Los sindicatos de docentes del Pacífico trabajan para implementar el Programa 2030

Oceania/Islas FIJI/PrensaIE

Los dirigentes de los sindicatos de docentes han iniciado el primer taller de consulta regional sobre el Programa de Educación 2030, con el fin de reflexionar sobre distintas maneras de lograr los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en el Pacífico.

El taller de consulta se celebra después de que los Estados miembros de las Naciones Unidas aprobaran en noviembre el Marco de Acción para la Educación 2030, un marco cuyo objetivo es respaldar a todos los países para realizar su propia visión y ambición de la educación, especialmente dentro del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) nº 4 y sus metas. El Council of Pacific Education (COPE) y la Internacional de la Educación (IE) organizaron el taller conjuntamente.

Garantizar una educación de calidad inclusiva y equitativa para todos en 2030 en la región del Pacífico

El taller, que tendrá lugar del 6 al 8 de septiembre en Nadi, Islas Fiyi, y en el que participan en torno a 40 dirigentes sindicales de la región del Pacífico, se centra en fomentar la comprensión y el conocimiento que poseen los docentes y los dirigentes sindicales sobre el ODS 4, con el fin de garantizar una educación de calidad inclusiva y equitativa y de promover oportunidades de aprendizaje permanente para todos hacia el año 2030. Su objetivo es desarrollar un entendimiento común acerca de los ODS 4, 5 y 8, así como diseñar una hoja de ruta y un plan de acción sindical para lograr la educación de calidad y las metas previstas para 2030.

En su discurso de apertura, el Asesor de Política Social de la Secretaría del Foro de las Islas del Pacífico, Filipe Jitoko, recordó a los asistentes la Iniciativa del Plan del Pacífico y el Marco de Desarrollo para la Educación del Pacífico. Asimismo, explicó a los delegados de qué forma está integrado el ODS 4 en los planes educativos regionales y nacionales, así como la colaboración que existe entre los socios regionales e internacionales en el Pacífico. Por otra parte, Jitoko puso de manifiesto que, a pesar de los muchos desafíos a los que se enfrenta la región, los gobiernos están comprometidos a superar los obstáculos y a responsabilizarse ante los ODS, especialmente en lo que respecta a prestar una educación de calidad para todos.

Proporcionando una perspectiva global sobre el Programa de Educación 2030, el Secretario General del Council of Pacific Education (COPE) y Coordinador Principal de la región de Asia Pacífico de la IE, Govind Singh, destacó el proceso consultivo de desarrollo de los ODS basado en las lecciones aprendidas de los anteriores Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM), los objetivos de la Educación para Todos (EPT), el viaje desde Jomtien a Incheon a través de Dakar, así como el papel fundamental que desempeñan los sindicatos a la hora de garantizar el cumplimiento de los objetivos educativos para el año 2030.

Lograr el Programa de Educación 2030 y los ODS, una responsabilidad de los gobiernos del Pacífico

La representante de la UNESCO en Bangkok, Malisa Santigul, ofreció una breve descripción del ODS 4 y aportó varias actualizaciones mundiales y regionales, presentando los progresos realizados por los países del Pacífico. En su intervención prosiguió informando a los delegados sobre los desafíos a los que se enfrenta la región, e hizo hincapié en cómo los sindicatos de docentes pueden participar en la implementación y el seguimiento del ODS 4 en los distintos países.

En el transcurso del taller, los participantes elaborarán planes de acción nacionales para implantar estrategias de incidencia efectivas, con el fin de influir en los gobiernos nacionales y garantizar la plena implementación de los ODS y sus metas.

Fuente: https://www.ei-ie.org/spa/detail/15344/los-sindicatos-de-docentes-del-pac%C3%ADfico-trabajan-para-implementar-el-programa-2030

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Islas Cook: Programme focuses on united effort

Islas Cook: Programme focuses on united effort

Oceanía/ Islas Cook/Junio de 2016/ Cook Islands News

Resumen: 10 participantes de diversos sectores de la vida están tomando la oportunidad de ampliar sus conocimientos sobre la conservación del medio ambiente en el programa de talleres de tres Nacional de Servicios de Medio Ambiente Participativa dimensional Modelado (MP3D) que comenzó en el Aroa Nui Hall en Arorangi.

ABOUT 10 participants from various walks of life are taking the opportunity to expand their knowledge on environment conservation at the National Environment Services Participatory Three Dimensional Modelling (P3DM) workshop programme which started at the Aroa Nui Hall in Arorangi on Monday.

