César Bona imparte una lección de Educación en el Convent de Sant Diego

España / 10 de septiembre de 2017 / Autor: Lluis Verges / Fuente: Menorca Info

El Convent de Sant Diego se llenó este sábado por la mañana para escuchar la intervención del maestro zaragozano César Bona, muy popular después de haber sido finalista de un galardón que reconoce al mejor maestro del mundo. Fueron muchas las ideas que desarrolló el conferenciante en su intervención de dos horas de duración y una de ellas fue que maestros y educadores deben hacer un esfuerzo para acordarse cómo pensaban cuando eran niños y también para darles voz a los más pequeños.


Bona, que actualmente disfruta de un periodo de excedencia de dos años, aprovecha este tiempo para, además de dar conferencias, visitar escuelas donde se están llevando a cabo experiencias innovadoras en materia educativa. El maestro puso diversos e interesantes ejemplos de centros que aplican métodos diferentes y que dan resultados.

Para explicar mejor sus ideas, César Bona supo hacer uso de una comunicación ágil, del sentido del humor, y de la participación del público.

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Vietnam seeks early childhood education

Vietnan/Junio de 2017/Fuente: Vietnam.net

Resumen: La Conferencia Internacional sobre la Educación de la Primera Infancia con el tema «Garantizar el acceso de todos los niños a una educación de primera infancia y preparación escolar», organizada conjuntamente por el Ministerio de Educación y Formación (MOET), el Banco Mundial y UNICEF, ha atraído a 290 participantes De 11 países, incluidos los Estados Unidos, Singapur, China, Australia, India, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Camboya y Laos. En la conferencia, el ministro de Educación y Formación Phung Xuan Nha dijo que la educación de la primera infancia (ECE) establece los primeros ladrillos para el desarrollo físico, intelectual y emocional de los niños. Conscientes de la importancia de la CEPE, la Parte y el Estado han prestado especial atención a la CEPE y, en los últimos años, han formulado numerosas políticas de la CEPE, dijo el Ministro Nha.

The International Conference on Early Childhood Education with the theme “Ensuring access of all children to quality early childhood education and school readiness”, jointly organised by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), the World Bank and the UNICEF, has attracted 290 participants from 11 countries including the US, Singapore, China, Australia, India, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Cambodia and Laos.

Speaking at the conference, Minister of Education and Training Phung Xuan Nha said that early childhood education (ECE) lays the first bricks for the physical, intellectual and emotional development of children.

Fully aware of the importance of ECE, the Party and the State have paid particular attention to ECE and in recent years, issuing many ECE policies, said Minister Nha.

Minister Nha expressed gratitude for the support from the World Bank, UNICEF, UNESCO and other non-governmental organisations for ECE development in Viet Nam.

During the conference, speakers presented discussion papers on key ECE issues in the world and the region such as early childhood development and education policies and programmes, quality assurance conditions and inter-agency co-ordination.

Many Vietnamese and international experts shared experiences and practices related to the implementation of ECE in general and the enhancement of school readiness for children in particular.

Youssouf Abdel-Jelil, Representative of UNICEF in Viet Nam, said, “Investing in ECE is one of the most cost effective investments to ensure Viet Nam’s sustainable development”.

“Early interventions for young children help them achieve more success when they reach primary school and it improves their health and over all development. As adults, they will have better employment and higher earnings, better health, and they are less likely to depend on welfare,” he said.

Ousmane Dione, Country Director of the World Bank in Viet Nam, said that Viet Nam is strongly committed to education development.

“Through the universal early childhood education programme for five-year-old children, Viet Nam has ensured the right to at least one year pre-primary education for children, which is continued with primary and secondary education. However, we need to be more ambitious and should state that the right to education, just simply by sitting in the classrooms, is not enough. Education should be high quality to ensure that children can really learn,” he said.

Fuente: http://english.vietnamnet.vn/fms/education/180134/vietnam-seeks-early-childhood-education.html

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26th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL), 08-09 Nov 2017, Singapore

Date: 08-Nov-17 to 09-Nov-17
Location: Nanyang Technological University / Singapore / Singapore
Category: Education Conferences & Trade Fairs
Conference Name: 26th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL), 08-09 Nov 2017, Singapore
Conference Dates: 08-09 Nov 2017
Conference Venue: Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore
Deadline for Abstract/Paper Submissions: Nov 5, 2017
Contact E-Mail ID: info@adtelweb.org
Association President: Prof. Vivian Iglesia-Buhain
Language: English
(Vernacular Session, e.g., Persian, Bahasa, Thai, European Languages, Chinese, will be organized for minimum 5 or more participants of particular language)
(Only english language, full-length, original papers will be considered for publication in conference journals)


Professors, Scholars, Researchers, Students


Professors, Scholars, Researchers, Students
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