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Kenya: National exams to be held with strict adherence to Covid-19 protocol

Africa/Kenya/19-03-2021/Author: Haniel Mengistu/Source:

It’s all systems go for the nationwide Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations next week.

The countrywide school exams were cancelled in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic which has disrupted the whole academic year.

The Cabinet Secretary for Education Professor George Magoha noted that the national exams will be held with strict adherence to the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) protocols approved by the Ministry of Health.

Speaking in Mombasa Prof. Magoha announced that special arrangements are in place to ensure the safety and security of candidates, supervisors, invigilators and security personnel during the examinations scheduled to kick off on Monday next week.

Prof. Magoha allayed fears during the school exams saying the government is going ahead with the examinations amid the Covid-19 pandemic as it has put watertight Covid-19 special arrangements in place.

“The national exams will be held with strict adherence to Covid-19 guidelines” he said.

The CS cautioned the candidates to avoid exam malpractices which can destroy their bright future.

He said that cheating in the examinations was an unhealthy trend that candidates should shun and strive to excel by ‘doing genuine work’.

Prof. Magoha said cases of examination cheating, leakages and impersonations and other forms of irregularities would not be entertained and urged candidates not to look for ‘shortcuts in their academic endeavor’.

The CS cautioned the candidates to avoid exam malpractices which can destroy their bright future.

“Migori and Kisii counties are the headquarters of exam cheating and I can assure you that we have put the two regions on our radar” he said accompanied by his Chief Administrative Secretary Hassan Noor Hassan and Principal Secretary in charge of Vocational and Technical Training Dr. Margret Mwakima.

He said the ministry of education has received intelligence reports that unscrupulous candidates were planning to write on their facemasks and directed that all facemasks will be subjected to thorough security before one accesses the examination halls.

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World: Over 168 million children miss nearly a year of schooling, UNICEF says

World/03-05-2021/Author and Source:

More than 168 million schoolchildren globally missed out on learning in class, as schools in some 14 countries remained largely shut for almost an entire year due to coronavirus-related lockdowns, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reported on Wednesday.

“As we approach the one-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are again reminded of the catastrophic education emergency worldwide lockdowns have created”, Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director, said in a news release, announcing the agency’s findings.

“With every day that goes by, children unable to access in-person schooling fall further and further behind, with the most marginalized paying the heaviest price”, she added.

According to UNICEF, nine of the 14 countries, where schools remained mostly closed between March 2020 to February 2021, are in the Latin American and Caribbean region, affecting nearly 100 million students. Of these countries, Panama kept schools closed for the most days, followed by El Salvador, Bangladesh, and Bolivia.

In addition, around 214 million children – one in seven pupils globally – missed more than three-quarters of their in-person learning, while over 888 million continue to face disruptions to their education due to full and partial school closures, according to UN data.

Prioritize schools in reopening plans

School closures have devastating consequences for children’s learning and wellbeing. The most vulnerable children and those unable to access remote learning are hit even harder, as they are at an increased risk of never returning to the classroom, sometimes forced into child labour and even child marriage, according to UNICEF.

Schoolchildren globally also rely on their schools as a place to interact with peers, seek support, access health and immunization services and a nutritious meal. The longer schools remain closed, the longer children are cut off from these critical elements of childhood, the agency added.

Executive Director Fore called on all nations to keep schools open, or prioritize them in reopening plans where they are closed.

“We cannot afford to move into year two of limited or even no in-school learning for these children. No effort should be spared to keep schools open, or prioritize them in reopening plans”, she highlighted.

UNICEF also urged governments to focus on the unique needs of every student, with comprehensive services covering remedial learning, health and nutrition, and mental health and protection measures in schools to nurture children and adolescents’ development and wellbeing.

‘Pandemic Classroom’

Also on Wednesday, UNICEF unveiled ‘Pandemic Classroom’, a model classroom made up of 168 empty desks, each desk representing one million of the children living in countries where schools have been almost entirely closed, as a “solemn reminder of the classrooms in every corner of the world that remain empty”, said the agency.

Behind each empty chair hangs an empty backpack – a placeholder for a child’s deferred potential.

After walking through the installation, set up at UN Headquarters in New York, UN Secretary-General António Guterres called the staggering number of children missing out on valuable education “a tragedy”.

“We have millions of children out of school and that is a tragedy. A tragedy for them, a tragedy for their countries, a tragedy for the future of humankind”, he said.