The four-day workshop aimed to educate participants on the importance of working together and how they could help curb environmental issues.
National Environmental Services (NES) director Joseph Brider said the programme was a fully collaborative exercise that combined community mapping with open discussions on land use and land use planning scenarios.
“It is a combination of geographic accuracy with local, individual spatial knowledge and mind-maps of our districts and familiar settings,” he said.
The workshop would also be a good opportunity for participants to interact and learn more about historical sites, Brider said.
“Everyone will have knowledge to share and map, places where important past events occurred, of boundaries, of key areas and times for certain activities and these can be discussed and learned by all participants including students.
“The success of this exercise relies on all participants playing their part, elders sharing traditional and historic knowledge, fishermen sharing where good fishing places are or where the fish spawn or gardeners sharing where plantations are or the location of important plants and trees.”
Mii Matamaki of NES said the workshop would also feature Cook Islands planning projects, including the Integrated Island Biodiversity project.
“One key object of this exercise is to plan for protection and restoration of key natural features and to plan possible climatic changes and other issues that are important to the community.” The workshop will end on Thursday.
Fuente: http://www.cookislandsnews.com/national/local/item/58957-programme-focuses-on-united-effort

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Islas Cook: Students learn more about climate change

Islas Cook: Students learn more about climate change

Islas Cook/ mayo de 2016/ Cook Islands News

Resumen: Treinta y tres estudiantes de Southern Cook Islands están liderando el camino en la obtención de una mejor comprensión del cambio climático y cómo las diferentes organizaciones están rastreando sus efectos globales.

Thirty-three Southern Cook Islands students are leading the way in gaining a better understanding of climate change and how different organisations are tracing its global effects.

The students are attending a week of climate change programmes organised by Climate Change Cook Islands. The programmes are designed to help students increase their awareness of climate change, the importance of marine areas and the various environmental issues involved in the proposed Ridge to Reef project.
Yesterday the students visited the Cook Islands Meteorological Service office where director Arona Ngari showed them various devices used to produce weather forecasts. They also took a close look at weather tracking maps and how to read them.
Met Office staff managed to answer numerous questions raised by the students and two were selected to appear on Cook Islands TV news to read last night’s weather report.
Mauke student Exceive Papa, 14, said she had learned plenty from the programme and now fully understood that climate change really is happening.
“I joined the programme because I want to help my people. Climate change is happening and can be seen in the Pacific and I want my people to be prepared. It is real.”
She said it was important to know how climate change was occurring and what could be done to make small island nations more resilient in coping with the changes.
Celine Dyer of Climate Change Cook Islands said the Climate Change Ridge to Reef programme was an opportunity to encourage students to share their views.
“The students are enjoying it. They are learning a lot and it is also a way of exposing them to areas where they can see a career.”
The movie Happy Feet was also aired last night at the national auditorium, after students presented their ideas and thoughts about the workshop and how they would implement the ideas that had come from it.
The students also visited the Coastal Protection Unit yesterday.


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Islas Cook: Pupils fly home after trying work

Islas Cook: Pupils fly home after trying work

The work experience programme for students for students from the Pa Enua has ended for another year.

Islas Cook/Mayo de 2016/Islas Cook News

Resumen: El programa de prácticas para estudiantes del último año de escuela de islas Cook, destinado a ayudar a los alumnos a tener una idea de las posibles carreras que deseen cursar como profesión para sus vidas, ha llegado a su fin este año, después de trabajar en los departamentos gubernamentales y empresas privadas

This year’s programme saw students working with government departments and private companies, to help them get a feel for possible careers.
Ministry of Education careers advisor June Hosea says that parents/care-givers are always encouraged to support any educational programme that will help their children to achieve success in life.
“My job is to coordinate placements with various providers, so that the students get a realistic idea of what these jobs are all about and they get to see the links between what they learn at school and the world of work.
“Important concepts such as self management, time management, planning and goal setting, following instructions and rules, ethical behaviour and codes of conduct are reinforced during the programme.”
She said the ongoing programme gives students who are in their final year of school a taste of what the world of work is like. Mangaia and Mauke School students arrived on Friday April15, while the Araura College and Enuamanu School groups arrived on Saturday April16.
The Mangaian and Maukean students returned last Friday, while the Enuamanu School and Araura College students flew home on Saturday.
Hosea said schools on Rarotonga were not involved in the programme but individual students were able to ask her to negotiate placements for them.
Tereora College also provided a work experience placement programmes for their senior students.
“I ask the students to provide three options so that if one choice is not available they have other options and this service is freely available to all students,” Hosea said.


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