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Nigeria: Dream Sports Africa Ready to Empower Youth Sports

África/Nigeria/Noviembre de 2016/Fuente: All Africa

RESUMEN: Dream Sports Africa, organización sin ánimo de lucro con sede en Estados Unidos (ONG) registrada en Nigeria, ha puesto en marcha un programa de desarrollo juvenil que ayudaría a diseñar y gestionar el empoderamiento de los jóvenes a través del deporte en Nigeria. El lanzamiento que tuvo lugar en Abuja promovería el desarrollo físico, los poderes intelectuales y morales entre los jóvenes africanos a través de la educación deportiva. La fundadora y directora ejecutiva de Dream Sports Africa, Chenfa Dombin, dijo: «Nuestra meta es crear iniciativas de desarrollo deportivo que fortalezcan las capacidades y empoderen a los jóvenes africanos para futuras profesiones y por eso tenemos operaciones en Ghana, Liberia y queremos Hacerlo en Nigeria.

In order to help grow our youth sports in the country, Dream Sports Africa, a US-based non-profit organisation (NGO) registered in Nigeria has launched a youth development programme that would help design and manage youth empowerments through sports in Nigeria. The launching which took place in Abuja would promote physical development, intellectual and moral powers among African youths through sports education.

The founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dream Sports Africa, Chenfa Dombin, said, «Our goal is to create sport development initiatives that build skills and empower African youths for future professions and that is why we have operations in Ghana, Liberia and we want to do so in Nigeria.

According to Dombin, after completing his MBA studies in the University of Michigan in 2010 he worked with a Washington DC based international non-profit organisation for 5 years where as a Director of Youth Empowerment he designed and managed three innovative programmes that raised $3 million over 3 years for youth empowerment through basketball, athletics and peer mentoring programmes in Nigeria.

Today, these programmes have benefitted 15 secondary school Nigerians and over 5,000 youths in the FCT Abuja. We have also employed about 50 Nigerians as programme staff and coaches.»

Dombin said, «Launching Dream Sports Africa is the start of something big in Nigeria that will grow across Africa. I am humbled and honoured to be able to impact young Africans through sports. I was in their shoes not too long ago and so for me this work is driven by passion, purpose and giving back to my community».

In addition, President of the Nigerian Basketball Federation, Tijjani Umar, said, «Dream Sports Africa’s model emphasises grassroots development of sports as a way to access and impact Nigerians and African youths positively. Umar further said, this will help extend the impact of sports organisations like the NBBF and we look forward to partnering with Dream Sports Africa on several innovative youth empowerment through sports programmes in Nigeria.»

At the launching also was a country representative, John Anejo, who is responsible for all local operations, business development and programming. John is an experienced sports and fitness professional with a passion for young people.

Other dignitaries at the launch were, Deputy Minority Leader of the Nigeria House of Representatives, Honorable Chukwuka Onyema; Member of the Nigeria House of Representatives,

Honorable Gaza Gbefwi; Deputy Director Co-Curricular, Secondary Education Board, Victoria George; The minister of Youth and Sports was also represented at the event.


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Argentina: II Congreso Provincial de Educación Física y Deporte

América del Sur/Argentina/Octubre de 2016/Fuente: Noticias Net

Los días 13 y 14 de octubre, se realizará en el Campus de la Sede Atlántica el II Congreso Provincial de Educación Física y Deporte «La actividad física como práctica social compleja. Problemáticas y aportes interdisciplinarios «, con el propósito de fomentar el intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos en relación a la Educación Física y el Deporte.

El Congreso, gratuito y abierto, se propone dar continuidad a la iniciativa planteada en el año 2014, en el I Congreso Provincial, para avanzar en la consolidación de la zona Atlántica como un espacio de referencia académica y profesional en el debate y consideración de la actividad física en todas sus modalidades.

