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Entrevista a Claudia Camba, activista social y coordinadora de las misiones cubanas en Argentina

Entrevista a Claudia Camba, activista social y coordinadora de las misiones cubanas en Argentina
«Vamos hacer lo que el Che quería, esta vez no va a ser con armas, va a ser con batas blancas»
La Guerrilla Comunicacional
 Claudia Camba es luchadora social argentina, presidenta de la Fundación «Un mundo mejor es posible» y es coordinadora de las misiones cubanas en Argentina. En la entrevista nos habla sobre cada uno de los programas de la solidaridad cubana en su país, como la Operación Milagro y el programa de alfabetización «Yo sí puedo».

La Operación Milagro es una iniciativa de los países del Alba, con Cuba al frente, donde se opera de forma gratuita a las personas que padecen de cataratas y otras dolencias de la vista.

Claudia explica la iniciativa del Centro Oftalmológico Ernesto Che Guevara, en Córdoba (Argentina), donde está a punto de inaugurarse un Hospital-Escuela. En este centro, donde no se cobra ni un céntimo a nadie, se está creando una nueva corriente sanitaria bajo principios socialistas y es un ejemplo de solidaridad e internacionalismo para todo el mundo.


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Chinese keep lion’s share of int’l admission by U.S. higher education

Asia/China/05.02. 2018/Fuente: Xinhua.

Resumen:  Si bien la admisión internacional de universidades y universidades estadounidenses muestra signos de aplanamiento en los últimos dos años, Fan Yilan, estudiante de segundo año en la Universidad de Texas (UT) en Austin, todavía siente un fuerte crecimiento de la inscripción china contra la tendencia general. «En China, no está en declive en absoluto. Está en sentido contrario. Está aumentando. Hay más estudiantes chinos que buscan educación en el extranjero en los Estados Unidos», dijo la niña de Beijing a Xinhua.

While international admission by U.S. universities and colleges shows signs of flattening in the past two years, Fan Yilan, the sophomore at the University of Texas (UT) at Austin, still feels a strong growth of Chinese enrollment against the general trend.

«In China, it’s not in decline at all. It’s in the opposite way. It’s increasing. There’re more Chinese students seeking education abroad in the United States,» the girl from Beijing told Xinhua.


The annual Open Doors Data released in November by the Institute of International Education of the United States (IIE) showed that the students from China to U.S. higher education topped 350,700 in the academic year of 2016/17, a rise of 6.8 percent over the previous year.

They accounted for 32.5 percent of the whole international students in the United States, topping the ranks for the eighth year.

«We would like to join it and experience more. I think that’s the main part why we choose to study abroad. We want to learn what they do here and to enjoy the experience of studying abroad,» said Fan, who majors in accounting and economy.

The IIE report also said that despite the «strong growth in the number of international students studying in the United States in the past decade, with an increase of 85 percent since 2006/07, the new findings signal a slowing of growth, with a 3 percent increase compared to increases of 7 to 10 percent for the previous three years.»

Thousands of kilometers away in eastern America, admission officials and students at the University of Southern California (USC) gave sharper insights, for it is centrated and diversified in international students, especially Chinese.

«As Chinese develops better and better, more people are able to afford the tuition fees. Most of the top education institutions are located in the United States and Europe, so Chinese parents want to send their kids outside to open their mind and to explore different education systems,» Joyce Wang, a Chinese student at USC, told Xinhua.

Ben Lee, Associate Director of Master of Communication Management Program at USC, noticed that Chinese parents need to be more calculative in sending their children to study in the United States.

«I would say that at the same time, the outcome for a student and his family investing in overseas education is no longer that simple. The Chinese market and its employers can now distinguish overseas students with strong experiences from strong programs from those who are just there from a mediocre program and not working hard to benefit from their stay abroad,» Ben told Xinhua.


U.S. media reports used to depict Chinese students as nerd or just rich kids, but actually more of them are breaking this stereotype.

«We’re participating in all the organizations and trying to take initiative to position ourselves,» said Fan, strongly denying the media reports.

