Libro: Mirando a la Discapacidad con Humor

Detalles del libro:

Año: 2015
Editor: INICO
Páginas: 153 páginas
Idioma: español
Desde: 03/07/2015
Tamaño: 10.84 MB
Licencia: Pendiente de revisión


Reír es bueno y saludable y nos ayuda a afrontar la vida de otra manera. Es fundamental saber reír con los demás y saber reírse de uno mismo. Si tenemos esas dos claves presentes, sabremos por un lado participar de la alegría de otros, de su humor, de sus buenos momentos, y sabremos hacerla nuestra. Por otro lado, sabremos también relativizar las cosas, aceptar las críticas y ser autocríticos, mantener la alegría en los momentos más complicados, no dejar de ser humildes y sobreponernos a las dificultades afrontando lo que nos venga con espíritu positivo.

Cuando al llegar al número 50 del Boletín Integra se nos ocurrió darle una especial relevancia, hicimos cábalas para conseguir ajustar ese 50 con la celebración de las IX Jornadas Científicas Internacionales sobre Personas con discapacidad. Eso nos proporcionaba un marco ideal para recalcar y enlucir las bodas del oro del Integra. Y a la vez, se nos ocurrió el producto ideal, en forma de libro, que recogiese el devenir de los 50 números y los 19 años de Integra desde una perspectiva diferente. Esa perspectiva fue la del humor a través de su viñeta, la nota de humor, que ha sido una de las constantes del boletín número tras número.

El libro que tienes en las manos es pues una forma de recordarnos a nosotros mismos con un toque de humor. Hemos querido aportar tres elementos. Por un lado, una reflexión sobre el momento en que se editó cada número del Integra, realizada por Miguel Ángel Verdugo, sobre las circunstancias del mundo de la discapacidad o del propio INICO en aquel momento. Por otro lado, un apunte cómico en relación a cada una de las viñetas que ilustraron cada uno de los números, realizado por Borja Jordán de Urríes, tratando de explicar su motivo y su porqué. Y finalmente, y gracias a la colaboración de un nutrido grupo de humoristas gráficos, una visión de la discapacidad desde el humor y desde la pluralidad de formas de entenderla. Por supuesto, y desde este planteamiento, hemos materializado la filosofía que pregonábamos en el primer párrafo. Hemos querido saber reflexionar y reírnos de nosotros y saber reírnos con el mundo de la discapacidad.



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India: Delhi schools told to ensure infra for the differently abled


The specifications for such infrastructure has been given in a handbook recently compiled by the directorate. The education department is distributing such handbooks across Delhi government schools to ensure barrier- free accessibility in the school buildings for children with disabilities.

school for disabled student,accessible school,delhi school infrastructure

An official from the inclusive education branch (IEB) of the directorate said that so far, 200 government schools under Directorate of Education (DOE) had received the handbooks(File)

To promote inclusive education in all Delhi government schools, the Directorate of Education (DOE) has directed all heads of government schools to maintain, provide, renovate, and repair existing infrastructure to ensure they are friendly to the differently- abled.

“This shall be done through Public Works Department by generating EOR (extra ordinary repair),” a recent DOE circular said adding that no further construction should be done without ensuring the same. “Any leniency or non-compliance of this circular/order will be viewed seriously,” it added.

The specifications for such infrastructure has been given in a handbook recently compiled by the directorate. The education department is distributing such handbooks across Delhi government schools to ensure barrier-free accessibility in the school buildings for children with disabilities.

An official from the inclusive education branch (IEB) of the directorate said that so far, 200 government schools under Directorate of Education (DOE) had received the handbooks. “The principals and teachers need to be sensitised. They need guidelines on how to counsel the children, their parents and how to care for them,” the official said while explaining the reason behind the distribution of such handbooks.

Along with talking about different types of disabilities, the book also talks about the rights and entitlements for children with disabilities and the penalties for offences committed against persons with disabilities. The handbook also specifies the space to be allocated for people using mobility devices as well as those walking with assistance. It also gives specifications on toilets, walks and paths, tactile pavers, corridors and ramps, door hardware, dropped kerbs, staircases, and drinking water fountain among other things.

Two hard copies of the handbook are being distributed to all government schools. According to an official IEB circular, the handbook was prepared by adopting the guidelines of Ministry of Urban development, Government of India and the handbook on barrier free accessibility by Central Public Work Department as well as in consultation with the Office of Delhi State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities.

The circular also mentions Section 16(ii) and Section 89 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 which mandates that the government should make efforts to provide inclusive education in schools funded or recognized by it and any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this Act should be made to pay a fine.

The circular also mentions Section 16(ii) and Section 89 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 which mandates that the government should make efforts to provide inclusive education in schools funded or recognized by it and any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this Act should be made to pay a fine.
“Instead of distributing handbooks, the government should audit schools to see what needs to be done. Sometimes, we do symbolic stuff and tokenism. For instance, one special educator is not going to solve the problem. One must think of a universal design and approach that every child can use and access,” Radhika Alkazi, founder of NGO ASTHA which works with children and people with disabilities. “This is band-aid approach. We need to look at overall situation like how is the child going to get to the school from say slum areas. The government says so many schools have been built but are they all accessible to all children?”
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