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El estado de la educación : estudios sobre políticas, programas y burocracias del sector

Perú/15 junio 2017/Fuente:Clacso

El mejoramiento de la escuela pública es un reto de primer orden para el desarrollo nacional; avanzar en este sentido requiere de un adecuado balance entre propuestas pedagógicas pertinentes y una gestión estatal eficiente. ¿Cuáles son los problemas que enfrenta la implementación de programas educativos?, ¿en qué nivel de la jerarquía estatal se diluyen o se traban las decisiones y acciones? Este libro analiza el Estado realmente existente en el sector educación, presenta variada evidencia de las limitaciones que derivan de la debilidad institucional y plantea argumentos clave en favor de una reforma profunda del aparato estatal.

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La lectura crítica : propuestas para el aula derivadas de proyectos de investigación educativa

Colombia/12 junio 2017/Fuente: clacso

Este texto se enmarca en la línea de investigación “Educación, lenguaje y comunicación” de la Maestría en Docencia de la Universidad de la Salle y, de manera específica, en el campo de “la lectura crítica” en los niveles de la educación básica, media y superior. Acá se replantea la pregunta por la importancia de la formación de un lector critico en el aula de clase, para lo cual se cuestiona la enseñanza y se muestra la tensión generada entre las llamadas prácticas de lectura para la alfabetización académica y las de alfabetización crítica. También se señala la importancia de reconsiderar y reelaborar los conceptos que subyacen a la teoría critica como fuente de pensamiento en el marco de una pedagogía y didáctica crítica. Las reflexiones que aquí se presentan son fruto del interés por desvelar, en el marco de una investigación de carácter etnográfico y en perspectiva crítica, la enseñanza de la lectura crítica en el campo escolar y universitario, relacionada con unas concepciones, unas actividades, unos tipos de texto como los artículos de opinión, la internet, el anuncio publicitario, la ciudad, la novela urbana, el texto académico y el perfil del docente que orienta dicho proceso. El libro sugiere unas condiciones pedagógicas y didácticas que favorezcan la formación de un lector crítico en el aula de clase, atendiendo a unas características específicas. Se advierte la necesidad de un perfil docente como lector crítico formado, y la convergencia de prácticas de lectura académica y crítica en la perspectiva del sujeto, donde el autocuestionamiento sea el punto de partida para formar un lector crítico con una mirada razonada, ética y justa acerca de sí mismo y sobre los problemas de las realidad nacional e internacional.


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Teaching in a Digital Age

08 junio 2017/Autor: A.W. (Tony) Bates/Fuente: openlibra

The book examines the underlying principles that guide effective teaching in an age when all of us, and in particular the students we are teaching, are using technology. A framework for making decisions about your teaching is provided, while understanding that every subject is different, and every instructor has something unique and special to bring to their teaching.The book enables teachers and instructors to help students develop the knowledge and skills they will need in a digital age: not so much the IT skills, but the thinking and attitudes to learning that will bring them success.

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Investigaciones y desafíos para la docencia del siglo XXI

Colombia/05 junio 2017/Fuente: Clacso

Son muchas las expectativas que en la actualidad se depositan sobre los docentes; muy numerosas las demandas que se les plantean desde los modelos teóricos y desde las prácticas institucionales, independientemente del nivel escolar en que se desempeñen o de la modalidad educativa en que se ubiquen. Lo que se espera del docente parece hoy en día abrumador:entre otros atributos, 1) ha de conocer solventemente su disciplina y poseer una significativa experiencia profesional;2) debe ser ético y mostrar identificación institucional; 3) manifestar una personalidad receptiva y carismática, y comunicarse de modo asertivo y comprensible. Además, resulta necesario que posea habilidades pedagógicas y que maneje apropiadamente estrategias, técnicas y recursos didácticos diversos, tanto los clásicos como los actuales. Por si fuera poco, es muy deseable que reflexione sistemáticamente sobre su labor y que analice de un modo crítico los resultados que arroja su actividad magisterial, especialmente los aprendizajes que consigue entre sus estudiantes. Expectativas como estas, posiblemente excesivas para la mayoría de los docentes, aumentan cada año de manera inexorable y eventualmente impactan tanto la selección de maestros como la formación y la actualización. Se construyen en referentes valorables que orientan la conformación de un perfil o unos perfiles ideales para el docente. En alguna medida y a veces de modo más tácito que explicito, se reflejan en los criterios utilizados para la incorporación de los docentes a las funciones educativas. También modelan los procesos formativos y de reciclaje profesional, aunque este efecto de modelamiento sea generalmente diferido e indirecto. Y ocasionalmente condicionan los sistemas de evaluación docente en la forma de indicadores o dimensiones que los especialistas desarrollan y que los instrumentos evaluativos han de calibrar con relativa certeza.

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Por una pedagogía de las juventudes: Libro analiza experiencias educativas con jóvenes en Brasil

Brasil/29 mayo 2017/Fuente:

El documento sistematiza y analiza tres experiencias educativas realizadas con jóvenes, presentando una reflexión teórica sobre los principios metodológicos que se deben tener como base en la labor educativa desarrollada con las juventudes.

