Year of 2019: Education and building the Egyptian character

Asia/Egypt/By Dania Akkawi/Source:

The Information Center of the Council of Ministers published an infograph on the recommendations of the Sixth National Youth Congress that took place July 28-29.

The recommendations included naming the year 2019 as the «Year of Education», launching the National Project for the Development of the New Education System, the allocation of 20 percent of the scholarships within and outside Egypt to the teaching staff for 10 years and training teachers of technical education in accordance with international standards.

Alongside other developments, the Council of Ministers was mandated to link, or rather correlate, the university plans with the need of the state and to prepare a plan for the return of sports and cultural activities.

The conference consisted of top-scoring 2017/2018 thanaweya amma graduates, officials, ministers and other important figures, who came together to primarily discuss finding a way to build a generation fit for the future.

“We don’t want to reclaim the Egyptian character…but to work to develop it to keep up with our times,” said President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi.

Focusing on education is a top priority for the progression of Egypt and the development of youth.

“Do you want real education or do you want your kids to just get ‘degrees?’ A real educational reform is a harsh, long trip that requires sacrifice from students, teachers and parents,” said Sisi.

The first session, titled “The Strategy of Building the Egyptian Person,” focuses on character building that will be achieved via healthcare reform, proper education and sports.
Amongst the recommendations published by the Information Center is boosting the coordination between ministries to provide school students with opportunities to practice sports, cultural and artistic activities in youth centers and cultural palaces.

Minister of Youth, Ashraf Sobhy, explained that the ministry is aiming to enhance sports facilities and that programs regarding physical education will be made available for various age groups.

Interestingly, some of these discussions not only concern students in upper grades, but also nursery students. Parts of the recommendations mention the establishment of nurseries for creativity and innovation; these will be under the auspices of the Supreme Council of Universities to provide support for creative youth in all fields.

Although this recommendation is based on Prime Minister, Mostafa Madbouly’s point that character building is a Cabinet priority, as he stated in the first session, improving the standard of living will not be ignored.

«Egypt Take Off» program focuses on improving the standard of living via establishing housing projects and eliminating slums, stated Madbouly.
These developments will aid the economy by both creating jobs and bringing about the concept of entrepreneurship, he explained.

MP and Secretary of Human Rights Committee, Sherif al-Wardani stressed the importance of this conference, particularly in terms of science, education and development of youth.

Wardani pointed out that the process of developing education is a fundamental and important goal for the development of the Egyptian human.

He stressed the need to implement the recommendations of the youth conference as it is a link between the state and the youth.


Source of the notice:

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