Vietnan: Education ministry questions unlicensed child brain-stimulation classes

Vietnan/Diciembre de 2016/Fuente: Vietnam. net

RESUMEN: Según Ga, el Ministerio de Educación y Formación ha recibido información sobre una clase de estimulación cerebral en la ciudad de HCM. «Cualquier método de educación debe ser cuidadosamente estudiado y licenciado por los organismos de gestión para evitar cualquier impacto negativo en el desarrollo de los niños», dijo.
El ministerio ha pedido a las autoridades educativas de la Ciudad de HCM que informen específicamente sobre el funcionamiento de la clase, señaló el funcionario.Muchos padres en las ciudades de Vietnam han llevado a sus hijos a cursos de capacitación para estimular el cerebro de sus hijos, con la esperanza de que pudieran convertirse en prodigios o genios en el futuro.Los centros que organizan estas clases dijeron que siempre hay partes en los cerebros humanos que nunca se pueden utilizar en sus vidas, por lo que el entrenamiento puede ayudar a equilibrar dos hemisferios cerebrales, mejorar la memoria de los niños, su capacidad para concentrarse y aumentar la confianza.

According to Ga, the Ministry of Education and Training has received information about such a brain-stimulation class in HCM City. «Any method of education must be carefully studied and licenced by management agencies to avoid any negative impacts on the development of children,» he said.

The ministry has requested HCM City’s education authorities to specifically report on the operation of the class, the official noted.

Many parents in Vietnam’s cities have taken their children to training courses to stimulate their children’s brains, in the hope they could become prodigies or geniuses in the future.

The centres which organise these classes said that there are always parts in human brains that may never be used in their lives, so, the training can help balance two cerebral hemispheres, improving children’s memory, their ability to concentrate and boost confidence.

At the class, learners are asked to touch things and guess the colours of the things or they can read news just by touching the newspapers.

Speaking to DTiNews, some education experts expressed their doubts over such teaching claims and the effect they can have.

A lecturer from Hanoi National University of Education said there was scant evidence that these sorts of courses had any effect at all.

According to Dr. Tran Thanh Nam from the Vietnam National University, Hanoi, this kind of education method has not yet been applied in countries which have developed education systems such as the UK, the US and Singapore. He has also not yet found any documents which prove any good influences on children’s brains.

Meanwhile, the method could actually have serious consequences on children, Dr. Nam warned.


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