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Canadá: Investissement de 367 millions de dollars dans les infrastructures scolaires

CSQ/15 de abril de 2016/
La FPSS-CSQ affirme que les commissions scolaires doivent s’appuyer sur le personnel de soutien

Resumen: $ 367 millones serán destinados para invertirlos en materia de infraestructura, sin embargo, dicen los expertors que no va a satisfacer todas las necesidades en materia de infraestructura, porque son
muy grandes. Sería una oportunidad para involucrar personal de apoyo para renovar los edificios durante varios años y asegurar que los locales siguen siendo seguros, siempre y cuando sea posible. El anuncio lo realizó esta semana el Ministro de Educación Sébastien Proulx. En este sentido, Éric Pronovost dijó: «A lo largo de los años, muchas escuelas han presentado signos de desgaste causados por la falta de mantenimiento. Las juntas escolares a menudo cortadas en el mantenimiento de edificios por falta de fondos. Sin embargo, para mantenerlos en buenas condiciones, no es ya el personal de apoyo préstamo para hacer la restauración y mantenimiento». Y agregó: «No hay que olvidar que el personal de apoyo de 81 grupos de trabajo, incluyendo carpinteros, electricistas, fontaneros, carpinteros, obreros, pintores, instaladores de tuberías, vidrieros y soldadores. Ellos tienen la experiencia para mantener las instalaciones en buen estado. «El sueldo de un personal de apoyo es inferior a privado y el objetivo no es obtener beneficios. Por ejemplo, el salario por hora de un electricista es $ 25 (por hora) en las escuelas, lo cual es muy por debajo del $ 95 cargada por un contratista»
Noticia original:

Montréal, le 15 avril 2016. – « Les investissements de 367 millions de dollars ne répondront pas à tous les besoins au niveau des infrastructures, car ceux-ci sont très grands. Ce serait donc l’occasion d’engager du personnel de soutien pour rénover les immeubles pendant plusieurs années et s’assurer que les lieux demeurent sécuritaires le plus longtemps possible. »

Telle est la réaction du président de la Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire (FPSS-CSQ), Éric Pronovost, à l’annonce cette semaine du ministre de l’Éducation, Sébastien Proulx, d’investir 367 millions de dollars dans les infrastructures scolaires.

Un personnel prêt à faire l’entretien des bâtiments

Éric Pronovost précise : « Au fil des ans, plusieurs établissements scolaires ont présenté des signes d’usure causée par le manque d’entretien. Les commissions scolaires ont souvent coupé dans la maintenance des bâtiments, faute de financement. Pourtant, pour les maintenir en état, il y a déjà du personnel de soutien prêt à en faire la restauration et l’entretien. »

Des abolitions de postes qui coûtent cher

Il ajoute : « Il ne faut pas oublier que le personnel de soutien compte 81 corps d’emplois, dont des ébénistes, des électriciens, des plombiers, des menuisiers, des ouvriers, des peintres, des tuyauteurs, des vitriers et des soudeurs. Ces personnes ont l’expertise nécessaire pour maintenir les établissements en bon état. Par contre, au fil des ans, plusieurs postes ont été abolis et confiés à des sous-traitants, ce qui a pour effet de réduire considérablement la tâche du personnel de soutien, qui se résume maintenant à répondre aux urgences ou à accompagner les travailleurs externes. »

Une main-d’œuvre compétente moins coûteuse que le privé

Éric Pronovost explique que si les commissions scolaires embauchaient du personnel de soutien pour restaurer les écoles, plutôt que de recourir à une main-d’œuvre externe, elles feraient des économies non négligeables. « Le salaire d’un employé de soutien est moindre qu’au privé et l’objectif n’est pas de réaliser des profits. Par exemple, le salaire horaire d’un électricien est de 25 dollars en milieu scolaire, ce qui est bien inférieur aux 95 dollars facturés par un entrepreneur. »

En terminant, le président de la FPSS-CSQ incite donc les commissions scolaires à recourir à leur propre personnel plutôt qu’au privé puisque c’est une question de compétence et d’économie.

Profil de la FPSS-CSQ

La Fédération du personnel de soutien scolaire est la seule fédération représentant exclusivement du personnel de soutien scolaire des écoles et des centres du Québec. Elle est affiliée à la Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) et regroupe près de 27 000 membres travaillant dans les différentes commissions scolaires à travers le Québec.


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Tribunal Supremo de Canadá reconoce 650 mil indígenas del país

TeleSur/15 de abril de 2016/NoticiasMundo

Los indígenas no estaban reconocidos por la Constitución del país, por lo tanto, no gozaban de los mismos derechos que el resto de la población.

