Book: “Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons”

El Plan se suma a la gira mundial distribuida de Sharing Cities, un libro editado por la revista digital y hub de cultura colaborativa Shareable, cuyo fundador, Neal Gorenflo, fue parte del Encuentro Comunes 2016. El trabajo recopila más de cien experiencias de comunidades que usan recursos de manera colaborativa en ciudades de los cinco continentes. Entre ellos se cuenta el Club Cultural Matienzo, de Buenos Aires. Uno de sus fundadores,Juan Manuel Aranovich, contará por qué y cómo el Matienzo es parte de este directorio global de la colaboración, y dialogará sobre ciudades colaborativas con Marcela Basch de el plan C (👋 ¡hola!). También -videollamada mediante- conversaremos con parte del equipo de Shareable para que nos cuenten lo que aprendieron de semejante viaje virtual. El libro está disponible gratuitamente en PDF.

“Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons,” is a collection of 137 case studies and policies in 11 categories that demonstrate that a city run by the people is not only possible, but that much of it is already here. From participatory budgeting in Brazil to resident-managed public spaces in Italy to taxi cooperatives in the U.S., there’s almost no service that can’t be run democratically by citizens for each other. With the backdrop of worsening income inequality, climate change, and fiscal challenges, the growth of self-organized, democratic, and inclusive means for city dwellers to meet their own needs by sharing resources couldn’t be more relevant. These cases and policies taken together offer a new vision for cities that puts people – not the market, technology, or government – at the center, where they belong. Moreover, the book represents a claim on the city by people – a claim increasingly being made by city-residents the world over. This book was written for a broad audience, but may find special resonance with those who share this people-first vision of cities and want to act on it. Written by a team of 15 fellows with contributions from 18 organizations around the world, “Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons” not only witnesses a movement, but is a practical reference guide for community-based solutions to a range of challenges cities face such as affordable housing, sustainable mobility, and more.


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