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México: Castigan a estudiantes por usar lengua indígena

México / Autor: Redacción / Fuente: Así Noticias

Eduardo Backhoff Escudero, consejero presidente del Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE), informó que, de acuerdo con la Evaluación de las Condiciones Básicas para la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje, se encontró que entre 13 y 16 por ciento de los estudiantes de primarias indígenas reportaron haber sido regañados o castigados por hablar su lengua indígena en la escuela.

Al celebrar el Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna, Backhoff Escudero afirmó que “el derecho a usarla y a recibir educación a través de ella se ve amenazado con frecuencia. Las limitaciones al uso de la propia lengua no han desaparecido del mundo.

Backhoff Escudero subrayó que aunque las escuelas cuentan con maestros hablantes de lengua indígena, sólo 60 por ciento de ellas dispone de personal docente que habla los idiomas indígenas de todos sus estudiantes.

El presidente del INEE destacó que, de acuerdo con los resultados de la Consulta Previa Libre e Informada a Pueblos y Comunidades Indígenas, “éstas desean que su lengua materna sea enseñada en las escuelas y sea vehículo para el aprendizaje junto con el español.

Al presentar la ponencia La Lengua Materna y la Evaluación, la consejera de este Instituto, Sylvia Schmelkes del Valle, destacó que la educación es elemento indispensable para preservar, fortalecer y desarrollar culturas. “Un país que se considera plurilingüe deberá asegurar que la educación que ofrezca a los pueblos indígenas logre un bilingüismo real, oral y escrito, en la lengua indígena al que se pertenece, y al español”, dijo.

Consideró conveniente que las lenguas indígenas se enseñen, como opción, en todos los niveles educativos.

Anunció que el INEE está analizando los resultados de un estudio exploratorio para adaptar la Evaluación del Desempeño Docente a las condiciones de, entre otros, los maestros indígenas, de escuelas multigrado, Telesecundarias y Telebachilleratos

La directora académica del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS), Regina Martínez Casas,comentó que todavía no sabemos con certeza cuántas lenguas se hablan en México,a pesar de que existen esfuerzos institucionales para conocer la dinámica de las lenguas nacionales.

“Falta mucha labor de documentación para generar las condiciones para cumplir plenamente los derechos lingüísticos de los pueblos indígenas, faltan políticas de comunicación para erradicar la discriminación contra las comunidades lingüísticas y se requierede másacciones,en todos los niveles educativos,para disminuir ir la brecha entre indígenas y no indígenas en México, señaló.

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España: ¿Por qué no se enseña educación ambiental en las escuelas?

Europa / España/ 26.02.2018 / Fuente:

Cómo será la industria española en el 2030. Cómo diseñaremos fabricaremos, ofreceremos servicios o produciremos alimentos. De qué nueva manera nos relacionaremos con la energía, los recursos naturales, los residuos. En qué trabajaremos y cómo nos formaremos para ello.

Estas cuestiones y muchas otras relacionadas con nuestro futuro desarrollo están incluidas en el borrador de la Estrategia Española de Economía Circular. Una iniciativa enmarcada en el Plan de Acción para la Economía Circular de la Comisión Europea y que, bajo el título España Circular 2030, estará en fase de información pública hasta el próximo 12 de marzo.

Participar en esta estrategia con nuestras aportaciones es una buena manera de contribuir al avance de la sociedad hacia un desarrollo más sostenible, limpio y responsable basado en la economía circular.

De lo que se trata es de abandonar cuanto antes el obsoleto modelo de la economía lineal (producir-usar-tirar) basado en el agotamiento de los recursos naturales y que externalizaba los costes ambientales, para avanzar hacia un nuevo modelo basado en la eficiencia, que integre el cuidado del medio ambiente como valor y en el que los residuos pasen a ser recursos (producir-usar-reciclar-producir ).

Para lograrlo el documento señala la necesaria participación de la sociedad en dicha transición “dada la fuerte vinculación que tiene el éxito de la puesta en marcha de la Estrategia con la implicación de la ciudadanía en general”. Sin embargo, se olvida de una de las principales herramientas para lograr dicha implicación: la educación ambiental.

