Francia: We Are Not a Threat France Blacklists ‘Politically Suspect’ Teachers

Europa/Francia/28 de Agosto de 2016/Fuente: Sputniknews

RESUMEN: Los maestros que están en el denominado «S-list» bajo sospecha de vínculos con terroristas han sido suspendidos, dijo el Ministro de Educación francés Najat Vallaud-Belkacem. Sputnik discutió la situación con Gérald Arboit, investigador principal del Centro de Estudios de las Actividades de Inteligencia – CF2R), y con uno de los maestros de la lista negra. Gérald Arboit dijo que el «S-list» era una mezcolanza de los islamistas, presuntos terroristas, delincuentes callejeros y miembros de varias sectas que supuestamente representan una amenaza para el orden público y la seguridad del Estado. El «S-list» está cambiando todo el tiempo, ya que normalmente se enumeran por seis meses y luego, si no hay información de cargo, su nombre es borrado de la lista», dijo.  La mención de la decisión de Najat Vallaud-Belkacem es suspender a todos los maestros destacados en la «S-list» aparte de los islamistas, además de otras categorías considerados como «sospechosos» – desde la extrema derecha a los izquierdistas radicales y otros «disidentes «. Francia ha estado en alerta de máxima seguridad desde los ataques de noviembre pasado en París, en los que murieron 130 personas. El estado de excepción se prorrogó por seis meses en julio, después de un ataque al camión en Niza que reclamó 84 vidas. El Ministerio del Interior se ha comprometido a utilizar todos los medios legales a su alcance para luchar contra el terrorismo. Se dijo que había expulsado a 82 personas desde 2012.

Teachers put on the so-called “S-list” on suspicion of links to terrorists have been suspended, French Education Minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem said. Sputnik discussed the situation with Gérald Arboit, a senior researcher at the Center for Studies of Intelligence Activities – CF2R), and with one of the blacklisted teachers.

Gérald Arboit said that the S-list was a mishmash of Islamists, suspected terrorists, street thugs and members of various sects who allegedly pose a threat to public order and state security.

”The S-list is changing all the time, because you are normally listed for six months and then, if no incriminating information has been found on you, your name is struck off the list,” he said.

Those put on the list do not know about it, but police and security organizations know, which means that these “suspects” can be put under surveillance or simply arrested.

Gérald Arboit described the Education Minister’s decision to suspend all teachers put on the list as a slap in the face of the country’s teaching community.

In an interview with Sputnik a man who insisted that his name not be mentioned, said that after he had been arrested five or six times and subjected to interrogations each time he crossed the border and asked to explain the reason of his leaving or entering the country, he started analyzing the questions police officers were putting to people like him.

“Some of them flatly refused to talk to me, but many admitted that putting people like me on the S-list simply made no sense,” he said.

Mentioning Najat Vallaud-Belkacem’s decision to suspend all teachers featured on the S-list, he said that apart from Islamists, it also featured a dozen other categories of “suspects” — from extreme right-wingers to radical left-wingers and other “dissidents”.

France has been on high security alert since last November’s attacks in Paris, which killed 130 people. The state of emergency was extended for six months in July after a truck attack in Nice claimed 84 lives.

The Interior Ministry has vowed to utilize all legal means at its disposal to fight terrorism. It said it had expelled 82 people since 2012.


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