El Tribunal Supremo de Canadá reconoció de forma unánime y a través de una sentencia, al menos 650 mil indígenas que no poseían estatuto ni estaban reconocidos por la Constitución de 1867.

La jueza Rosalie Abella, ponente del dictamen, expresó que «tanto los Gobiernos federales como provinciales han negado tener responsabilidad legislativa sobre los indígenas sin estatuto. Esto ha provocado que estas comunidades estén en un vacío jurisdiccional».

La decisión indica que las autoridades canadienses se verán obligadas a proporcionar determinados servicios a los mestizos e indígenas sin estatuto, así como negociar con ellos temas relacionados con sus derechos, tal y como hacen con los indígenas con estatuto.

La sentencia dictada de forma definitiva, establece que «Mestizos e indígenas sin estatuto tienen el derecho a ser consultados y negociar en buena fe con el Gobierno federal sobre una base colectiva a través de los representantes de su elección, respetando todos sus derechos, intereses y necesidades como pueblos aborígenes».

Tras conocerse la decisión del Tribunal Supremo, el líder del Consejo Nacional Métis (mestizos), Clement Chartier, declaró a los medios de comunicación en Ottawa que la sentencia «es una victoria significativa».

«Como pueblo, como nación, ahora tenemos todos los elementos necesarios para avanzar y tener una relación significativa con el Gobierno de Canadá», dijo Chartier.

En Canadá, los indígenas reconocidos con estatutos son incluidos en un Registro que les permite establecerse en reservas, practicar la caza y recolección en su territorio, estar excluidos del pago de algunos impuestos y gozar de determinados beneficios.

En las estadísticas oficiales del país, al menos 637 mil indígenas han sido reconocidos, así como unos 69 mil inuit pertenecientes al Ártico canadiense. Sin embargo, mientras que algunos son incluidos, otros son excluidos.

En el pasado

A mediados del sigo XIX, si una mujer indígena se casaba con un hombre no indígena con estatuto, ella quedaba excluida del registro.

Hasta 1960, si un indígena con estatuto quería votar en las elecciones, tenía que renunciar al estatuto.


Los mestizos, en su mayoría descendientes de indígenas y colonos franceses, nunca fueron considerados oficialmente indígenas por las autoridades canadienses.

La población indígena de Canadá, de 1.4 millones de personas, representan un cuarto de los habitantes del país. Tiene una expectativa de vida más baja que el resto de los canadienses y son con más frecuencia víctimas de crímenes violentos.

Un grupo de jóvenes de la comunidad indígena canadiense de Attawapiskat, tuvo una oleada de suicidios entre su población, alegando estos hechos a las condiciones de extrema pobreza en la que viven, así como a la falta de oportunidades por no poseer reconocimiento del Estado.

Este contenido ha sido publicado originalmente por teleSUR bajo la siguiente dirección: Si piensa hacer uso del mismo, por favor, cite la fuente y coloque un enlace hacia la nota original de donde usted ha tomado este contenido.

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EE.UU: Monsanto’s Evil Twin: Disturbing Facts About the Fertilizer Industry

12 DE ABRIL DE 2016 / TRUTH-OUT.ORG/Por: Por Martha Rosenberg y Ronnie Cummins , Organic Consumers Association | Análisis de noticias