Clase de 'reciclaje' en el colegio 'verde' Amat Verdú de Sant Boi de Llobregat
Clase de ‘reciclaje’ en el colegio ‘verde’ Amat Verdú de Sant Boi de Llobregat (Ana Jiménez)

Además del Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, y el de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, en la elaboración de la Estrategia de Economía Circular han participado otros siete gabinetes del Gobierno. Pero falta un protagonista principal: el Ministerio de Educación y Cultura. Porque si algo va a requerir este inevitable cambio de paradigma es precisamente eso: educación y cultura; educación ambiental y cultura de la sostenibilidad.

Aunque el borrador destaca las campañas de sensibilización y concienciación ciudadana que se van a poner en marcha en la primera fase de la Estrategia (2018-2020) y señala que la formación y la divulgación tendrán un carácter transversal, la educación ambiental como tal permanece inédita en el documento.

Por todo ello una de las tareas más urgentes deber ser interpelar a las autoridades educativas para que, no tan solo se incorporen de manera inmediata a la Estrategia, sino que la lideren, pues sin una apuesta firme y decidida por la educación ambiental no habrá economía circular.

Es necesario que desde la Estrategia Española de Economía Circular se reclame la incorporación de las enseñanzas relacionadas con el medio ambiente (eficiencia energética, ahorro de agua, movilidad sostenible, reducción de residuos y reciclaje, conservación de la naturaleza, etc.) al currículo escolar y de forma transversal.

Si incorporamos la educación para la sostenibilidad a las diferentes áreas y materias y lo hacemos desde los primeros niveles de aprendizaje, estaremos formando a las generaciones que deberán liderar esa “España Circular 2030” de manera que no concebirán otra forma de desarrollo que no sea la de una economía circular y baja en carbono.


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Argentina: Vidal discrimina a las trabajadoras de la educación

América del Sur / Argentina/ 26.02.2018 / Fuente:

En el marco de un contexto de inflación que el propio gobierno reconoce, la gobernadora Maria Eugenia Vidal quiere imponer un tope miserable a los docentes que se trasforma en la paritaria testigo para el conjunto de los trabajadores. La oferta es la misma que la semana pasada que ha sido rechazada por los gremios. 
Se trata de un aumento del 15% en tres cuotas, que implica que un salario inicial de maestra llegue a los $14000. Agregó un bono para los que no falten ni un día este año de $6000, de $4.500 al que falte hasta cuatro veces, y de $3.000 al que falte hasta 8 veces. Se contemplan algunas excepciones como Maternidad, Vacaciones, Profilaxis, ART y otros. Es decir, con este premio al presentismo, niega el derecho a enfermedad y el derecho constitucional a huelga.

Ella y nosotras

La gobernadora que percibe una dieta de $76000 y tiene un patrimonio abultado de más de $800.000 según sus últimas declaraciones, lleva a sus hijos a una escuela privada en Castelar y paga empleadas domésticas para atenderlos, muy alejada de la vida de cualquier trabajador bonaerense. Este año recibirá en la provincia de Buenos Aires $40 mil millones en concepto de fondo de conurbano gracias al pacto fiscal votado por Cambiemos y el peronismo, además con la recaudación del aumento del impuesto inmobiliario recibirá alrededor de $4.000 millones por tomar dos ingresos que muestran que la gobernadora tiene plata. Sin embargo ataca a la educación pública y quiere mantener a cientos de miles de docentes trabajando dos y hasta tres cargos para llegar a fin de mes

El gremio docente está compuesto por 80% de mujeres y el 52% de las docentes son sostenes de hogar. Considerando que en la provincia hay muy pocos jardines públicos y no hay jardines maternales, se ven obligadas las madres que trabajan a pagar un establecimiento privado o rebuscárselas para organizar su cuidado.
Para Vidal las docentes no tienen derecho a enfermarse ya que serían castigadas y no cobrarían el premio al presentismo si un hijo se enferma, tampoco podría quedarse a cuidarlo ya que la licencia por familiar enfermo no entra dentro de las excepciones para cobrar el presentismo.

En Mendoza el año pasado, Cambiemos impuso luego de una gran lucha docente el ITEM AULA apoyado por Libres del Sur en la provincia. Este Ítem no es más ni menos que un premio al presentismo o un castigo a la enfermedad y al derecho a huelga, esto ha tenido un impacto negativo en las condiciones de trabajo de las docentes que asisten enfermos a trabajar para no perder el abono.

