Homeless people use Tippy-Tap hand-washing techniques in Windhoek, Namibia

Africa/Namibia/19-04-2020/Author(a) and Source: xinhuanet.com

Homeless children wash their hands using the Tippy-Tap hand-washing techniques outside temporary tents in Windhoek, Namibia, April 14, 2020. The Tippy-Tap is a common practice in informal settlements where people do not have access to running water. The technique is strongly advised as an attempt to assist the Namibian government with its lockdown efforts in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. (Xinhua/Jacobina Mouton)


A local Himba mother takes her child out of a temporary tent in Windhoek, Namibia, April 14, 2020. These tents were donated by Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC) in an attempt to assist the Namibian government with its lockdown efforts in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. (Xinhua/Jacobina Mouton)


Homeless people wash hands using the Tippy-Tap hand-washing techniques outside temporary tents in Windhoek, Namibia, on April 14, 2020. The Tippy-Tap is a common practice in informal settlements where people do not have access to running water. The technique is strongly advised as an attempt to assist the Namibian government with its lockdown efforts in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. (Xinhua/Jacobina Mouton)

Source and Image: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-04/15/c_138979302_3.htm

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