Resumen: ¿Qué sabe usted acerca de la industria de los fertilizantes químicos en todo el mundo? Si usted es como la mayoría de la gente, no mucho. Hay un montón de cobertura de la prensa y de sensibilización de los consumidores cuando se trata de alimentos y cultivos genéticamente modificados, y los riesgos ambientales de los plaguicidas y medicamentos para animales, pero de la industria de los fertilizantes, no tanto, a pesar de ser el mayor segmento de la agroindustria corporativa con al menos 175 $ millones de dólares en ventas anuales, y la mayor fuerza destructiva de contaminar el medio ambiente, lo que altera el clima y la salud pública. Aprender los hechos sobre los fertilizantes químicos y las empresas que los producen le dará una razón más para boicotear los alimentos químicos, granjas industriales y elegir los productos orgánicos de origen animal. Según las normas orgánicas establecidas por el Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos (USDA) se prohíben el uso de fertilizantes químicos, pesticidas, transgénicos, o medicamentos para animales. En esta noticia se plantean cuestiones ambientales y regulatorios inquietantes sobre la transnacional de Monsanto: 1.) es la industria más grande de fertilizantes químicos y agroalimentaria mundial; 2.) Fracking ha alcanzado para los EE.UU. un enorme Productor nitrógeno de fertilizantes; 3.) Koch Industries es un líder de Fertilizantes; 4.) de fertilizantes químicos «Aplicación» es a menudo el autocontrol de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA); 5.) El nitrógeno de fertilizantes contamina el medio ambiente y el agua potable; 6.) Fertilizantes nitrogenados trabajadores daño y comunidades; 7.) Los fertilizantes químicos destruir la capacidad natural de los suelos para secuestrar el exceso de CO2 atmosférico; 8.) Las emisiones de óxido nitroso de los fertilizantes químicos son una gran contaminante y gases de efecto invernadero persistente. La situación es grave cuando entendemos que dos tercios del suministro de agua potable de Estados Unidos están contaminados con altos niveles de nitratos o nitritos cancerígenos, casi todos de uso excesivo de fertilizantes nitrogenados sintéticos. Algunos pozos públicos tienen nitrógeno a un nivel tan alto que es peligroso e incluso mortal para los niños beban agua del grifo. El fertilizante de nitrógeno es también el mayor contribuyente a las famosas «zonas muertas» en el Golfo de México, la Bahía de Chesapeake, las costas de California y Oregon, y otros 400 lugares en todo el mundo. Dado que se utilizó muy poco de fertilizante de nitrógeno sintético antes de 1950, todos los daños que vemos se produjo hoy en día en los últimos 60 años. Nitratos excesivas de agua, común en las zonas productoras de maíz de los EE.UU. potable, se sabe que causan mortal «bebé azul «síndrome en los bebés, y se han relacionado con el cáncer en adultos. En combinación con los residuos de herbicidas como la atrazina de Syngenta, nitratos se vuelven aún más tóxico , que puede causar daño cerebral y trastornos hormonales.

Artículo original:

There’s plenty of press coverage and consumer awareness when it comes to genetically engineered food and crops, and the environmental hazards of pesticides and animal drugs. But the fertilizer industry? Not so much — even though it’s the largest segment of corporate agribusiness, and a major destructive force in disrupting the climate and damaging public health.

What do you know about the worldwide chemical fertilizer industry? If you’re like most people, not much.

There’s plenty of press coverage and consumer awareness when it comes to genetically engineered food and crops, and the environmental hazards of pesticides and animal drugs. But the fertilizer industry? Not so much — even though it’s the largest segment of corporate agribusiness ($175 billion in annual sales), and a major destructive force in polluting the environment, disrupting the climate, and damaging public health.

Learning the facts about chemical fertilizers and the companies who produce them will give you yet another reason to boycott chemical/GMO/factory farmed foods and choose organic and grassfed animal products instead. Remember, organic standards established by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibit the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, GMOs, or animal drugs.

Here’s a list of underreported facts that raise disturbing environmental and regulatory questions about Monsanto’s Evil Twin — the chemical fertilizer industry. 1.) Chemical Fertilizer Is the Largest Industry in Global Agribusiness According to the ETC group, a watchdog organization that researches the socioeconomic and ecological impacts of industrial agriculture and GMOs, the world’s seven dominant pesticide, GM, and seed companies (including Monsanto, DuPont, Dow, Bayer, and Syngenta) represent a $93 billion market. The global, energy-intensive chemical fertilizer industry is almost twice as large, at $175 billion.

Like most of the other multinational players in Big Food Inc., the fertilizer industry has secretive, vertical or «cartel» like qualities that obscure operations and make regulation difficult. Increasingly, seed and GMO companies, farm equipment producers, pesticide/herbicide makers and crop and soil data producers work in each others’ interest seamlessly and behind the scenes, according to ETC.

As ETC points out: «With combined annual revenue of over $385 billion, these companies call the shots. Who will dominate the industrial food chain? And what does it mean for farmers, food sovereignty and climate chaos?» Industrially mined phosphorus and potash, along with synthetic nitrogen, are major components of the fertilizer industry. Up to 85 percent of the world’s known phosphate rock reserves are located in Morocco. About 70 percent of potash comes from former Soviet states and Canada.    2.) Fracking Has Made the US a Huge Nitrogen Fertilizer Producer In recent years, US production of nitrogen fertilizer has boomed thanks to the falling price of natural gas used in its production. The reason for the cheap gas of course is fracking — the process of extracting gas from rock formations by bombarding them with pressurized water spiked with toxic chemicals. Unfortunately, fracking releases large amounts of climate disrupting methane and toxic chemical laden fracking liquids which can permanently pollute underground aquifers.