Nuestra salud y la de nuestros hijos valen más que sus ganancias

A pocos días del paro internacional de mujeres el 8 de marzo, las trabajadoras de la educación ya han votado en las seccionales combativas de SUTEBA La Matanza , Tigre y Ensenada parar ese día y exigen a SUTEBA y Ctera que convoquen al paro para mostrar la fuerza imparable para hacer temblar la tierra que tenemos.
Las docentes que reciben día a día a los hijos del pueblo trabajador en las escuelas públicas y no solo los educan sino que los alimentan. El 94,5 % de ellos comen en los comedores escolares por $16,40 al día que es el presupuesto que destina Vidal por alumno, es decir $328 por mes mientras la Canasta Básica Alimentaria relevada por el INDEC para un niño de 8 años es de $ 1.462 al mes. Vergonzante.

Es por eso que defender la educación pública es defender la calidad de vida de millones de hijos de los trabajadores, es defender los derechos que las trabajadoras hemos conquistado con lucha y que ningún funcionario de este gobierno de CEOs tiene la autoridad moral para quitarnos; le roban a los jubilados, evaden impuestos y fugan millones a paraísos fiscales y ahora atacan el derecho a las mujeres trabajadoras de la educación a enfermarse, a cuidar de los hijos enfermos y un derecho elemental de los trabajadores que es el derecho a huelga.

Vidal con nosotras no! Las docentes unidas con las madres, las alumnas, nuestros compañeros trabajadores debemos imponer las conducciones sindicales un plan de lucha para derrotar el plan de ajuste y ataque del gobierno. El pasado 21F cientos de miles mostraron la voluntad de lucha a pesar de los dirigentes, allí se anunció el paro internacional de mujeres pero ningún gremio lo convocó efectivamente todavía. Hace falta que los gremios convoquen asambleas para votar el paro y que este 8 M millones puedan y ganar las calles por las demandas de las mujeres con el conjunto de los trabajadores

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Perú: Colegio público para personas invidentes arranca proceso de matrículas

América del Sur/ Perú/ 26.02.2018 / Fuente:

A punto de cumplir 77 años, la institución educativa especial Luis Braille empezó su proceso de matrícula abierta y gratuita en el distrito de Comas.  Este plantel, que se ha convertido en el único de su tipo en el Perú, recibe estudiantes de inicial, primaria y secundaria con ceguera o baja visión.

Ubicada en la Av. El Maestro Peruano 340, a la altura del paradero Politécnico en la Av. Túpac Amaru y del paradero Tres Postes en la Panamericana Norte, esta escuela pública brinda también a sus estudiantes talleres ocupacionales de computación, música, masajes, shiatsu (dígito presión), artesanía y manualidades.

Cuenta además con el Programa de Rehabilitación dirigido a las personas adultas que perdieron recientemente la visión y presenta un servicio de internado para los estudiantes procedentes de las diferentes regiones del país, de igual modo con un servicio de comedor escolar.

«Para optimizar el aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes, contamos con el servicio de impresiones en braille, gracias al cual los estudiantes cuentan con separatas textos y libros en este sistema«, afirmó el director del plantel, Alfredo Zárate Chávez, quien también es una persona invidente y da el ejemplo de que con esfuerzo de logran las metas.

La institución educativa como complemento de la formación integral del estudiante, continuó Zárate, cuenta con una piscina semiolímpica, una cancha de grass sintético y una losa deportivapara desarrollar y potenciar sus habilidades físicas.

«Los estudiantes que egresan del colegio Luis Braille o bien continúan estudios superiores o se insertan en el mercado laboral de manera competitiva», señaló el director del plantel, quien animó a asumir el reto a las familias de niños con discapacidad visual.

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Interview with Ong Ye Kung: Skills are something that activate your knowledge

In the first of a four-part series, Education Minister Ong Ye Kung explains why he places skills above degrees

A man who places such a high premium on skills over the paper chase does not mind sharing that this year, under his watch, more school leavers will be able to land a place in the local universities.

The cohort participation rate (CPR) – or the proportion of those from this age group making their way to universities – will rise to 37.5 per cent from 35 per cent last year.

Despite the shrinking cohort size, this means the number of those heading to the six publicly funded universities is still higher than last year’s figure and translates to just over 16,000 places.

Between them, they will enrol in over 250 degree programmes, including new courses in emerging fields such as smart city management, data science and artificial intelligence.

Education Minister in charge of Higher Education and Skills Ong Ye Kung, who revealed this in an interview with The Straits Times, says with the increase, the Ministry of Education is well on track to meeting the 40 per cent cohort participation rate that the Government aims to achieve by 2020.