During her freshman year, Fan joined an Asian interest authority and made a lot of local friends to have fun together, which provided her with better understanding of the culture.

She also undertakes volunteer jobs and fundraising with schoolmates, as well as helps organize some events to promote Asian culture.

«So I think it is really a fun part not only me, but a lot of my friends. We are really trying to participate in all the events in college,» she added.


As those coming to America are on the rise, the number of returnees with competitive degrees and promising projects has been going strong, too.

According to the education branch of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, the total number of Chinese youth studying in America and then going home after graduation has been rising in the past 5 years.

Cen Jianjun, the diplomat in charge of education affairs, recently told Xinhua that the surge back home has corresponded with the prosperity of their motherland, which promises preferential policies and better prospects.

«They pin hope on China’s future,» added Cen.


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Education a core pillar in Brunei-Australia ties

Australia/Enero de 2018/Fuente: Borneo Bulletin


BRUNEI es un país importante en la región para Australia, y uno de los aspectos más significativos de la relación bilateral entre los dos países es la educación, destacó Nicola Rosenblum, Alto Comisionado de Australia a Brunei Darussalam durante una entrevista con el Boletín.

Explicando más sobre esta relación bilateral, el alto comisionado dijo que Brunei es «un país regionalmente importante para Australia» y que «Asean es realmente una parte clave de su vecindario».

«Para nosotros, Asean es estratégicamente importante, y dentro de ese (contexto) tenemos vínculos bastante estrechos con Brunei porque tenemos vínculos históricos de la Commonwealth, y también porque en realidad tenemos una historia militar compartida interesante», dijo, y señaló que Australia dirigió las fuerzas aliadas que desembarcaron en Brunei en 1945 como parte de la campaña para liberar Borneo.

BRUNEI is an important country in the region for Australia, and one of the most significant aspects to the bilateral relationship between the two countries is education, highlighted Nicola Rosenblum, the Australian High Commissioner to Brunei Darussalam during an interview with the Bulletin.

Explaining further on this bilateral relationship, the high commissioner said that Brunei is “a regionally important country for Australia” and that “Asean is really a key part of her neighbourhood”.

“For us, Asean is quite strategically important, and within that (context) we actually have quite close ties to Brunei because we have historical Commonwealth links, and also because we actually have an interesting shared military history,” she said, noting that Australia led the Allied forces that landed in Brunei in 1945 as part of the campaign to liberate Borneo.

“Our trading relationship is about half a billion dollars a year. A lot of that is petroleum – Australia buys oil from Brunei – but it’s also food in the other direction. So Australia supplies quite a lot of meat, in particular, to Brunei.”

Increasingly, this has come to include education and air services, she said, such as “Australians flying Royal Brunei Airlines, Bruneians choosing to study in Australia, and increasingly, Australians coming to Brunei”.

Nicola Rosenblum, the Australian High Commissioner to Brunei Darussalam. – DANIAL NORJIDI

“Australia is the second-largest desti-nation for Bruneian students studying overseas, so we have around 400-500 Bruneian students in Australia at any one time,” she said, adding that some of the students are on government scholarships and some on twinning programmes from Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD).

The high commissioner also shared that under the New Colombo Plan – an Australian Government initiative – Australians can study and work in the region.

“This year, we’re expecting probably 40 Australian students to come to Brunei for work and study placements,” she said. “Most will be (in Brunei) for a relatively short-term – a few weeks or a few months, doing things like environmental science, physiotherapy and disability studies… They’ll actually come to learn from Brunei in its area of expertise.”

Rosenblum also shared that the Study in Australia Fair will be held on February 9, where the Australian High Commission will bring Australian universities to Brunei to allow Bruneian students to meet directly with university representatives.

“We also have the Endeavour Awards, a scholarship programme that Bruneians are eligible to apply for. We have had some Bruneian students study in Australia under the Endeavour Awards,” she said.

The high commissioner also noted that Brunei’s Mahakarya Institute of Arts has formed a relationship with TAFE Queensland to set up a film school in Brunei. “That will actually be delivering Australian film studies qualifications to Brunei, so that will be a completely different way of kind of looking at that education relationship,” she said.

