South Africa: UCT Suspends Classes As Student Protests Spread

South Africa/Septiembre de 2016/ Allafrica

Resumen: La Universidad de Ciudad del Cabo suspendió las clases y conferencias el viernes debido a las protestas de los estudiantes. » Las clases y conferencias han sido suspendidos temporalmente para viernes por la tarde con el fin de evaluar la situación y poner en práctica medidas de seguridad adicionales en el campus. Las conferencias y clases se reanudarán el lunes por la mañana» dijo de UCT Kylie Hatton en un comunicado.

The University of Cape Town suspended classes and lectures on Friday due to student protests.

«Classes and lectures have been temporarily suspended for Friday afternoon in order to assess the situation and implement additional security measures on campus. Lectures and classes will resume on Monday morning,» UCT’s Kylie Hatton said in a statement.

The libraries and the 24/7 study area were closed.

Students began protesting on Thursday, calling for the university to reinstate students who had been suspended, interdicted, or expelled following the «fees must fall» protests.

 The students moved between campuses on Friday, singing, and calling for an end to lectures.

On Thursday, they gave UCT 48 hours to respond to their demands, or they would shut down the institution.

«We recognise the right to engage in legitimate and peaceful protest and urge protesters to respect the rights of other members of the campus community to attend classes and arrive at work,» the university said earlier on Friday.


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