What happens after 2020? Will this figure be relooked? After all, there has been much discussion recently on the Singapore economy needing a more highly educated and skilled workforce.

 Minister Ong says the figure of 40 per cent for 2020 refers only to funded places at the autonomous universities for junior college or polytechnic students proceeding to full-time undergraduate studies before they enter the workforce.
Mr Ong Ye Kung, 48, was elected Member of Parliament for Sembawang GRC in September 2015, and subsequently appointed Acting Minister for Education in charge of higher education and skills.

He was also concurrently appointed Senior Minister of State for Defence.

On Nov 2016, he was promoted to Education Minister (Higher Education and Skills), and concurrently Second Minister in the Ministry of Defence.

Prior to his Cabinet appointment, Mr Ong held the position of director of group strategy at Keppel Corporation, overseeing long-term strategic planning of the group’s activities.

Before joining Keppel, he was the deputy secretary-general of the National Trades Union Congress, overseeing the labour movement’s employment and employability programmes.

He held various positions in the Government earlier.

These include being chief executive of Singapore Workforce Development Agency, where he spearheaded many initiatives to build up the continuing education and training infrastructure.

He was principal private secretary to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong from 2003 to 2005, and press secretary to Prime Minister Lee from 1997 to 2003.

Mr Ong was also the deputy chief negotiator for the US-Singapore Free Trade Agreement.

Mr Ong graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science with a first-class honours Bachelor of Science (Economics) degree, and holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the Institute of Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland.

He is married with two teenage children.


It’s hard to say. When I was young, I was always interested in art. I drew comics, superheroes, gongfu characters – so if I were to follow my interests it will probably take me into art – perhaps digital animation. I will look at what course will train me best in those skills, so I will probably go to a polytechnic. If there is a degree in that field, I might go for it, provided it could teach me the skills I need. But having said that, I am also interested in science and maths, and if I go with the flow of what is expected of me, I may take a degree pathway, especially since degrees are still the dominant currency.

MR ONG YE KUNG, on whether he would choose the skills or degree path if he were 18 again and heading to further studies.

It does not take into account those who study part-time for degrees at both the public and private institutions here as well as those who head overseas. If these figures were included, then the proportion of degree holders among an age group is likely to be 50 to 60 per cent, similar to that for many developed countries.

But pressed further, he says: «In time to come, we hope that 100 per cent of Singaporeans will have skills or qualifications that are on a par with having a degree, or even master’s, in terms of job prospects.»

He stands by his constant refrain that Singaporeans should stop believing that university education is the only way to develop an individual’s potential.

«This could be in the form of a degree, a master’s, a specialist diploma, an accumulation of short courses attained in different phases of your life, or just something that the industry knows you are good at, without any paper qualifications. It is about having a high level of expertise, passion and mastery in a particular area, » he says.

Although university degrees are the «currency» to land good jobs at the moment, he stresses that deep skills are what will count for career progression.

He notes that Singapore’s economy has diverse needs and will require diverse talents from a spectrum of expertise. As such, the Government is looking at providing «diverse and multitudinous» pathways for people to build skills.

«Ultimately, it is not about having a degree for its sake, but about skills for work and for life. Throughout their lifetime, everyone should have that depth of knowledge and agility in applying their skills in different contexts. There are many paths to arrive there.

«One dominant path is to study, get a degree and work for the rest of your life. For that, we have a CPR that we plan for. Even in that traditional path, we are trying to make it more varied, through different universities, different teaching methods, different subjects and different domain expertise.»

But he admits that many employers still hire on the basis of qualifications, and this gets in the way of Singaporeans chasing skills instead of degrees.

«I speak to many employers and the bosses all agree with the idea of looking beyond academic results and degrees. Yet, they have not changed their hiring practices significantly. One employer of a fairly big company recently told me that he hires for skills, but when elaborating, he said he doesn’t just go for second upper honours any more… Now he hires graduates with second lower honours as well.»

Mr Ong urges employers to «go through the trouble» and be open to using various assessments and to hire based on skills, so as to find workers with the right fit to grow their businesses.

He goes on to list the important skills – both hard and soft – that all Singaporeans, including graduates, should acquire .

Because technological changes are «turning industries upside down», graduates need to understand the latest technologies and be able to work with them.

«I am not saying you need to be a coder or an IT expert. But it will be good to have a basic understanding of technology and how it can be used in the field you are in.»

With the advance of artificial intelligence, he advises Singaporeans not to be like robots.

