Exams to Continue Despite Disruptions – South African University

South Africa/November 06, 2017/Allafrica

Resumen: Estimados estudiantes y colegas El campus permanece abierto hoy y todos los lugares de prueba estarán protegidos. Las pruebas y los exámenes se realizarán según lo programado. Sin embargo, la situación es volátil y los actos de vandalismo y otras actividades ilegales han interrumpido temporalmente el servicio Jammie Shuttle, el acceso al campus y las actividades en tres edificios.

The University of Cape has issued a statement assuring that tests and examinations will proceed as scheduled. This comes after the institution was granted an interdict by the Western Cape High Court following a series of disruptions by demonstrators.

Dear students and colleagues.

Campus remains open today and all test venues will be protected. Tests and exams will proceed as scheduled. However, the situation is volatile and acts of vandalism and other illegal activities have temporarily disrupted the Jammie Shuttle service, access to campus and activities in three buildings.

The executive are working with Campus Protection Services, private security and the South African Police Service (SAPS) in an attempt to contain the situation. As some protesters have resorted to unlawful activities, our expectation is that the SAPS will act in terms of the interim interdict that was granted by the court recently to prevent unlawful action. Please note the terms of the interim interdict granted by the High Court of the Western Cape.

The unlawful action by protesters is wholly unacceptable and is creating a situation that is traumatic for many, poses serious safety risks and is directly impacting the rights of students and staff to study and work. This is condemned by the executive in the strongest terms.

This morning protesters slashed the tyres of several Jammie Shuttle vehicles. One person has been arrested in connection with this incident and will be charged by the SAPS. The Jammie Shuttle service has resumed, but please be aware that there might be further disruptions.

Several incidents have been reported of protesters interfering with and intimidating staff and students. Barricades on Baxter Road were di

The main library and the Law Library are closed until further notice. Library staff are monitoring the situation. Please monitor the libraries website to check whether library services are affected at any given point in the day.

Groups of protesters are currently moving around campus and disrupting university activities. There have been incidents of vandalism reported and security services are attempting to contain the situation.

False information about the disruptions at UCT is unfortunately being circulated on social media. Please monitor the official UCT platforms for confirmation of current events on campus. Follow UCT on Twitter, Facebook and UCT News.

Fuente: http://allafrica.com/stories/201711020619.html

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