That’s bad for the environment — but good for fertilizer companies. Thanks to low natural gas prices, after decades of importing nitrogen fertilizer from the Middle East, the number of US nitrogen fertilizer plants is growing. The three leading domestic producers — Koch Industries, Orascom Construction Industries and CF Industries — are reaping the benefits. Who’s driving demand for all this nitrogen fertilizer? Monsanto.

Between 2005 and 2010, US growers of genetically engineered corn, largely for GMO animal feed and ethanol, increased their nitrogen fertilizer use by one billion pounds. New nitrogen fertilizer plants are being situated close to the corn and soybean growers to feed demand more efficiently. «It is a highly concentrated and oligopolistic-type industry,» says Glen Buckley, a fertilizer industry consultant who spent 30 years working at CF Industries, based in Deerfield, Ill. 3.) Koch Industries Is a Fertilizer Leader In 2010, Koch Industries was named «the world’s third-largest maker and marketer of nitrogen fertilizer,» according to the Wichita Eagle. Koch, which along with Monsanto is one of the most hated corporations in the US, is infamous for its support of extreme right-wing politicians and climate deniers. Koch Industries is part of a large system «of buying, leasing, upgrading and expanding fertilizer manufacturing, trading and distribution facilities worldwide.» It controls over 65 terminals «where it wholesales nitrogen fertilizer to co-ops and grain elevators for sale to farmers, as well as selling to the chemical industry,» reported the Eagle.  Not surprisingly, Koch’s fertilizer unit, called Koch Agronomics, has drawn the ire of environmentalists.  Pollution is «strictly monitored and legally permitted by federal, state and local governments,» Steve Packebush, president of Koch Fertilizer and vice president for nitrogen for Koch Industries told the Eagle. But how strict are those guidelines, really?  4.) Chemical Fertilizer «Enforcement» Is Often Self-Monitoring The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) acknowledges the severe harm nitrogen fertilizer does to waterways, including to marine life and humans. Yet the agency’s «enforcement» of harmful excessive farm runoff sounds a lot like an honor system.

Asked how National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, which allow farming operations to discharge nitrogen, are «enforced,» the EPA says, «The permit will require the facility to sample its discharges and notify EPA and the state regulatory agency of these results. In addition, the permit will require the facility to notify EPA and the state regulatory agency when the facility determines it is not in compliance with the requirements of a permit. EPA and state regulatory agencies also will send inspectors to companies in order to determine if they are in compliance with the conditions imposed under their permits.» Self-monitoring by private industry is of course a government trend across the board. In the late 1990’s the government rolled out the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) program which took away the majority of those «pesky» federal meat inspectors’ duties and allowed Big Meat to self-police its own slaughterhouses. Sometimes US meat inspectors were openly defied and laughed at. HACCP was quickly dubbed Have a Cup of Coffee and Pray. Meat inspectors identified greater amounts of feces and contamination in meat soon after the program was instituted. Since then, self-policing by food producers has only been expanded. 5.) Nitrogen Fertilizer Pollutes the Environment and Drinking Water As most people know, nitrogen runoff from non-organic farms and feedlots into waterways causes hypoxic conditions — lack of oxygen — which regularly kill fish in shocking quantities.

Two-thirds of the US drinking water supply is contaminated at high levels with carcinogenic nitrates or nitrites, almost all from excessive use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer. Some public wells have nitrogen at such a high level that it is dangerous and even deadly for children to drink the tap water.

Nitrogen fertilizer is also the greatest contributor to the infamous «dead zones» in the Gulf of Mexico, the Chesapeake Bay, the coasts of California and Oregon, and 400 other spots around the world. Since very little synthetic nitrogen fertilizer was used before 1950, all of the damage we see today occurred in the last 60 years. Excessive nitrates in drinking water, common in the corn-growing areas of the US, are known to cause deadly «blue baby» syndrome in infants, and have been linked to cancer in adults. In combination with herbicide residues such as Syngenta’s atrazine, nitrates become even more toxic, potentially causing brain damage and hormone disruption.

In some rural areas, fertilizer pollution levels are 10 times beyond so-called «allowable levels,» although golf courses and homeowner fertilizer and pesticide use in urban areas also contribute to the problem. Last fall, the Des Moines Water Works sued three neighboring farming counties over their nitrate discharges but, reported the Associated Press, «the litigation has provoked intense criticism from Iowa’s powerful agricultural industry, which argues that farmers are already taking voluntary measures to control them.» 6.) Nitrogen Fertilizers Harm Workers and Communities Anhydrous ammonia, a nitrogen compound compressed into a clear, colorless liquid for easy application, is extremely dangerous to workers and neighboring communities. It poses explosion and fire hazards as well as respiratory risks.

