains of the fallen victims lined up on tables. The bodies will later be released to their families for burial.

Police are still conducting investigations to establish the cause of the stampede that left 39 others seriously injured.

Forty-six pupils were injured in the incident and two are in the Intensive Care Unit at the Kakamega County General.

Reports indicated that the class four and five pupils were running out of class at 5pm when the tragedy occurred.

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha closed the school for a week to pave way for investigations.

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US teacher suspended after casting children of colour as slaves

North America/United States/02-02-2020/Author and Source:

A teacher at a US elementary school has been suspended after casting two of her pupils of colour as slaves in a school play.

They were to be whipped by other children as part of the play featuring fifth graders – 10 or 11 year olds.

The parents of a mixed-race girl, aged 10, complained to the school and other officials in Hamden, Connecticut.

Carmen and Joshua Parker are calling for diversity training for teachers in the district.

Ms Parker did not think the play was an appropriate way of teaching children about slavery, and she was concerned about how black people were portrayed in it, she is quoted as saying by the New Haven Independent website.

«The scene starts with nameless slaves [number] one and two getting pushed towards the ship by the slave owner and a child is acting as the slave owner.»

«I was trying to make sense of the whipping of the children, the children were going to be whipping the slaves,» Mr Parker told local TV.

Ms Parker – who moved from Georgia to Connecticut to become assistant professor of psychiatry at Yale University to research racism in medicine – said no teacher at her daughter’s school in Georgia would have assigned that play to students.

The teacher, who is white, has been placed on administrative leave, pending the outcome of an investigation. A local schools official said the play was not a part of the curriculum, and that it had not been approved by the district.

Ms Parker said blaming the teacher was not the solution.

«Teachers are not the scapegoat for a system that is clearly broken and has been suppressing minority voices and the voices of those with disabilities,» she told a local education committee on Tuesday.

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