The high commissioner said, on the sidelines of the Asean-Australia Special Summit taking place in March, there will be a business summit gathering CEOs from each of the Asean member countries to Australia to meet with Australian CEOs.

“I’m expecting at least five CEOs from Brunei to participate in that summit, where attendees will be looking at ways to try and expand economic and business links between Australia and Asean,” Rosenblum said.

She also said efforts will be made at the summit to inform Australian businesses how they could expand into the Asean market and “how they can target Asean markets for development, for investment, or for expanding their own economic footprint”.

“For a lot of them, it might feel like a big step or they might not be aware of the opportunities that are available in Asean.”


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Cuba: Intercambio académico entre universidades francesa y espirituana

Cuba/Enero de 2018/Fuente:

A partir de este lunes las universidades José Martí de Sancti Spíritus y Besançon, de Francia, comienzan un amplio programa de intercambio académico y científico con el fin de establecer un convenio de colaboración entre las dos casas de altos estudios.

De acuerdo con la agenda se prevé conferencias magistrales y talleres en aras de enriquecer las experiencias entre las facultades de Educación francesa y la de Ciencias Pedagógicas espirituana.

Entre los propósitos sobresale el de establecer un convenio marco de colaboración que permita a los profesores e investigadores de ambas universidades fortalecer la superación académica mediante el intercambio de experiencias y estudios en común.

   Para la jornada de hoy Catherine Caille-Catin, decana de la Facultad Pedagógica del país europeo, impartirá una conferencia titulada Presentación del plan de formación de profesores y de un manual de Geografía.

En tanto, se efectuará un taller bajo el título La formación de docentes en el análisis de prácticas. ¿Cómo ayudar a los docentes en dificultades? por Montagne Yves-Félix, responsable de la Superación en Ciencias de la Educación de la \»Besançon\».

Según Marisel Quiñones, especialista en Relaciones Públicas del centro de educación superior espirituano, el intercambio científico resulta, además, una oportunidad para la internacionalización de la “José Martí” y estimular la asesoría en correspondencia con los intereses de cada institución.

Abrir un abanico de posibilidades, tanto en materia académica como científica, es uno de los propósitos del programa, mucho más cuando se busca consolidar investigaciones y dar a conocer también lo que se hace en Cuba y particularmente en la “José Martí”, señaló Quiñones.


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Egypt signs ¥993m grant with JICA for education development

Egipto/Diciembre de 2017/Autor: Doaa Farid/Fuente: Egypt Today

Resumen:  El ministro egipcio de Inversiones Sahar Nasr firmó una subvención de 993 millones de yenes ($ 8.8 millones) con la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional de Japón (JICA) para suministrar dispositivos de educación e investigación para la Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología Egipto-Japón (E-JUST). Durante su visita a Tokio, donde se reunió con el vicepresidente de JICA, Kazuhiko Koshikawa, Nasr dijo que el proyecto apunta a apoyar el contenido educativo y el rendimiento de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ingeniería mediante el suministro de los dispositivos necesarios.

Egyptian Minister of Investment Sahar Nasr signed a 993 million yen ($8.8 million) grant with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to supply education and research devices for the Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST).

During her visit to Tokyo where she met with JICA Vice President Kazuhiko Koshikawa, Nasr said the project targets supporting the educational content and performance for the Faculty of Engineering students through supplying needed devices.

«It also aims to attract Japanese companies and authorities and use their capabilities in training and transferring technology,» Nasr added.

E-JUST is the first Japanese university to be constructed outside Japan, as it will invest in enhancing development in the fields of science and technology, Koshikawa noted.
In another meeting with the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tarō Kōno, Nasr signed the letters to receive the grant payments.

During the visit, Nasr met with a delegation of 20 companies, including Sumitomo Corporation, Toyota and Hitachi to discuss increasing their investments in Egypt.

JICA is adopting the Egypt-Japan Education Partnership (EJEP), launched during the visit of President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi to Japan in 2016, to support Egyptian human resources, which can contribute to economic development. The Japanese agency is supporting all stages of the application.