«It [Anhydrous ammonia] must be stored and handled under high pressure, requiring specially designed and well-maintained equipment,» says the University of Minnesota’s extension site. «In addition, to ensure their safety, workers must be adequately educated about the procedures and personal protective equipment required to safely handle this product.» In 2013, an anhydrous ammonia explosion and fire at the West Fertilizer Company storage near Waco, Texas, killed 15 and injured 160, and caused 150 buildings to be razed. (At the time, Governor Rick Perry was in Chicago recruiting businesses to relocate in Texas, where safety regulations were more lax and would not cut into their profits.) In 2006, railroads asked to be relieved of their common carrier obligation to haul fertilizer products like anhydrous ammonia or to be protected by a liability cap. Accidents like last year’s in South Carolina, where people within a 1.5- mile radius of a derailed train carrying ammonium nitrate and anhydrous ammonium were evacuated, occur regularly. Yet the Fertilizer Institute trade group says «The historically high safety record of anhydrous ammonia transport by rail has been achieved over the years by the fertilizer industry, the railroads and tank car manufacturing and leasing companies working in a close cooperative effort.»

7.) Chemical Fertilizers Destroy the Soils’ Natural Ability to Sequester Excess Atmospheric CO2 According to GMO no-till advocates, adding nitrogen fertilizer to soil, is supposedly «climate friendly» because it allegedly helps crops draw CO2 from the atmosphere and sequester it in the soil as organic carbon. But University of Illinois soil scientists disputed this view in «The Myth of Nitrogen Fertilization for Soil Carbon Sequestration,» a research paper published in the Journal of Environmental Quality:

«…excessive [fertilizer] application rates cut profits and are bad for soils and the environment. The loss of soil carbon has many adverse consequences for productivity, one of which is to decrease water storage. There are also adverse implications for air and water quality, since carbon dioxide will be released into the air, while excessive nitrogen contributes to the nitrate pollution problem.»

Not surprisingly, much of the organic carbon decline the researchers identified occurred in the fertilized soil found in corn belts. The ETC group agrees with the University of Illinois researchers.

There is growing recognition that synthetic fertilizers are a major contributor to climate-destroying greenhouse gases (GHG). The estimated cost of environmental damage from reactive nitrogen emissions is between $70 billion and $320 billion in the European Union alone.»

8.) Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Chemical Fertilizers Are a Major and Persistent Greenhouse Gas Pollutant

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is responsible for approximate 5 percent of all US greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Nitrous oxide is naturally present in the atmosphere as part of the Earth’s nitrogen cycle, and has a variety of natural sources. However, human activities such as agriculture, fossil fuel combustion, wastewater management, and industrial processes are increasing the amount of N2O in the atmosphere.

The primary cause of N2O contamination of the atmosphere are the nitrogen fertilizers used in industrial (non-organic) agriculture.

Nitrous oxide molecules, in comparison to other greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane, stay in the atmosphere for a very long time, an average of 114 years. NO2 also has much more potent heat-trapping characteristics. The impact of one pound of N2O on warming the atmosphere is 300 times that of one pound of carbon dioxide.

Although transportation, industry and energy producers are significant and well-recognized GHG polluters, few people understand that the worst US greenhouse gas emitter is «Food Incorporated,» industrial food and farming. Industrial food and farming accounts for a huge portion of US greenhouse gas emissions. EPA’s ridiculously low estimates range from 7 percent to 12 percent, but some climate scientists believe the figure could be as high as 50 percent or more. Industrial food and farming also destroys the natural capacity of plants and soils to sequester atmospheric carbon.

Many climate scientists now admit that they have previously drastically underestimated the dangers of the non-CO2 GHGs, including nitrous oxide, which are responsible (along with methane) for at least 20 percent of global warming.

Nearly all nitrous oxide pollution comes from dumping billions of pounds of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer and sewage sludge on farmland (chemical fertilizers and sludge are banned on organic farms and ranches), mainly to grow animal feed or produce ethanol. Given that about 80 percent of US agriculture is devoted to producing factory-farmed meat, dairy and animal feed, reducing agriculture GHGs means eliminating the over-production and over-consumption of factory-farmed meat and animal products.