«If you work like a robot, you will be replaced by a robot,» he said. In this era we must be «more human than ever – in anything we do», he says, pointing to the fact that AI is not very good at jobs that require creativity, empathy, critical thinking, leadership or artistic expression.

The other force to be reckoned with is globalisation, which is still gathering pace.

«Singapore’s economy will become more connected than ever to the region and the world,» he says. So Singaporeans must aim to take a cue from the expatriate talents coming to the Republic. They must have the hunger and sense of adventure to go out of Singapore and seize opportunities in a foreign land.

And Singaporeans must be able appreciate and operate within different cultures. Mr Ong reminds graduates that with half of their peers holding degrees, they cannot rely on just their qualifications to stand out from the crowd.

«In this landscape, you can no longer say, ‘I am a degree holder and am therefore different from others.’ You have to go beyond that. You have to develop a niche… and be able to sell and present that niche as your area of mastery and differentiate yourself,» he says.

Asked if he would place skills above degrees, he says it need not be one above the other.

«The traditional view is that a degree is above skills, but that is because when we think of skills in Singapore, we think of vocational skills acquired through polytechnic and Institute of Technical Education courses.

«You accumulate knowledge through a degree course, but to convert the knowledge into something useful to society, you require skills. Skills are something that activate your knowledge. From that perspective, skills are above degrees.

«The truth is, both are needed – it is a mesh of what you know and what you can do.»

He stresses that parents, students and employers all need to embrace this larger definition of skills future.

«That’s really the skills we’re referring to in SkillsFuture,» he says, referring to the national movement to harness the aspirations and talents of the population and encourage Singaporeans to keep on learning and upgrading their knowledge and skills.

He hopes that society as a whole will recognise and celebrate the spectrum of success in different fields. » If society sticks to a narrow notion of success, then we will always be stuck in it. Society must embrace them all. Only then will we have true diversity in meritocracy… not just academic meritocracy but a meritocracy of skills.»

In partnership with

By: Sandra Davir.


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Yoga deportivo en las escuelas de todo Uruguay hasta 2019

América del Sur / Uruguay/ 26.02.2018 / Fuente:

El Consejo de Educación Inicial y Primaria de Uruguay resolvió instaurar yoga deportivo en todas las escuelas del país hasta 2019. La iniciativa ya había sido puesta en marcha y ahora se extendió a recintos educativos rurales y especiales.

La asesora en Educación Física, Marta Machado, señaló que “quería ver cómo funcionaban estas nuevas experiencias en otro tipo de lugares”. Además, agregó que “estas prácticas generan un espacio para que los niños tomen conciencia no solo de sus propios estados de ánimo y emociones, sino también de lo que sienten los demás compañeros. El yoga deportivo trabaja desde higiene de columna hasta posturas motrices, pasando por concientización postural, ubicación temporofacial, conciencia corporal y control emocional”, según publicó La Diaria.

Esta propuesta fue aprobada luego que fuera puesta en marcha en la escuela 125 de La treja durante dos años, siendo un éxito.

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The reality of free education for all in Ghana

Asia/Ghana/ 26.02.2018/ By:

Since gaining independence in 1957, Ghana has focused on improving access to education and achieving universal enrolment.

Primary education became free in 1961 and the 1980s saw major reforms swept through the education system, including restructuring primary and secondary education and introducing vocational classes.

In September 2017, the Ghanaian government made secondary education free, with President Nana Akufo-Addo reportedly saying: «There will be no admission fees, no library fees, no science centre fees, no computer laboratory fees, no examination fees, no utility fees. There will be free textbooks, free boarding and free meals.»

The benefits of the Ghanian government’s focus on education are reflected in the country’s rising literacy rate. According to UNESCO statistics from 2010, the literacy rate among 15-24-year-olds is 85.72 percent, compared with 34.89 percent in those aged 65 or older.

Despite these measures, many children, particularly those living in rural areas, struggle to stay in school.

Economic necessity forces children to drop out of school in search of work, and girls are often charged with looking after younger siblings and helping with domestic work.

NGOs are attempting to address these issues at the community level and ensure every child has access to education.

Johnson Ayonka is the director of the Grassroots Transparency Initiative at WillWay Africa, an NGO that supports low-income communities in health, education and economic empowerment.

Jo Hallett works with Ghana School Aid and Let’s Read Ghana to provide grants to schools in rural communities and support the teaching of English in the far north of the country.

