Book: New Century, Old Disparities : Gender and Ethnic Earnings Gaps in Latin America and the Caribbean


Año : 2012
Autor/es : Hugo Ñopo
Área/s : Empleo, productividad e innovación, Etnicidad, género, ciudadanía y derechos

Despite sustained economic growth at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, Latin America and the Caribbean still faces high inequality and weak indicators of well-being among certain population groups. Women, people of African ancestry, and indigenous peoples are often at the bottom of the income distribution. The share of female-headed households rose in the past 20 years. By the beginning of the 1990s, women headed 1.2 percent of complete households (households in which both husband and wife are present) and 79.8 percent of single- head households. This book presents a regional overview of gender and ethnic disparities in labor earnings during this last turn of the century. Latin America and the Caribbean provide a rich environment for studying social inequality, because historical inequalities along gender and ethnic lines persist, despite positive indicators of economic development. The extent of inequality and its probable causes vary widely across the many countries in the region. The book adopts a sophisticated econometric methodology for measuring earnings gaps and applies it consistently across and within countries to measure gender and racial or ethnic differences. The analysis includes a dynamic dimension that sheds light on the evolution of earnings gaps over time. The book offers important insights on economic and political strategies that could be adopted to reduce inequality. The reduction of gender-based segregation in the workplace represents an area in which policy interventions can improve the efficiency of labor markets. Determining whether addressing occupational rather than hierarchical segregation is more effective is one of the areas of policy design to which this book aims to make a contribution. Latin America and the Caribbean is also a racially and ethnically diverse region, with some 400 ethnic groups.

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Book: The Future of Education and Skills 2030 (PDF)

OECD / April 29, 2018 / Author: OECD

OECD Education 2030

The Future of Education and Skills 2030 project aims to help countries find answers to what knowledge, skills, attitudes and values are needed for today’s students to thrive and shape their world, as well as how instructional systems can effectively develop them.

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Book: The State of Innovation in Higher Education: A Survey of Academic Administrators (PDF)

USA / April 22, 2018 / Autor: Dr. Jill Buban / Source: onlinelearningconsortium

The State of Innovation in Higher Education: A Survey of Academic Administrators
This report explores the drivers and barriers to innovation at U.S. higher education institutions. The report, which is based on a survey of more than 100 U.S. academic administrators, reveals what an innovative culture looks like and how higher education institutions define and employ innovation.



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India: Education is wealth of nation, says economist Surjit Bhalla

India/January 30, 2018/By: Elizabeth Kuruvilla/ Source:

Session on the penultimate day of Jaipur Lit Festival focusses on literacy’s link to growth

The need to recognise the importance of education in triggering a country’s growth was the focus of a session featuring economist Surjit Bhalla, entrepreneur and chairperson of IIM-Bangalore Kiran Mazumdar-Shah and former Planning Commission member Arun Maira on the penultimate day of the Jaipur Literature Festival.

“Education is a dominant influence in the growth, individual incomes and fortunes and misfortunes of a country,” Mr. Bhalla said during the discussion centred around his book, The New Wealth of Nations, a title that references Adam Smith’s well-known work. If land was thought to be the main wealth-creating asset in Smith’s time, education is the new wealth of a nation, he said. Developing countries have transformed in the past 40 years only because of the spread of education. Mr. Bhalla claimed that the recognition, and documentation, of how education helps to increase one’s income came only as late as in the 1960s with economist Gary Becker.

Mr. Bhalla’s book contends that there is a co-relation between the percentage of poor with illiteracy rate in the country, that education has allowed for the rise of a new merit-oriented elite in India, as well as empowered women.

Slams quota in education

Mr. Bhalla, however, criticised the quota-based education system. “Part of our problem in education is reservations,” he said, turning to journalist Rajdeep Sardesai’s comment that cricket had flourished in India only because it didn’t have a quota system to make his point. Agreeing with him, Ms. Shaw said that if the country has the right to education as a policy, everyone should be able to enter no matter what.

Ms. Shaw was also critical of policy decisions on education. The focus, she emphasised, should be on creating new knowledge clusters, and on research and innovation.

Ms. Shaw pointed out that only 0.69% of the GDP is spent on scientific research. “It’s the lowest in BRICS and ASEAN countries. If India wants to move the needle, it will need to double or treble this. Only research-based education model will create wealth,” she said.

These knowledge centres, she believes, need to be created around centres of excellence.



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Book: Open Book of Educational Innovation

Europa / 19 de Noviembre de 2017 / Autor: Alexandra Hanna Licht, Evita Tasiopoulou, Patricia Wastiau / Fuente: European School Net

Launched at EMINENT 2017the ‘Open Book of Educational Innovation’examines how innovation, especially technology-inspired innovation is defined, showcasing over a hundred ground-breaking initiatives in schools across Europe.

Innovation in education is a tough challenge: it is hard to identify it and to know when it can be considered mature enough to be evaluated. And yet, innovation happens daily in education everywhere, but it is normally hidden away, too granular, too small-scale to attract widespread attention. We also do not have easy and accepted ways of modelling innovation: top-down versus bottom-up; the process from idea to implementation and evaluation; how fertile and receptive our educational ecosystems are; and of course the role of education authorities in capturing, supporting, and sharing innovation.

The ‘Open Book of Educational Innovation’ is European Schoolet’s first attempt to start making educational innovation more visible, pin down what it is, how it comes about, and how it can be fostered, evaluated and then disseminated. It is intended to support all those involved in education innovation: policymakers who can help to create the right conditions; practitioners eager to learn and innovate; those who conduct research on innovation; and foundations and enterprises which can fund and promote innovative practices.

So what next? In our next edition of our Open Book of Educational Innovation, we hope to widen our sources and partners to enable us to provide an even richer and more diversified map of innovation. We would happy be to hear what you think of this first edition and get in touch if you have any comments or ideas for our next edition.

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