The most climate-damaging greenhouse gas poison used by industrial farmers is synthetic nitrogen fertilizer. Pesticide manufacture and use are also serious problems, which generate their own large share of GHGs during manufacture and use (more than 25 billion pounds per year). But, about six times more chemical fertilizer is used than toxic pesticides on US farms.

German chemical corporations developed the industrial processes for the two most widely used forms of synthetic nitrogen in the early 1900s. But until World War II, US use of synthetic nitrogen as a fertilizer was limited to about 5 percent of the total nitrogen applied. Up until that time most nitrogen inputs came from animal manures, composts and fertilizer (cover) crops, just as it does on organic farms today.

During the Second World War, all of the European powers and the US greatly expanded their facilities for producing nitrogen for bombs, ammunition and fertilizer for the war effort. Since then, both the use of nitrogen fertilizer and bomb-making capacity have soared. By the 1990s, more than 90 percent of nitrogen fertilizer used in the US was synthetic.

According to the USDA, the average US nitrogen fertilizer use per year from 1998 to 2007 was 24 billion 661 million pounds. To produce that nitrogen, the manufacturers released at least 6.7 pounds of GHG for every pound produced. That’s 165 billion, 228 million pounds of GHGs spewed into the atmosphere every year, just for the manufacture of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer. Most of those emissions are nitrous oxide, the most damaging emissions of US agriculture.

Regenerative Organic Farming and Ranching Can Drastically Reduce GHG Emissions

The currently catastrophic, but largely unrecognized, greenhouse gas damage from chemical farms and industrial food production and distribution must be reversed. This will require wholesale changes in farming practices, government subsidies, food processing and handling. It will require the conversion of millions of chemical farms, feedlots and CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) to organic production. It will require the establishment of millions of urban backyard and community gardens.   If we carried out a full environmental impact statement on industrial and factory farming synthetic nitrogen fertilizer use, we would never give these practices a permit for agricultural use. Ironically, although factory farming is responsible for more GHGs than any other US industry, it will not be regulated under proposed EPA regulations designed to limit GHGs, unless citizens demand it. We must demand that methane pollution from factory farms and synthetic nitrogen fertilizer pollution on chemical farms be highly taxed and regulated in the short term, and phased out, as soon as possible. We must substitute instead cover crops, compost and compost tea, as currently utilized in organic farming and ranching.

In the meantime, consumers should boycott all foods and products emanating from Monsanto and its Evil Twin: the chemical fertilizer industry.


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Project Consent: la campaña que muestra la importancia del respeto al consentimiento sexual

Project Consent: Si es no, ¡Es No!

2016-03-11 / Monserrat López Piña / Redacción starMedia
La asociación no lucrativa estadounidense Project Consent te explica a través de tres videos animados qué es el consentimiento

A través de una campaña sexual compuesta por tres videos animados, cuyos protagonistas son un pene, una vagina, un seno, unos glúteos y una mano, la asociación no lucrativa estadounidense Project Consent (Proyecto Consentimiento), busca prevenir el acoso y abuso sexual. Así como crear consciencia acerca del consenso que debe existir cuando se tienen relaciones sexuales.

Los videos que duran tan sólo 20 segundos cada uno, fueron realizados por la agencia publicitaria Juniper Park de Canada, quienes utilizaron un singular estilo de animación de plastilina, con una clara connotación sexual.

En cada uno de los videos se muestra una situación distinta, en la que una de las partes intenta entablar contacto sexual y la otra se niega. Sin embargo, esta negativa es aceptada de manera pacífica.

Directo y sin rodeos, este proyecto refleja interacciones habituales entre un hombre y una mujer, las cuales no obligan a la mujer a tener relaciones sexuales con el hombre. El mensaje es claro: Bailar o reír no son una invitación a tener sexo ni una forma de consentimiento implícito.

La campaña fue creada por la estudiante universitaria Sraa Li, bajo el lema “El consentimiento es sencillo. Si no es ‘sí’, es ‘no’», y su intención es muy clara: “hablar sobre el consentimiento de forma abierta”, ya que en su opinión no debería ser difícil “No deberíamos necesitar usar el té o alguna otra cosa para explicar qué es o no inapropiado”, dice, en referencia a un popular vídeo que buscaba transmitir un mensaje similar. “Hablar sobre el consentimiento, o el sexo, o cualquier cosa bajo ese paraguas no debería ser un tabú”.