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Kenya: Form three student arrested in Nyandarua for assaulting teacher sentenced

Africa/Kenya/19-02-2021/Author and Source:

A form three student who pleaded guilty to assaulting his teacher has been handed 18 months non-custodial sentence, as the court ordered his transfer to another school.

Samuel Muigai Migwi was sentenced to 18 months’ probation by Nyahururu Senior Resident Magistrate, James Wanyanga who said the court took the decision after considering the circumstance of the case.

The particulars of the case were that on January 18, 2021 at Murichu Secondary School, Muigai rained kicks and blows to the teacher on duty James Gikonyo, who he accused of embarrassing him for jumping a meal queue, causing injuries.

He was also charged for causing disturbance at the school and damaging public property namely, projector’s stand belonging to the school.

In his mitigation, Muigai pleaded with the court to pardon him and promised to be a law-abiding citizen. He also promised to apologise to his teacher and work on his anger issues.

“I promise to work hard in school and avoid involving myself in mischievous ways. For the three weeks I have been in prison, I have learnt my lesson the hard way,” he said.

While considering a Presentence Report, SRM Wanyanga, handed him 18 months probation for the first two accounts and dismissed the third account.

“I cannot order you to go back to the same school as you could be mistreated by teachers and students, for creating a bad name for the school. I am therefore of the opinion that the parents get him another school.

“If you misbehave in the other school, we will not only revive this matter but also prosecute you for the other offense,” Wanyanga warned him.

Muigai is expected in court on December 16, 2021, when a progress report on his behaviour will be presented.

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Kenya: Govt releases implementation guidelines for school projects

Africa/Kenya/29-01-2021/Author:Claire Wanja/Source:

The Ministry of Education says the same guidelines spelt out for Implementation of projects under Maintenance and Improvement Fund (M&IF) will also apply for projects under the Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP).

In a circular dated 14th January 2020, the Principal Secretary for Early Learning and Basic Education, Dr Belio Kipsang also noted that the Ministry will disburse Ksh.5,000 per student in 2020/2021 financial year. In January, 2021 Ksh.2,000 was released.

The PS noted that the scope of projects to be undertaken using the MA&IF has been expanded to cover construction and repair of classrooms, laboratories, sanitation facilities, dormitories and dining halls and procurement of chairs, desks and laboratory stools.

“Approval for continuing/extension of projects should be subject to provision and submission of Public Works structural Engineer’s report on the viability of existing project coupled with its funding history. The purpose of this is to ensure all projects started are completed as fast as possible.” He said Dr Kipsang maintained that the approval levels contained in the circular Ref. MOE.HQS/36/36 dated 12″ February, 2020 remains where schools that receive funding of up to Ksh.5Million are required to seek approval from the office of the County Director of Education.

Schools that receive funding of between Ksh.5Million to 10Million are required to seek approval from the office of the Regional Coordinator of Education and schools that receive funding of above Ksh.10Million to seek approval from the Ministry Headquarters.

For approval of the projects, the schools are required to have a request letter forwarded by the County Director of Education/Sub County Director of Education; a clear statement on whether the project would be full contract or labour based accompanied with appropriate Bill of Quantities; Minutes of School Infrastructure Committee (SIC); Minutes of Board of Management (BOM) and Bill of Quantities (BQ).

Also architectural/Structural/Electrical/Mechanical= drawings— where applicable; Bank Statement showing availability of funds in the School Infrastructure Account; Copy of approval of project(s) undertaken using the Maintenance and Improvement Fund (M&IF) for 2020; Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) may be combined with Maintenance and Improvement Fund grant to undertake the authorized projects except dormitory projects.

For continuing projects, the school should provide financial and procurement details, photographs and evidence that the contractor has been discharged from site without any debt; Schools should file to the County Director of Education quarterly progress reports of all projects being undertaken and a copy of the School Infrastructure Development Plan (SIDP).

The PS noted that co-funding of projects between the Ministry and any other donor will take place when each of the partners will fund and supervise a complete phase of the project, which will also be audited by the funding agency. This he said will ensure that there is no comingling of funds.

For a partner taking over a new phase of a project, they shall be required to be furnished with an Inspection Report on viability of the project from Public Works Structural Engineer and evidence that the previous contractor has been discharged from the site without any debts.

For stalled projects, a complete assessment of its status and reasons for its stalling be done by the Public Works before any take over.

“Failure to apply for approval or undertake a project that has not been approved will result in severe sanction including refund of the amount spent.” Said Kipsang

He pointed out that Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) and Maintenance and Improvement Fund (M&IF) should not be used for other purposes except the authorized projects and NO school will be allowed to commence on a project before approval is obtained.