Tendrá como expositores a destacados y prestigiosos docentes e investigadores de la Educación Física como, entre otros, el Mgr. Raúl Gómez, Docente e Investigador de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), el Mgr. Pablo Scharagrodsky, Docente e Investigador de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes (UNQ) y de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), el Dr. Roberto Stahringer, el Mgr. Carlos Carballo, la Lic. Karina Sanz, el Lic. Alejandro Herrera, el Dr. Carlos Marino (Director Nacional de Educación Física del Ministerio de Educación y Deporte de la Nación), el Prof. Eduardo «Daddy» Gallardo (DT de la Selección Argentina de Handball), además de la participación de los directores de Licenciaturas en Sistemas, Mgr Luis Vivas, Comunicación Social, Lic. Ariel Barbieri y Kinesiología y Fisiatría, Lic. Pablo Bordoli, y los equipos docentes de las Licenciaturas en Kinesiología y Fisiatría, y Educación Física y Deporte.

Las dos jornadas, intensivas y con conferencias centrales, exposiciones, ponencias y talleres, se desarrollarán en el Campus de la Sede Atlántica, Ruta 1 y Rotonda Cooperación, desde las 8.00 hs. del jueves 13, con la acreditación de los participantes, hasta las 19,00hs.; continuando el viernes a partir de las 9,00 hs., finalizando el Congreso con la entrega de certificados a las 19,00 hs.

El Congreso es una iniciativa de la carrera Licenciatura en Educación Física y Deporte que se dicta en la Sede Atlántica de la Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, y cuenta con el auspicio del Consejo Federal de Inversiones (CFI), la Unidad de Enlace con el Consejo Federal de Inversiones de la Secretaría General, y el Ministerio de Turismo, Cultura y Deporte de Río Negro y la colaboración de la Municipalidad de Viedma.

Se invita a participar a estudiantes y profesionales de la Educación Física y el Deporte; de la Fisiatría y Kinesiología junto a profesionales de la Salud; del campo de Sistemas y Nuevas Tecnologías y del campo de la Comunicación Social.

Para información detallada y programa completo de actividades, se puede acceder a la página web del Congreso:
Para inscripciones online ingresar en Link del Formulario de Inscripción :


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México: Inauguran «Semana de Educación Física»

México / el sol de Tijuana / 27 de Julio de 2016.

Tijuana.- Con el tema central de la inclusión, la Universidad Interamericana para el Desarrollo (UNID) sede Tijuana, inauguró la primera edición de la «Semana de la Educación Física», con la finalidad de que los alumnos conozcan sobre este tema, los deportes adaptados y la planeación didáctica, y por ende, mejorar la calidad educativa, expresó Manuel Alejandro Flores Pérez, director de la institución.

En la UNID, la licenciatura de Educación Física, Recreación y Deporte es de reciente creación -actualmente la primera generación está concluyendo el tercer cuatrimestre-, siendo una carrera demandada que ha despertado interés en los jóvenes.

Al inaugurar la semana, Flores Pérez comentó que «el tema de la inclusión siempre es un reto, se deben de atender las necesidades como sociedad y como educadores de ser incluyentes. Es importante que ustedes en un futuro, ya sea como docentes, entrenadores o representantes recreativos sepan cómo atender a las personas con capacidades diferentes, cómo brindarles apoyo y cómo generar espacios de inclusión».

Rebeca Rendón, coordinadora de la licenciatura, destacó la importancia que tiene el que los futuros educadores físicos se formen en el tema de la inclusión, dado que hay en las escuelas desde el nivel preescolar, niños que presentan una discapacidad motriz, auditiva, visual y otros casos como Síndrome de Down, Asperger o Autismo. Por lo tanto, dijo, deben de aprender cómo trabajar con los niños y estar capacitados para ello, cómo planear de acuerdo a las capacidades de ellos y logren un aprendizaje significativo.

Con el Taller de Inclusión a cargo de Paulina Jiménez, abogada, quien presenta una discapacidad visual (ceguera), dio inicio la Semana de la Educación Física. Ella expuso cómo pueden incluir en sus actividades a los niños con discapacidad, saber distinguir entre integrar e incluir, las categorías de discapacidad, así como su experiencia de vida.

En este semana, los 35 estudiantes de la licenciatura en Educación Física tendrán la oportunidad de conocer sobre del Deporte Adaptado, Aplicaciones Tecnológicas utilizadas en el deporte, Planeación Argumentada y Ubicación (entorno).