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Educación Superior cubana y Universidad de Harvard buscan ampliar relaciones

Cuba/Diciembre de 2017/Autora: Claudia González Corrales/Fuente: Cuba Debate

El Ministerio de Educación Superior (MES) y la estadounidense Universidad de Harvard, firmaron hoy, en esta capital, un memorando de entendimiento que permitirá ampliar las relaciones de colaboración entre las casas de altos estudios.

Como parte del acuerdo, ambas partes identificarán oportunidades de interés común, para promover los vínculos académicos por medio de la capacitación de estudiantes de posgrado, el desarrollo de investigaciones científicas y la realización de publicaciones conjuntas.

La firma del documento estuvo presidida por el Doctor José Ramón Saborido Loidi, ministro de Educación Superior, y los encargados de suscribirlo fueron la Doctora Aurora Fernández González, viceministra del MES, y el Doctor Mark Christopher Elliot, vicerrector de Harvard.

Aurora Fernández González destacó que el memorando es resultado de meses de entendimiento, pero que no ha sido el único de su tipo.

Según informó, desde el año 2006 se suscribió el primer memorando entre Harvard y la Universidad de La Habana (UH), lo que hizo posible el intercambio de estudiantes y profesores.

La Viceministra precisó que, a pesar de lo tensa que se ha vuelto la diplomacia entre ambos gobiernos a partir del ascenso de Donald Trump al poder, el acuerdo ampliará las relaciones de la universidad norteamericana con otras instituciones académicas del país.

Mark Christopher Elliot refirió que la fecha de hoy deviene ocasión especial para celebrar los fuertes vínculos que unen a su universidad con las instituciones de estudios superiores cubanas.

Comentó que tanto la UH y otras casas de altos estudios del país, como Harvard, tienen altos estándares de calidad, y han perseguido siempre el fin de mejorar la sociedad.

“En Harvard nos sentimos muy orgullosos del trabajo hecho en Cuba en materia de desarrollo académico e investigativo”, sentenció.

Aseguró, además, que no obstante los difíciles momentos que se viven, la colaboración entre las instituciones universitarias hay que potenciarla.



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Rusia: Pushkin Institute Opens Online Express Russian Language Course

Rusia/Diciembre de 2017/Fuente: Sputnik

Resumen:  El Instituto Estatal de Lengua Rusa Pushkin ha lanzado un curso rápido de Ruso como Lengua Extranjera (RFL) en su sitio web de Educación en Rusia, dijo a RIA Novosti un portavoz del servicio de prensa del Instituto. El idioma ruso se está volviendo cada vez más popular en todo el mundo a medida que Rusia expande sus lazos económicos con otros países y atrae a más turistas, dice Olga Kultepina, de la Escuela Superior de Economía de la Universidad Nacional de Investigación, quien ayudó a desarrollar el curso.

The Russian language is gaining popularity as Russia expands its economic ties and attracts more tourists each year.

The Pushkin State Russian Language Institute has launched an express Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL) course on its Education in Russian website, a spokesperson for the Institute’s press service told RIA Novosti.

The Russian language is growing increasingly popular around the world as Russia expands its economic ties with other countries and attracts more tourists, says Olga Kultepina, of the Higher School of Economics at the National Research University, who helped develop the course.

«I notice that the number of RFL groups grows with every passing year. Many students come to Russia with a good level of knowledge and want to improve. New online resources have appeared as well, which reflect an interest in Russian. For example, 5.81 million students have subscribed to the Duolingo Russian course, which is fourth in the ratings,» she told RIA Novosti.

The express course is in the MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) format for maximum access and includes video lectures, references and an interactive capacity for communication between teachers and students.

The course program is designed for students with a basic grasp of Russian. According to Ms. Kultepina, it only takes the will to start learning and self-discipline. The course is available on all multimedia devices with online access, including smartphones. Thus learning is within reach at any time, including on the move.

Each course is 45 hours long and consists of 15 lessons with individual assignments and tests. Upon completion, students are issued a certificate.

The RFL-1 and RFL-2 courses were developed under the Russian Language Federal Targeted Program of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.


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