“In this regard, you are required to convey the contents of this circular to all Principals and School Boards of Management (BOMs) in your area of jurisdiction.” He added.

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Kenya: Kisii student charged with attempted murder of teachers

Africa/Kenya/15-01-2021/Author: Joseph Cheruiyot/KNA/Fuente:

A Kisii School student who assaulted his two teachers by stabbing them has been arraigned at a Kisii court and charged with two counts of attempted murder.

Isaiah Edward Flora, a form three student aged 17, clad in school uniform, however, pleaded not guilty to the offence and was freed on Sh50,000 cash bail.

The suspect appeared before Kisii Senior Resident Magistrate Steve Onjoro and was charged that on January 12 at 7.30 am at Kisii School, Kisii central sub county, he attempted to kill Edward Mokaya by stabbing him four times.

In the second count, the suspect faced a similar charge which stated that on the same date and place, contrary to the relevant law, he attempted to kill Elvin Maoto by stabbing him. The magistrate ruled that the suspect be released on sh. 50,000 cash bail or a bond of sh. 100,000.

The prosecution was led by Hilary Kaino while Ben Gichana represented the suspect.

The student allegedly reported late to school and declined to be reprimanded by Teacher Edwin Mokaya, and instead flushed out a knife viciously attacking him and Elvin Maato who came to rescue his colleague.

Also Read  Kiambu murder victim James Kinyanjui laid to rest

School rules stipulate that all students entering the institution from holiday are thoroughly frisked by the administration including the use of metal detectors.

The two teachers who sustained serious, face, head, legs and back injuries were rushed to Ram private hospital in Kisii town where Maato received medication and was discharged.

According to the hospital’s administrator Enock Abobo, Mokaya was admitted pending surgery in the theatre.

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Kenya: Barchok raises reservations over the planned full re-opening of schools

Africa/Kenya/21-12-2020/Author: Nicholas Kigondu / Stanley Mbugua/Source:

Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok has raised concern over the state of schools ahead of the planned full re-opening set for January 4th 2021.

Speaking at Ol’Ng’oswet dispensary in Bomet East during a ward visit, Barchok said the ministry of education has not done enough to ensure that schools are ready to re-open.

He said the government should prioritize supporting schools to expand existing infrastructure especially now that the country is faced with the Covid19 pandemic.

According to Barchok, the money meant to expand classrooms are yet to reach respective schools and those contracted to make more desks have not received their payments.

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha announced that all schools in the country will reopen on January 4 after nearly a year of closure due to the coronavirus pandemic. The decision was arrived at following a stakeholders meeting with the government having gradually reopened schools beginning October with learners in Grade 4, class 8 and form 4 having already kicked off their second terms.

The reopening of schools will mark the beginning of the second term of the school calendar which will end on March 19. All learners, with the exception of Class 8 and Form 4, will then have a seven-week holiday to allow primary and secondary school candidates to sit for their exams.

According to the calendar released by the education ministry, Students in Grade 4 and incoming Form One students will remain at home as other learners complete the third term of the school calendar.

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Kenya: MKU VC lauds digital learning as University welcomes new students

Africa/Kenya/15-11-2020/Autor(a): Hunja Macharia/Fuente:

Mount Kenya University has successfully embraced digital platforms to support online learning through innovative and collaborative technologies.

MKU Vice Chancellor Stanley Waudo says the decision was arrived at after the Government closed all learning institutions early in the year after the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.

“On-line learning is student-centered; it encourages students to take responsibility of their own learning through solving problems, practicing, progressing and has real-time feedback from educators. Undoubtedly, with the wider spread of technology, online learning has the potential of being a viable alternative mode of learning,” Waudo said.

The Vice Chancellor spoke during the orientation of new students who are joining the University to undertake various courses.

He said the purpose of student orientation is to equip new students with information that can facilitate adaption to an academic environment.

Waudo emphasized on the need for students to embrace online learning saying, “Digital transformation in Kenya and across the globe is a trend that has redefined learning through creating learning experiences that inspire lifelong learning.”

He called for student responsibility in online learning saying they must Overcome perceptions and preconceptions about online learning as well as avoid dependence on teachers.

Waudo said the University stands for innovation, excellence, integrity and unity of purpose and urged the new students to put a lot of emphasis on the values.

“I draw your attention to the four MKU core values which will enable each one of you to adapt positively within our environment,” He said.

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