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Ontario’s new sex education curriculum reflects modern Canada

América del Norte/Canadá/Junio 2016/Autor: Michael Coren/ Fuente:

ResumenHace alrededor de 20 años mi esposa y yo pasamos un año la escolarización en casa a nuestros hijos. Tenemos cuatro, pero sólo dos alcanzaron la edad escolar. Nuestros motivos eran en parte religiosa y en parte debido a que habíamos sido convencidos de que la educación en casa no sólo era revolucionaria, sino también muy beneficioso: nos ha ayudado en bonificación, el espacio permitido para la iniciativa individual, permite a los niños a desarrollarse a su propio ritmo y así sucesivamente.

Around 20 years ago my wife and I spent a year home-schooling our children. We have four, but only two were school age. Our reasons were partly religious and partly because we’d been convinced that home-schooling was not only revolutionary, but immensely beneficial: it helped us bond, allowed space for individual initiative, enabled children to develop at their own pace and so on.

Perhaps we were naive. We were certainly credulous, and my theological views were profoundly more conservative than they are today. So for a full year we educated the kids at home.

Because of a certain prominence in the conservative Christian world in the past, I was asked to speak at several home-schooling conferences and met with numerous leaders of the movement.

While there are secular, anti-state types who do it, many more are ultra-religious and mainly conservative Roman Catholics or right-wing evangelical Christians. Some are relatively mainstream in their views, but many embrace conspiracy theories about the dangers of vaccination, for example, the threat of public education and the so-called evils of modern society. They are generally puritanical on matters of sex. Some reject evolution. This is not a recipe for a well-adjusted, well-formed young person.

I say all this because of the contrived controversy over the new Ontario sex education curriculum (officially, the Health and Physical Education Curriculum), which we are told has led to some 2,000 children being removed from the school system out of fears that they will be perverted by this supposedly monstrous manifesto of social engineering. Many of these children are now being home-schooled. A number of their parents are Muslim, but many are Christian, and I know them well.

I encountered them at the various demonstrations at Queen’s Park against the new curriculum, and I can assure you that most of them haven’t read the thing. I have, and it’s pretty standard stuff, really. Almost 250 pages long, much of it is about not smoking, not doing drugs, eating vegetables and keeping fit. It acknowledges that some children feel as if their physical bodies do not represent their psychological and sexual feelings and that, whether parents approve or not, anal and oral sex do take place.

The document is more discussion than indoctrination, but the reaction has been hysterical from people who make a fetish out of their fears.

One allegation, for example, is that disgraced former Ontario deputy minister of education Benjamin Levin was behind the curriculum. But in fact, sex-ed programs similar to Ontario’s are taught across western Europe.

Anti-LGBT feelings infect the reactions of the people withdrawing their children from school. They seem convinced that if their kids receive a modern sex education they will either become chronic masturbators or gay activists. Goodness, we couldn’t get our children to do their math homework!

Some Muslim parents who are refusing to send their children to school are using online and Skype classes directly from Pakistan, a country where a strict blasphemy law is enforced and secular, gay and Christian Pakistanis are regularly persecuted. The educated, pro-Western Pakistani establishment is shrinking, and the idea of young Canadians being raised according to Pakistani Muslim educational criteria is not comforting.

Some of the Christian children taken out of school over the curriculum are being sent to private schools, but those, too, aren’t sufficiently religiously rigorous for objecting parents. Many conservative Catholics consider the separate school system too liberal and think that most private Catholic schools are effectively post-Catholic.

Opponents of the public system will point to some home-schooled children’s academic achievements. But their insularity and lack of socialization can be painful to observe. Many of their communal activities, such as sport or play, are conducted with other home-schooled children, so bias and even prejudice are enforced rather than challenged.

Legally, parents have a right to withdraw their children from school as long as they can prove that an adequate education is being offered. That’s not particularly difficult, and it’s common for the authorities to hardly even check.

The problem, however, is not how much history, geography or literature home-schooled kids know, but how they regard those who think and feel differently.

Beyond imparting an informed ability to avoid unwanted pregnancy (many home-schooling parents reject any form of contraception and condemn abortion as a mortal sin), education must foster their capacity to become happy, mature men and women who respect themselves and others. I am far from convinced this is the case in many home-schooling families.

Out of a mild and long-overdue reform of Ontario’s school sex education has emerged the empowerment of a community that rejects much of what modern Canada represents and reflects. To a very large degree, the last people who should be home-schooling are home-schoolers.

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