Fue lanzado en Minas Gerais, estado de Brasil, el libro ‘Por una pedagogía de las juventudes: experiencias educativas del Observatorio de Juventud de la UFMG’. La publicación presenta una reflexión respecto a las trayectorias y acciones de enseñanza, investigación y extensión desarrolladas por el Observatorio de Juventud de la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), desde su nacimiento en 2002.

El documento sistematiza y analiza tres experiencias educativas realizadas con jóvenes, presentando una reflexión teórica sobre los principios metodológicos que se deben tener como base en la labor educativa desarrollada con las juventudes.

Su objetivo es estimular la reflexión y ampliar el debate sobre la práctica educativa con las y los jóvenes.

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Empress Maria Theresa: an enlightened ruler who recognized the value of education for all

By Daniela Lazarová

In this edition of our miniseries, marking the 300th anniversary of the birth of Empress Maria Theresa, we look at one of the most important reforms she introduced: compulsory schooling for all, which set the foundations for a centralized education system, the basics of which remain to this day.

Empress Maria Theresa liked order and this trait was highly prominent in many of the reforms she undertook be it the running of the state administration, the introduction of numbers for houses in place of names which made it easier to find an address or the fact that she ordered the first ever census of the population, albeit concerned only men and cattle in those days. She was equally methodical in introducing compulsory education for all, ordering that all children, boys and girls alike between the age of 6 and 12 years should attend school or receive a private education. Magdalena Šustová of the Museum of Pedagogics says that, while a vast number of people were illiterate at the time, it was actually poverty that prompted the empress to introduce compulsory schooling.

“Soon after ascending the throne Maria Theresa was unwillingly dragged into wars and conflicts and paradoxically it was the consequences of those wars that led her to introduce her school reform. The war left many orphans and impoverished families and created areas which today we would call “socially excluded areas”. Many people had no livelihood and one of the instruments that was to reduce poverty in all the empress’ dominions was education and the reform of the school system.”

Up until then, education was almost exclusively in the hands of religious orders and only accessible to the higher classes. Maria Theresa changed that. She introduced compulsory education for boys and girls across the board, establishing the first network of public schools, and giving them their first curricula by stating what subjects should be taught and overseeing the introduction of the first school book. The reform was not popular with the lower classes, who sent their children to work in the field, but the empress pushed it through with force, threatening to throw parents who refused to send their children to school in prison. The rich, who could afford tutors, were free to secure their children’s education by private means.

Maria TheresaMaria Theresa

In introducing the foundations of a modern-day school system the empress looked abroad for inspiration and was not loath to learn from her enemies. Magdalena Šustová again:

“Her biggest inspiration came from Prussia, from the education reform in Prussia. Although she fought against Prussia she was smart enough to learn from them and commissioned a respected Prussian scholar –Abbot Ignaz Felbiger to draft an education reform plan which she then implemented. So her main inspiration was Prussia.”

In 1774 Felbiger came to Vienna and was appointed General Commissioner of Education for all of Maria Theresa’s Habsburg dominions. The school reforms were aimed to create a sense of national unity of the population of the Austrian Empire and set higher education standards. The same year he issued a common school ordinance and in 1775 produced a school methodology book: Methodenbuch für Lehrer der deutschen Schulen. It contained instructions regarding the methodology of teaching, and introduced the practice of questioning pupils. It was a revolution in the field of education, which until then relied heavily on memorizing. In fact, in 1774 there were many teachers who themselves could not read and write.

Schools were gradually established around the monarchy and the education system was centralized. Magdalena Šustová explains:

“Children were taught to read, write and count and they were taught religion – back then it was the Catholic religion but during the reign of Josef II who decreed religious tolerance also Lutheran or Calvin. Compulsory school education lasted for six years. In the bigger towns the schools were of a higher standard and pupils were taught German as a second language, but in village schools pupils were taught in their native language –so here it was Czech or German in areas where the majority population was German. In secondary schools all subjects were taught in German and it was the same at universities. So a higher education meant you had to learn German.”

Despite her busy schedule, Maria Theresa closely monitored the school reform and her own sixteen children were subjected to a demanding regime. She was a hard disciplinarian who controlled every minute of their time, following their progress and sending their tutors lengthy instructions regarding which areas needed to be improved. She criticized their speech, their behaviour, the fact that they slouched or rested their elbows on their desks. In later life she kept up the stream of letters telling her daughters how to improve their marriage and hold their husband’s interest. She insisted that girls be equally well educated as boys with only a few minor differences.

Maria Theresa with familyMaria Theresa with family

“Compulsory education was the same for boys and girls. The only area where the education differed was in handwork where girls usually took sowing classes or needlework while the boys were taught things like beekeeping and crop growing. But it is true that the foundations for an equal education were laid down by Empress Maria Theresa.”

The education reform is one of the most highly valued reforms introduced by the empress. When she came to the throne the level of illiteracy was very high and although the progress made was gradual historians say that ten years after it was launched seventy percent of children in her dominions attended school.


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