Al Jazeera spoke with Ayonka and Hallett about the realities of getting an education in Ghana today.

Al Jazeera: What effect has the recent removal of secondary school fees had on both children and schools?

Johnson Ayonka: It has had an impact, but because the national government is inefficient, the money from the central government doesn’t always get to the communities. In the very poor communities, there is the wider problem of poverty that’s forcing people to drop out, despite education being free and some schools are still charging fees because the money from the government didn’t get to them.

Even though the intention behind the policy was good, the government was not well prepared to implement it to the fullest. They also tried to implement it from the centre, instead of from the local area and the money was not made available in advance. It was sort of «putting the cart before the horse», instead of the money being there before the policy, the policy comes and then the money.

The policy is OK, the students have enrolled because they know that they’ll get free education, but after that, we find out that nothing effective takes place because what is needed is not there because of bureaucracy and inefficiency.

Al Jazeera: What are the barriers still preventing access to education today?

Jo Hallett: In the last few years, there has also been quite a push on more school buildings and a big push on enrolment and I think that [the Ghanaian government has] done very well on getting the vast majority of children into school, [but] there are huge barriers to accessing education. There’s a serious lack of trained teachers. In many of the schools we go into, the majority of the staff are volunteers or student teachers.

There’s a lack of finance for schools in general, so although the children are there, the buildings are not there, although overall they have improved, lots of schools have either very poor buildings or no buildings at all; they call it «under the tree» so classes are taught under a tree. There’s a lack of equipment and a lack of books and resources, the training of teachers, finance of all sorts and that needs to be addressed.

Often the teachers don’t get paid for several months because the District Education doesn’t have the finance to pay them and, therefore, there’s a lack of commitment on their part to some extent. Class sizes also vary enormously. A good teacher can manage quite a big class but sometimes it’s overwhelming: you go into a classroom and there are 70 pupils in there and one teacher who may not be trained, who’s trying to manage them and it’s impossible really, it’s really difficult.

There’s a lack of finance for schools in general, so although the children are there, the buildings are not there … lots of schools have either very poor buildings or no buildings at all.

Al Jazeera: How are rural communities affected?

Hallett: In many rural areas, the families are involved in subsistence farming or illegal mining and, with farming, the children get pulled out of school for harvest and sewing.

Another really significant thing that we see is the complete lack of spoken English in the rural areas. In school, after the first couple of years, the education is in English. There are 52 languages in Ghana, but the common language, and the language of government, [and] the language they’re expected to learn in is English.

If you live in a town, the chances are that you will see English sometimes and hear it, but out in the rural areas where we go in the far north, they speak a language called Guruni, which is spoken in a very small area, and it’s not written down at all so there aren’t any signposts or posters so [children] don’t have text in the environment, either in their own language or in English.

Al Jazeera: Do girls face additional challenges to entering education?

Ayonka: At the primary level the gender gap is small, it’s very, very small, and that indicates that a lot of progress has been made in the education of girls. But as girls mature into their teenage years, they face a lot of challenges because there’s a lot of gender disparity in terms of who should do house chores, so girls suffer more.

When you get closer to higher levels of education, even though the gap has reduced over the years, it’s still there because cultural factors come into play and there are issues of early marriage and families spending more on boys than on girls.

We need something to address that gap because it will relieve the economic aspects of education and leave the responsibility to the government so that families don’t have to decide: «Are we going to educate the boy and leave the girl out? Or are we going to educate both?»

Al Jazeera: What steps should the government take now?

Ayonka: What we see recently from the government is that a lot of policies and actions are done in isolation. Let’s say you see an area where there’s a high instance of teenage pregnancy and you don’t also make arrangements for the education authorities to work with the healthcare authorities and social workers; even though there’s free education, you are still going to get low enrolment because there is no coordination.

Another problem is the issue of access to the education infrastructure, there’s free education on paper but the schools are few, especially in the rural areas. You can say you want to give free education to people but if you don’t give them physical access to the schools by building more schools, then you still don’t have free education … I think communities need to be empowered to build their own schools, to recruit their own teachers, monitor the teachers and make sure that the standard of education is high.

There’s a big gap between what is happening at the government level and what is happening at the community level.

Hallett: There needs to be a bigger commitment to funding and a raising of the status of teachers. [The government] has done some really good things, some of the curriculum books are excellent, but they also need to have a bit of money and resources to back up that commitment, but I do think Ghana is trying hard.

Kayayo: Ghana's Living Shopping Baskets



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