Libia: UN welcomes Libyan prime minister’s support for political dialogue

UN welcomes Libyan prime minister’s support for political dialogue

TRIPOLI, Jan. 9 (Xinhua) — Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Libya (ASRSG) Stephanie Williams on Saturday welcomed Libyan UN-backed Prime Minister Fayez Serraj’s support for the UN-facilitated Libyan political dialogue, said the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL).

«PC (Presidency Council) President Fayez Serraj and ASRSG Stephanie Williams met today in Rome to discuss ways to push forward the Libyan political dialogue, ahead of the meeting of the LPDF’s (Libyan Political Dialogue Forum’s) Advisory Committee next week in Geneva,» UNSMIL said.

«ASRSG Williams welcomed President Serraj’s commitment and support to the UN-facilitated dialogue process to lead the country towards elections on 24 December 2021,» it added.

During the LPDF held last November, 75 Libyans representing the social and political spectrum of the Libyan society discussed a political roadmap to achieve lasting peace in war-torn Libya.

The participants agreed to hold general elections in Libya on Dec. 24, 2021. They also voted on a mechanism to select a unified executive authority of the country. Enditem

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