Islas Cook: Pupils fly home after trying work

Islas Cook: Pupils fly home after trying work

The work experience programme for students for students from the Pa Enua has ended for another year.

Islas Cook/Mayo de 2016/Islas Cook News

Resumen: El programa de prácticas para estudiantes del último año de escuela de islas Cook, destinado a ayudar a los alumnos a tener una idea de las posibles carreras que deseen cursar como profesión para sus vidas, ha llegado a su fin este año, después de trabajar en los departamentos gubernamentales y empresas privadas

This year’s programme saw students working with government departments and private companies, to help them get a feel for possible careers.
Ministry of Education careers advisor June Hosea says that parents/care-givers are always encouraged to support any educational programme that will help their children to achieve success in life.
“My job is to coordinate placements with various providers, so that the students get a realistic idea of what these jobs are all about and they get to see the links between what they learn at school and the world of work.
“Important concepts such as self management, time management, planning and goal setting, following instructions and rules, ethical behaviour and codes of conduct are reinforced during the programme.”
She said the ongoing programme gives students who are in their final year of school a taste of what the world of work is like. Mangaia and Mauke School students arrived on Friday April15, while the Araura College and Enuamanu School groups arrived on Saturday April16.
The Mangaian and Maukean students returned last Friday, while the Enuamanu School and Araura College students flew home on Saturday.
Hosea said schools on Rarotonga were not involved in the programme but individual students were able to ask her to negotiate placements for them.
Tereora College also provided a work experience placement programmes for their senior students.
“I ask the students to provide three options so that if one choice is not available they have other options and this service is freely available to all students,” Hosea said.

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