Con estos videos Li quiere “despertar la conciencia sobre el acoso sexual de una forma que realmente inicie el debate y el cambio”. Así como combatir las creencias que fomentan el abuso sexual o la violación, ya que hoy en día aún existen muchas víctimas de violación que se culpan bajo la idea de haber provocado a su agresor.

La ONG Project Consent comenzó su labor en junio de 2014, con el objetivo de crear una cultura basada en el consentimiento, en oposición a una cultura en la que las víctimas de violación son estigmatizadas.

Las tres animaciones alcanzaron más de dos millones de reproducciones cada una semana después de su publicación. A continuación las mismas:

Fuente de la noticia:

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Pollster says old-fashioned press conferences and media lines don’t work in transparency-focused

While it celebrates its centennial, bad news has forced the university's public relations team on the defensive.

Canadá/CBCNews-BritishColumbia/2 de abril de 2016/Autor: Jason Proctor

Resumen: La Universidad Británica de Columbia es una de las universidades
públicas más importantes de Canadá y actualmente se encuentra sumergida en
una crisis generada por problemas de diversas índole, los cuales van desde
asaltos sexuales a motines en algunas facultades. Dado a una disputa entre
el personal rector de la Universidad en los campus de Vancouver y Okanagan,
se ha generado comentarios en los medios sociales propiciado por los
estudiantes, donde se exhibe la información de los eventos en los campus
que han generado grandes sumas de dinero; los estudiantes han pedido
transparencia a las autoridades. Por otro lado, la UBC ha tenido que hacer
frente a la votación de la Asociación de Profesores de no confianza en el
consejo de administración, en tanto, los críticos se han quejado de que la
junta está tratando a la universidad como una corporación.


Pollster says old-fashioned press conferences and media lines don’t work
in transparency-focused era

As the University of British Columbia stumbles from crisis to crisis,
smiling officials have attempted to put a brave face on problems ranging
from sexual assaults to faculty mutiny.

It’s understandable that one of Canada’s most revered public institutions
would want to protect its reputation. But at what point does the obsession
with good public relations become a problem in and of itself?

Amplifying the damage?

There’s a telling point in Madam Justice Lynn Smith’s review of the fiasco
that resulted in former board of governors’ chairman John Montalbano’s
resignation last October.

One that speaks to PR issues which continue to dog the university.

If you haven’t been following the soap opera intrigue inside UBC’s hallowed
halls, Montalbano stepped down in November after Smith found UBC failed to
protect the academic freedom of Jennifer Berdahl.

She’s the professor who blogged about her suspicion suddenly
departed former president Arvind Gupta lost a «masculinity contest» with
school leadership.

UBC professor Jennifer Berdahl wrote a blog suggesting former president
Arvind Gupta had lost a masculinity contest with school leadership.

Never mind that copies of emails between Montalbano and Gupta leaked months
later appeared to back up that claim; not for the first or last time,
UBC’s PR-centric approach to a situation only served to amplify the damage.

The judge didn’t find Montalbano broke any policies himself, but said
nobody stopped him from making an «unprecedented and unwise» direct call to
Berdhahl to tell her how unhappy he was with her musings.

Instead, the office of the dean of the Sauder School of Business appears to
have been worried about potential fallout from the posting on a blog
which — realistically — most people might never have heard of had the whole
situation not been handled so spectacularly badly.

«Concerned about Mr. Montalbano, Sauder’s reputation and future fundraising
prospects, the dean’s office conveyed a message about those concerns to Dr.
Berdahl,» Smith wrote.

«At the same time, it failed to elicit her point of view or state support
for her in the exercise of her academic freedom.»

Transparency demanded

In case you missed that — essentially — the university was more worried
about looking good than acting well.

It’s an approach veteran pollster Mario Canseco says appears to be typical
of the way UBC handles problems — one stuck in an era when crisis
communication meant a press conference and an apology.

«The era of holding press conferences is coming to an end,» says Canseco,
vice-president of Insights West.

«If you don’t engage people using the tools that they’re communicating
with, it’s going to be very difficult to try to turn the tide and change
perceptions they have of you and your brand.»

With 60,000 students and 15,000 staff split between its Vancouver and
Okanagan campuses, Canseco says UBC is effectively a small community. One
that would rank somewhere between Prince George and Nanaimo in scale.

Given the youth of the student population, he says it’s impossible not to
expect social media buzz around major events on campus to outstrip official
proclamations. And what’s demanded is transparency.

Former UBC president Arvid Gupta abruptly relinquished his post last
August. The university has struggled to explain why ever since. (UBC)

This week, UBC has had to deal with the faculty association’s vote of no
confidence in the board of governors, continued fallout from the Gupta
affair and the search for a new president.

