2018 was Cambridge Assessment International Education’s first full year under our new brand name and it was a standout year for a number of reasons.
In June we held the most widely attended Cambridge Schools Conference to date in Miami, Florida which also happened to be our first time holding such an event in North America.
Cambridge International continued to introduce innovative new products and services to support our schools and our Cambridge Learners across the world continued to astound us all with their hard work and success.
A personal highlight was the publication of our first ever Global Education Census report which looked in-depth at what education is like for teachers and learners around the world. It was fascinating to be involved in such an interesting – and illuminating – piece of research.
2018 was also a record-breaking year for the Cambridge International blog as we saw more visitors than in 2016 and 2017 combined.
We’d like to kick 2019 off by giving you a round-up of the top education blog posts we published in 2019.
We’ll also look at some of the highlights from across the educational blogosphere!
Cambridge International’s Top 5 blog posts of 2018
We had a fantastic response to Kevin Hawkins‘ article on why teachers need to prioritise their own wellbeing and are delighted to have him in attendance at our forthcoming Cambridge Schools Conferences.
Helen Rees-Bidder explored the often overlooked concept of oracy and passionately argued for every teacher to be approaching it as seriously as they would numeracy and literacy.
Self-regulation was the theme of Sarah Talbot’s article published in April 2018. In it, Sarah drew from her own experience as a teacher to explore how metacognition can have a real-world impact on classroom practice.
Making group work and useful for the development of learners can be a real challenge for teachers. In this blog post, Senior Assessment Advisor Georgie Billings examined the different approaches and issues surrounding the theme of collaborative assessment.
Director of Education Tristian Stobie’s considered take on the lessons for educators embedded in Robert Pirsig’s ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’ was popular with teachers all over the world, even those not initially familiar with the 1974 cult classic!
And finally, a few of our favourites from around the world…
Teacher Toolkit is one of the most popular education blogs in the UK, but we think there’s so much of value there for teachers all around the world.
Edutopia have been involved in educational thought leadership since 1991 and 2018 was another great year for interesting articles and thought-provoking video content on their much-loved website.
Lisa Nielsen’s The Innovative Educator blog is brimming with practical ideas about how teachers can incorporate technology into their lessons. Lisa’s focus on prioritising accessibility is commendable.
Resourceaholic offers readers ‘ideas and resources for teaching secondary school mathematics’ and we think that subject specialists across the world will find plenty of food for thought there.
Who have we left out? We’d love to hear about the best education blogs you’ve read this year – tell us in the comments below or shout at us on social!
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