Asia’s education tigers study how to reduce class-related stress

Asia/Singapore/ Jack

Resumen:La tutoría privada es una respuesta que refleja la determinación de los padres de invertir en la educación de sus hijos. También es un factor que contribuye al buen desempeño, medido por exámenes competitivos. Sin embargo, también puede causar estrés en lugar de ayudar a fomentar un enfoque más creativo para estudiar. Desde pósters que publican servicios de revisión en línea en el metro de Shanghaihasta centros comerciales que ofrecen clases después de la escuela en Singapur, la tutoría privada es un gran negocio.

In a conference room in Singapore Management University, Alexander Lim, a student in the MBA program, flicks through slides explaining his fledgling company Cudy, which aims to bring together schoolchildren with online teachers working to help them prepare for exams. It highlights not only Lim’s entrepreneurial spirit but also the vast and growing market for tutoring to supplement school teaching in the country and across much of the region.

“Tutoring is highly competitive,” Lim says. “This is the mental mindset of Asia.”

Singapore, Korea and Shanghai consistently produce some of the top scores as measured by international assessments such as PISA, which tests 15-year-olds in math, science and reading. Many other nations are eager to understand how these results were achieved. Teachers are typically not better paid than their counterparts in other parts of the world, class sizes are often larger and the overall proportion of government spending on education is not larger than elsewhere. Indeed, in Singapore, government spending on education is relatively modest compared with that of other high-income countries and some developing nations.

Some observers believe Asia’s strong performance begins with deep cultural respect for teachers and the value of education. “Singapore was just a piece of rock, and into the 1950s, everyone was an immigrant,” says Pak Tee Ng, an associate professor at the country’s National Institute of Education. “[They] took the view that if they worked very hard, their children would have a chance in life through good education. It was the only way out of poverty.”

Private tutoring is one response, which reflects parents’ determination to invest in their children’s education. It is also a contributing factor in strong performance as measured by competitive exams. Yet it can also cause stress instead of helping foster a more creative approach to study. From posters advertising online revision services in the subways of Shanghai to shopping malls offering after-school classes in Singapore, private tutoring is big business.

According to Technavio, a market research agency, the global online tutoring market alone will increase by 14 percent a year up until 2022, with still higher growth in Asia. “I’m not academically adept and needed a lot of help,” says Lim. “My teachers weren’t very good. The turning point for me came when my parents spent a lot of money on a private tutor.”

Even as their students are celebrated globally, eastern Asian countries are raising questions about their school systems — in particular, whether they are preparing the next generation for a fast-changing world. Many point to the focus on rote learning, with teachers dispensing facts to largely passive pupils who are primarily judged on performance in a final examination such as China’s Gaokao.

A. Qui, a graduate student from Inner Mongolia, recalls: “We were like machines in school, not humans. It was study, study, study. We did nothing else and were not allowed to have boyfriends and girlfriends. Everything was focused on exams.” Professor Li Jin at Peking University says: “The Gaokao kills diversity, innovation and novelty. Students strive for the exam because it determines their fate. It only tests how good you are at absorbing facts.”

The concern of a growing number of teachers, employers and policymakers alike is that schooling focuses too narrowly and intensely on restrictive final exams for graduating students. That neglects broader skills, and risks crushing creativity and innovation. Singapore’s Ministry of Education has for several years developed a “framework for 21st-century competencies” with a fresh focus on project work, art and culture.

Last month the city-state unveiled its “Learn for Life” program, which it described as part of its “efforts to move away from an overemphasis on academic results.” That included reducing the number of exams and no longer publishing public lists showing the precise position of individual students based on results.

In China, professor Zhang Minxuan, former president of Shanghai’s Normal University and deputy director of the city’s education commission, has encouraged the city’s secondary schoolteachers to go on study tours abroad and experiment with practices they have observed, including more group work among students. “No matter where the knowledge comes from, if it’s new we’ll consider it,” says Zhang.

Yet many educators argue that deep conservatism among parents, politicians and university admissions officers means that changes will come only slowly. “We focused on science and maths first. Now we are diversifying,” says Ng. “We need a celebration of different kinds of success, but it takes time to shift the culture.”

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Militants’ war on education in Afghanistan

Asia/Afghanistan/05.09.18/Por Ruchi Kumar/Source:

Education is increasingly a casualty in Afghanistan,” a briefing note by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) recently observed. The note was in reaction to a larger, comprehensive report by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA), titled ‘Education Under Attack’, which studies the impact of conflict on education in 28 countries.

According to the report, Afghanistan, along with Nigeria, suffered the most number of attacks against students and educators. Indeed, as conflict in the country surges, educational facilities find themselves threatened or caught in the crossfire. In the latest such attack, a suicide bombing inside a classroom in Kabul on Wednesday killed 48 people, many of them students preparing for the national university entrance exams. Claimed by the Islamic State (IS), the attack targeted the minority Shia Hazara community. In June, some schools for girls were forced to shut following threats from the IS. Separately, over a 100 schools in Logar province were briefly closed, allegedly by local Taliban groups. Last month, the Malikyar Hotak High School in Khogyani district of the eastern province of Nangarhar came under attack, resulting in the beheading of three staff members.

“Threats — and actual violence and destruction — to schools and staff in Nangarhar Province are paralysing the educational sector and quickly reversing development gains,” William Carter, head of the Afghanistan programme at the NRC, told this writer, adding that the situation has had “a profoundly distressing effect on children’s sense of safety”. Aid organisations working with local educational groups have also confirmed that not only are school and educational facilities at risk of attacks but also that the overall environment has discouraged student attendance. The NRC observed that schools in the region were “increasingly at risk on military, ideological, and political fault lines, with attacks increasing in eastern Afghanistan”.

Not safe at school

In its own research, the NRC found that a majority of the surveyed children did not feel safe at school. It discovered that at least 12% had experienced attacks on their schools and 15% had experienced shooting very near their school buildings. Another 36% were frightened about risks of kidnapping or attack en route to schools and many of them had missed lectures and exams because of threats from armed groups. “This also undermines parents’ attitudes to the value of education,” Mr. Carter elaborated.

Meanwhile, as the much-delayed parliamentary elections approach, school facilities used as voting registration and election centres are increasingly at risk from insurgent attacks. An assault on a school that was being used as a National ID registration centre in Kabul resulted in 60 deaths in April. Currently, according to the UN, over 60% of the 7,000 voter registration and polling centres are schools, with activities taking place during classroom hours.

The deteriorating situation has also affected the delivery of educational aid. “This level of insecurity has made it very difficult for us to assure the safety of both our beneficiaries and our own staff,” Mr. Carter said, adding that they are evaluating different approaches to ensure that children are protected and that their learning can be continued in the wake of deepening insecurity. “However, we are making adjustments intended to reduce the likelihood and limit the impact of such incidents on children and staff,” he said.

Source of the notice:

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