The university’s vice-president of external relations has called the vote a
«healthy internal discussion» which is good to have in a place full of «big
personalities and big egos».

But critics have complained the board is treating the university like a
corporation, as opposed to the open marketplace of ideas, dissent and
democratic principles that you might hope for from a post-secondary

Cardinal rules for risk communication

In 1988, a pair of American researchers laid out what are still considered
the seven «cardinal rules» for risk communication.

Chief among them: «be honest, frank and open»; «speak clearly and with
compassion»; and «accept and involve the public as a legitimate partner.»

Granted, what’s happening on campus may not rise to the level of health,
safety or environmental threat risk communication is usually meant to
convey, but good public relations borrows from the same principles.

Canseco says these are lessons he learned himself after the dramatically
wrong predictions pollsters made about B.C.’s 2013 election.

«I’ve done 35 elections in my life. In the 34 that went well, nobody called
me,» he says.

«You need to be able to face all of the controversy that comes when
something goes wrong and the best way to do it is be open and say, ‘this is
what happened,and this is why it will never happen again.'»

The facts about Gupta’s departure have gradually emerged through access to
information requests, leaks, and the former president’s decision to break
his own non-disclosure agreement.

But the process has left UBC looking like it is being dragged into the
light instead of leading the charge.

There’s another telling moment, this one from the *massive FOI dump*
the university released almost half a year after Gupta’s sudden resignation.

It’s a four-page summary of the «various chatter around social media»
prepared by a communications officer for UBC managing director of public
affairs Susan Danard on the day Gupta’s departure was first announced in
August 2015.

«Arvind Gupta» was trending in Vancouver by 1:15 p.m. with an average of
«400 people at any given moment reading the Arvind article» on the
university’s website.

The memo lists four «main themes of tweets» including «what’s the real

We’re still waiting.



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Canadá: What is the impact of decentralization on student achievement?

Resumen: Estudios realizados por la Asociación Canadiense de Educación, demuestran
un mejor desarrollo estudiantil en aquellos distritos en los cuales la
incorporación de manera descentralizada de Padres y miembros de las
comunidades a la toma de decisiones cotidiana en la administración de
escuelas, se ha logrado establecer con éxito.

Evidence suggests decentralization from provincial and territorial
governments to local school districts may not be sufficient to improve
achievement and that increased autonomy for communities and teachers is
necessary to improve schools and learning. Decentralization works if local
players are given the resources and empowerment to attain increased student

When decentralization encourages increased local participation in school
management, it improves accountability and responsiveness to student needs
and fosters better use of resources, thus improving conditions for
students. It is argued that the gap between government officials and
schools is just too great to enable speedy and informed decisions. Closer
parent-school partnerships can also improve learning in both the classroom
and home environments. This parent collaboration can elicit commitment to
self-made decisions and greater accountability on thepart of teachers and
principals who are better able to make the best decisions for improving
school operations and learning.


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Canada: Quebecois teachers want to give each student equal chances opportunity

21 March 2016 | Internacional de la Educación

Resumen:  Profesores de Quebec debaten y comparten experiencias en conferencia sobre Educación organizada por la Centrale des syndicats du Québec, sobre uno de los retos más importantes en la educación,: la igualdad de oportunidades. Esta importante actividad  se celebró del 15 al 16 de marzo en Montreal, Canadá.

Canada: Quebecois teachers want to give each student equal chances opportunity (21 March 2016)

The Rendez-vous CSQ de l’éducation 2016 represented a crucial occasion for Quebec’s teacher unionists to debate and share experiences on one of the most important challenges in education, i.e. equal opportunities for all.

This significant conference on Education hosted by the Education International’s affiliate, the Centrale des syndicats du Québec, with the theme ‘Everyone deserves an equal chance to write his futur’, was held from 15-16 March in Montreal, Canada.

Conferences, workshops and conversations were organised on the utmost importance of education to help reduce social inequalities and how schools can bridge the gap and bring about social justice.

You will find the video of the conference’s opening, featuring Anthony Harmon, United Federation of Teachers/USA, and Nico Hirtt, founding member of the Appel pour une école démocratique (Appeal for a democratic school) here

For more information, please visit the event website here; and documents pertaining to the event can be found here

You can also join the conversation on Twitter: #ÉducationCSQ and #Unite4Ed

Fuente: Canada: Quebecois teachers want to give each student equal chances opportunity

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