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Sudáfrica: ‘Ghost’ Pupils and Teachers Drain Education Finances


África/Sudáfrica/Marzo 2016/Fuente y Autor:Inkatha Freedom Party

Resumen: Noticia en la cual se denuncia que el presupuesto educativo estaría siendo consumido por estudiantes y profesores que no se encuentran activamente dentro del sistema educativo.

The Inkatha Freedom Party in KwaZulu-Natal is of the firm belief that the blame for the presence of «ghost» pupils and teachers must be laid at the doorstep of corrupt school principals and incompetent department officials.

«After insisting on ID numbers for pupils it was revealed that about 11 000 pupils are registered at more than one school at the same time. It is also staggering to hear reports that the number of «ghost» pupils for the province could be as high as 2.6million. This is a damning indictment not only on the school principals involved but also on the KZN Department of Education and its senior officials. Head counts for both pupils and teachers have been ongoing since 2010 but still there are «ghosts» that are draining the resources of the Department,» said IFP KZN Provincial Education Spokesperson, Mrs Thembeni Madlopha-Mthethwa, MPL.

«School principals are the accounting officers at the schools where they are appointed and they must be held accountable for all that happens at their schools. They should not be allowed to get away lightly for fraudulent activities such as falsifying pupil and teacher numbers thereby placing a financial strain on the education budget», continued Mrs Madlopha-Mthethwa.

«In this financial year the KZN Department of Education receives over R45billion which is the largest slice of the Provincial Budget. Even though this department’s budget has been increasing over the years, the Department is always finding it difficult to make ends meet. It is not surprising that the department is unable to provide suitable toilets and adequate classrooms at many schools across the province when its finances are being drained by «ghosts» in the system. These «ghosts» are created by school principals and they must be charged, named and shamed. The public needs to know who these principals are and what punishment they have received. It is not enough for us to be told that the principals responsible have been charged. There must be severe repercussions for the looting of state resources if we are to succeed in getting rid of the cancer of corruption that has become rampant in most state departments», concluded Mrs Madlopha-Mthethwa.

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South African students take HIV/AIDS education programme to the US

Source: South African students take HIV/AIDS education programme to the US

When four students and three of their teachers from Manenberg High School in Cape Town, South Africa embark on their trip to Lakeside, California’s Artesia High School in March it will highlight a project that continues to bind strong ties between cultures.

For Nur Charles, 17, Ganeefa Jones, 17, Aeyshaa Hill, 16, and Firdauz Omar, 15, the trip marks their first time overseas.

“They will attend classes there and see how an international education system works. They will also make presentations about HIV/Aids and will share ideas and our curriculum, which has more information about this subject,” said Manenberg High School teacher and MAAP co-ordinator Sydney Williams. “HIV/Aids awareness should be spread all over the world,” she said.

The latest phase in what is now an eight-year programme between schools, and to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS, the Manenberg Artesia Aids Project (MAAP) aims to address the pandemic through encouraging young people to bring awareness amongst their peers at their respective schools.

Supported by teachers’ unions the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union  (SADTU), both Education International (EI) affiliates, the programme was originally the idea of former AFT Deputy President Laura Rico.

During a visit to South Africa in 2008, Rico was not only struck by the impressive HIV/AIDS education in schools, but she realised how far behind the US curriculum was. The result of that experience would become MAAP.

Since 2011, the project has included student and teacher exchanges. For both schools, which deal with common issues of gang violence, drugs, unemployment and poverty, MAAP provides a positive opportunity for sharing. Last year, two students from Artesia made the trip to Cape Town.

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Más de 170 denuncias contra funcionarios de la ONU por abuso sexual

cascos-azules-620x349 de Marzo de 2016

No es una nueva ni mucho menos buena noticia. Pese a las denuncias de crímenes sexuales por parte de tropas de paz y personal de Naciones Unidas en los últimos dos años, los abusos continúan, según un duro reportaje publicado en BBC Mundo, reseñó el ABC de España.

Un informe divulgado este viernes y presentado por el secretario general de Naciones Unidas, Ban Ki-moon, asegura que hubo 99 nuevas denuncias de abuso sexual por parte de soldados y personal de la ONU en misiones internacionales en 2015, un aumento significativo respecto a los 80 casos registrados en 2014.

El informe forma parte de una nueva política de “nombrar y avergonzar” a los responsables, adoptada por la ONU tras el escándalo el año pasado de abuso de menores a manos de cascos azules franceses en República Centroafricana.

De los nuevos 99 casos denunciados en 2015, 69 fueron de abusos cometidos por soldados en misiones de paz y 30 por funcionarios de la ONU en otras capacidades. Por primera vez se detalla la lista de países involucrados.

Hubo denuncias de abuso sexual contra soldados y policías de Alemania, Burundi, Ghana, Senegal, Eslovaquia, Madagascar, Ruanda, República Democrática del Congo, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Tanzania, Níger, Moldova, Togo, Sudáfrica, Benín, Nigeria y Gabón.

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